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Unit3 Lets live a low-carbon life,lesson 11,马驹桥镇中心小学 史桂娟,Watch and think,Whats it about?,A. feelings.,B. foods.,excited,surprised,angry,happy,sad,hungry,tired,thirsty,How do they feel?,What do you want to know ?,How,Where,Who,Why,What,How ?,Come on,you boys. Are you . ?,No ,were not. Its just too hot today.Im . .,tired,thirsty,Where are they?,Listen and answer,under,Where ?,Listen and think,What are they talking about?,Read and circle,What animals are they?Where are they?,a branch,branches,WOW,How about this tree?,Is the tree big?,Is the squirrel cute?,What a big, nice tree !,What a cute squirrel !,What a clever boy !,What a nice day !,What a . . !,WOW,Can you write: What a . . !,What will you do in the forest?,Why does Lingling say“shhh“?,Please dont . . It will be . and .,shout,scared,run away,Listen and underline,. .,friendly,Listen and repeat,22,Read and write,Mike,Lingling,and Maomao are climbing up a hill.They are not_,but they stop half way(半路).Mike is_and Maomao needs to use the_.They want to rest_a big tree.In the branches of the tree,they see a cute squirrel with a big tail.They want to be_to this little animal so they stay quiet.,tired,thirsty,toilet,under,friendly,on,behind,in,in front of,under,next to,What we have learned:,Saying how you feel,Prepositions of location.(in,on,under. ),What a . .!,Homework,
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