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Welcome,Lesson23: The Internet Good or Bad?,What do you do on the Internet?,The Internet connects us. The Internet has changed the world.,Think about it,Is the Internet good or bad for us?,Teaching Aims:,Master the new words and phrases. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet. Discuss the right ways to use the Internet.,和某人保持联系 对有害 占用 能够做 在几秒内 完成,Did you find these phrases on your books?,Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.The Internet has changed the world. People areto connect and share information in . However, the Internet has . and . But every has two sides. Spending too much time online is to peoples health. The Internet can be a useful tool, but dont let it all of your time.,Read the lesson again and fill in the table.,Language Points,1. It helps us get things done more quickly. 它能使我们把事情做得更快。get sth. done “完成,做完某事”,通常由自己完成。I got my homework finished.我做完了作业。,2. And if a friend lives far away, the Internet makes it easy to stay in touch. “make+ it+ adj. (+for sb.) +to do”意为“使做某事变得”。 The teacher tried to make it interesting for the students to learn math. 老师尽力使数学学起来有趣。,Fill in the blanks with correct words.,The Internet has many_ (优势). 2. The problem is by no means as _ (简单的) as we first thought. 3. This may seem like a dream, but it is not so _ _ (遥远的).,4. As a popular saying goes, every_ (硬币) has two sides. 5. TV can also be_ (有害的) to us. 6. He _ _(占用) too much time to play computer games every day.,How should we use the Internet?,What did we learn in this lesson?,Homework:Write a passage about “ How should I use the Internet?”,
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