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Unit7 What does he look like?,What does Snow White look like?,ear,eye,nose,mouth,hair,He is tall.,He is short.,What does he/she look like?,She is medium height.,heigtht,She is thin.,She is fat / heavy.,What does she look like?,She is medium build.,build,short hair,long hair,curly hair,straight hair,Hair 头发,长短+形状+颜色,Long black hair,What does she look like?,She has ,long brown hair,What does she look like?,She has ,short blonde hair,What does she look like?,She has ,curly red hair,What does he look like?,He has ,long curly hair,long straight hair,short straight hair,short curly hair,Have a new look (外表)!,I want to have,1. short hair _ 2. curly hair _ 3. long hair _ 4. straight hair _ 5. tall _,c,f,a,a,d,6. short _ 7. medium height _ 8. thin _ 9. heavy _ 10. a medium build _,h,e,b,g,e,What does she look like?,short and heavy,She is,What does he look like?,He is,tall and thin,What does he look like?,He is,medium height,tall.,mediumheight.,short.,fat,curly hair.,wear glasses,long hair,short hair,straight hair.,thin.,medium build,What does he/she look like?,记忆擂台赛!,Who will be the lucky one?,My Favorite ,Report,He is tall.,He has short straight hair.,He is from Shanghai.,He is a basketball player.,Now he is playing basketball in USA.,Guessing game,They are a group of three.,They are singers.,They are thin and medium height.,They have straight hair.,Many people like their song, Superstar.,Guessing game,He is tall.,He has long curly hair.,He works at CCTV station.,He is a host (主持人).,He is very funny.,He has a long face.,Many people love his program, Special 6 and 1.,Guessing game,tall,curly,hair,1b Listening,medium height,thin,long hair,short,medium build,short hair,描述人的长相用动词be还是 have/has,He is she,He has she,He wears She,
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