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Unit 3,Whats your favorite food?,B Lets learn,人教PEP五年级上册英语,Lets sing,Find the food and drink words,Monday,Tuesday,rice,beef,tomatoes,eggplant.,What do you have for lunch on Mondays ?,I have beef and rice.,Monday,Tuesday,rice,beef,tomatoes,eggplant.,What do you have for lunch on Tuesdays ?,I have tomatoes and eggplant.,吃了这么多。 到底味道怎样呢?,New words,sour!,sweet!,tasty!,salty!,tasty,salty,fresh!,healthy!,fresh and healthy,Its my favourite.,B Lets learn,Match,sweet,salty,sour,Match,sweet,salty,sour,Match,sweet,salty,sour,The apples are sweet.,请用一句话形容下面的图片,The potatoes are salty.,请用一句话形容下面的图片,The grapes are sour.,请用一句话形容下面的图片,The fish is fresh.,请用一句话形容下面的图片,They are healthy.,请用一句话形容下面的图片,返回,听一听,唱一唱,sweet,sour,tasty,salty,fresh,healthy,Not tasty,Juicy and healthy,I like But I dont like,A: Whats your favorite fruit? B:I like apples. Theyre healthy.,Practice:,See you !,
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