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Unit 1,Did you come back yesterday ?,Free Talk,Did you have a good summer holiday? Where did you go in the summer holidays? What did you do on summer holiday?,New Words,come back,home,back,go home,ice cream,冰淇淋,with 某人,和.一起,drop,wait,drop 过去式 dropped,wait for 某人或者某物,After dialogues, answer these questions.,When did Amy and Sam come back?,last Sunday.,They came back,Where did they go?,the park.,They went to,Who did they meet?,John.,They met,What did they buy?,some ice creams.,They bought,How did they go home?,by bus.,They went home,What happened then ?,Lingling dropped her ice cream.,Listen and say.,A: Did you come back yesterday?,B: No, we came back last Sunday.,Oh, no! I dropped my ice cream!,过去式变化规则: 1.一般在词尾加ed ,如visit-visited 2.以不发音e结尾的加d,如live-lived 3.以重读闭音节,末尾只有一个辅音字母 的(两辅夹一元)双写末尾辅音字母,再加ed ,如drop-dropped 4.以辅音字母加y结尾的,把y改为i,再加ed, 如study-studied,动词过去式,回来 come - 掉落 drop - 去 go - 遇见 meet - 买 buy - 跑 run - 坐 do/does - 吃完 finish - 是 is/am - 是 are - 居住 live - 等 wait - 参观,拜访 visit -,came,dropped,went,met,bought,ran,did,finished,was,were,lived,waited,visited,写出下列动词的过去式 1 go went 2 meet met 3 visit visited 4 see saw 5 come came 6 live lived 7 drop dropped 8 do did 9 have had 10 buy bought 11. is was 12.cook cooked 13.walk walked 14.talk talked 15.fall fell 16.do did 17.have had 18.get got 19.carry carried 20.drop dropped 21.hurry hurried22.like liked,Look and write.,Yesterday, he_ TV.,watched,Yesterday, he_ hishomework.,did,Yesterday, she _ to the park.,walked,Yesterday, he _ the piano.,played,Yesterday, he _ a car.,washed,Thank you!,
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