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Unit 3,My birthday,birth 出生day 天;时期birth + day =birthday 生日,Happy birthday to you.,spring,summer,fall,winter,There are four seasons in a year.,There are twelve monthes in a year.,一年有十二个月,spring,summer,fall,winter,3、4、5,6、7、8,9、10、11,12、1、2,spring,March April May,March (Mar.),3,月,April (Apr.),4,月,May,5,月,June July August,summer,June,6,月,July,7,月,August (Aug.),8,月,September October November,fall,September (Sept.),9,月,October (Oct.),10,月,November (Nov.),11,月,December January February,winter,December (Dec.),12,月,January (Jan.),1,月,February (Feb.),2,月,月份大家族,Lets learn,When is your birthday?,My birthday is in July.,Our Class birthday Chart,Group work,How many birthdays are there in january?,There are,Lets learn,How many birthdays are there in January?,There are + 数字,Mike: When is your birthday?Amy: My birthday is in February.Is your birthday in February, too?Mike: No, my birthday is in December.What about you, Zhang Peng?Zhang: My birthday is in October.,Lets talk,too和either的区别,两个都表示“也”,放在句末too表示肯定的也 如: She is Chinese. He is Chinese too.either 表示否定的也 如: She is not Chinese. He is not Chinese either.,(1)当我们想询问对方的生日是什么时候,可以用“When is+谁的+birthday?”,意为“某人的生日是什么时候?”When is his birthday? 他的生日是什么时候?(2)回答时,我们应该说“My birthday is in”My birthday is in February.我的生日在二月份。,重点句型,Lets try,Amy Her mother Her father,( February ) (March) ( June ),When is your birthday, Amy? My birthday is in February.When is your mothers birthday? My mothers birthday is in March.When is your fathers birthday? His birthday is in June.,听力原文,Lets find out,儿童节,Tree-planting dayNew Years dayChildrens dayArmy dayNational dayChristmas dayMy partners birthdayMy birthdayMy mothers birthdayMy fathers birthday,January February March April May June July August September October November December,植树节,元旦节,儿童节,建军节,国庆节,圣诞节,我同桌的生日,homework,抄写书本 28页 单词 1到12 月份 每个三遍 中文意思写上,Read and write,Grandma: What are you doing, John?John: I am making a birthday chart for our family. When is your birthday?Grandma: Its in May.John: My mothers birthday is in May, too. When is Grandpas birthday?Grandma: Its in June.,Read and write,John: There are three birthdays in June. My birthday is in June. Uncle Bills birthday is in June too. When is Aunt Marys birthday?Grandma: Her birthday is in November. Cousin Alices birthday is in April.John: Great! Heres the chart.,chart 图表make 制作for 为her 她的,words,Read and write,uncle 舅舅aunt 阿姨cousin 堂(表)兄弟 堂(表)姐妹,Read and write,Grandma: What are you doing, John?John: I am making a birthday chart for our family. When is your birthday?Grandma: Its in May.John: My mothers birthday is in May, too. When is Grandpas birthday?Grandma: Its in June.,你正在做什么?,我正在为我们的家族制作生日图表。,Read and write,John: There are three birthdays in June. My birthday is in June. Uncle Bills birthday is in June too. When is Aunt Marys birthday?Grandma: Her birthday is in November. Cousin Alices birthday is in April.John: Great! Heres the chart.,舅舅,阿姨,她的,堂妹;表妹,1. How many people are there in Johns family?,_.,2. Who are they?,_,Eight,Grandpa, grandma, Mother, father, Uncle Bill,Aunt Mary, Cousin Alice and John,_.,1. Put in the missing months.,May,June,July,2. Answer the questions.When is Grandmas birthday?_ (2) Whose birthday is in June? _,2. Answer the questions.When is Grandmas birthday?Its in May. (2) Whose birthday is in June? Grandpa, John and Uncle Bill.,Mothers birthday is in May. ( ) 2. Grandmas birthday is in March. ( ) 3. Grandpas birthday is in June. ( ) 4. Johns birthday is in June. ( ) 5. Uncle Bills birthday is in May. ( ),Answer “Yes or No“ questions,Homework :,Make your family birthday chart,What are you doing? 你正在做什么?Make a birthday chart for our family. 为我们的家庭制作一张生日图表。Uncle Bills birthday is in June. 比尔舅舅的生日是在六月。,sentences,Where is the canteen? Its on the first floor.Where is my office? Its on the second floor.,Part B Lets learn,序数词的学习,表示次序的数词叫序数词,是由基数词变化而来的。,1 one-first 2 two-second 3 three-third 4 其余的序数词是由基数词后加-th变化而来 four-fourth six-sixthseven-seventh,几个特殊变化的序数词,1 five-fifth 2 twelve-twelfth 3 eight-eighth 4 nine-ninth,整十的序数词把y变成i加-eth,1 twenty-twentieth 2 thirty-thirtieth 3 forty-fortieth 4 fifty -fiftieth 5 你能写出 sixty seventy eighty ninety 的序数词吗?,你对了吗,1.sixty-sixtieth 2.seventy-seventieth 3.eighty-eightieth 4.ninety-ninetieth,几十几的序数词,十位数不变,个位数变成序数词,1. twenty-one - twenty-first 21st 2. thirty-two - thirty-second 32nd 3. ninety-nine - ninety-ninth 99th 4. 请写出66、83、48、55的序数词,sixty-sixth, eighty-third, fourty-eighth, fifty-fifth66th 83rd 48th 55th,When is your birthday?,My birthday is August 18th.,
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