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Unit4 My Holiday,1. look _ 2 walk _ 3 play_ 4 like _ 5 love_ 6 study_ 7 stop _ 8 let_ 9 watch_ 10 visit _ 11 do _ 12 go_ 13 have_ 14 wash _ 15 am/is _ 16 are _ 17 clean _ 18 read _ 19 has _ 20 fly _,小 心 地 雷!,looked,walked,played,liked,loved,studied,stopped,let,watched,visited,did,went,had,washed,was,were,flew,read red,had,cleaned,Childrens Day,May Day,National Day,Holiday,She _ on her holiday.,What did she do on her holiday?,learn English,ed,l:nd,He _ on his holiday.,What did he do on his holiday?,learn Chinese,ed,climbed a mountain,He _ on his holiday.,What did he do on his holiday?,danced,d:ns t ,What did he do on his holiday?,sang,s,What did he do on his holiday?,sang and danced,They _ on their holiday.,What did they do on their holiday?,ate good food,He _ on his holiday.,et ,et,What did he do on his holiday?,took pictures,He _ on his holiday.,What did he do on his holiday?,tuk,take pictures,Lets chant What did you do on your holiday ? I learned ,learned, learned Chinese. What did you do on your holiday ? I ate ,ate, ate good food . What did you do on your holiday ? I climbed ,climbed , climbed a mountain. What did you do on your holiday ? I took ,took, took pictures. What did you do on your holiday ? I sang and danced , sang and danced,Game:,ate good food,sang and danced,took pictures,learned Chinese,What did he do on his holiday?,climbed a mountain,Game:,took pictures,Whats missing?,sang and danced,climbed a mountain,learned Chinese,1.Did you go to a park? _ A.Yes ,I did. B.No,Idid. 2.What did you do yesterday? A.I went hiking. B.I go to a park. 3._you_books yesterday? A Do, read B Did, read 4.Did you go fishing_? A.tomorrow B. yesterday 5.She usually_ clothes on the weekend. A washes B washed,当堂检测,A,A,B,B,A,Yours, Lingling,was I happy so.,I sang Then and with friends danced my.,I to my Shanghai on holiday went .,I went to Shanghai on my holiday.,I good ate too food.,Then I sang and danced with my friends.,I was so happy.,took many I pictures.,I took many pictures.,I ate good food too.,I dancing learned.,I learned dancing.,Dear Betty,动词原形变成过去式的方法A、规则动词的过去式 (1)直接加 一般动词直接加ed (2)去e 加 结尾是e 的动词加 d (3)双写加 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,先双写这个辅音字母再加ed (4)辅音y 变i加 以辅音字母y 结尾动词,变y为i 再加ed. B、不规则动词的过去式 要记牢.,规则动词过去式-ed的发音,1.在以清辅音结尾的规则动词后, -ed读作/ t /,work /w3:k/,ed,t/,2.在以浊辅音或原音结尾的规则动词后, -ed读作/d /,play /pleI /,live /lIv /,ed,d/,ed,d/,3.在以/t/或/d/结尾的规则动词后, -ed读作/Id /,visit /vIzIt /,ed,Id/,finished enjoyed shouted moved,helped wanted called needed,/t/,/d/,/Id/,/d/,/d/,/t/,/Id/,/Id/,I _ 12 years old this year.,我去年11岁.,I _ 11 years old last year.,He _ in Beijing now.,他昨天在上海。,He _ in Shanghai yesterday.,他现在在北京。,Please look at the sentences,我今年12岁.,am,was,is,was,每天,早餐我吃鸡蛋和牛奶。,I _ eggs and milk for breakfast every morning.,昨天,早餐我吃面条。,I _ noodles for breakfast yesterday morning.,他每天都吃水果。,He _ fruit every day.,昨天他吃了3个苹果。,He _ 3 apples yesterday.,have/ has,had,have,has,had,had,I get up at 6:30 every morning. I _ up at 9:00 last Sunday.,He plays football every afternoon. He _ basketball yesterday afternoon.,He does his homework every evening. He _ some reading last night.,动词原形、第三人称单数,动词过去式,got,played,did,1.They rowed a boat.(否定句)They _ row a boat. 2. We went to Changchun. (否定句)We _ go to Changchun. 3. I went to a park on holiday.(同上)I _ go to a park on holiday. 4. I did my homework.(一般疑问句)_ you _ your homework? 5. He went ice-skating.(一般疑问句)_ he_ ice-skating?,didnt,didnt,didnt,Did,do,Did,go,They dont watch TV in the evening. They _ TV last night.,She doesnt play basketball after school. She _ basketball after school yesterday.,Do you go to school on foot every day? _ you _ to school on foot yesterday.,Does he go to school by bus every day? _ he _to school by bus yesterday?,dont/ doesnt,do/ does,didnt,did,didnt watch,didnt play,Did,Did,go,go,1.I go to China last year.一般疑问句 _ you _ to China last year? 2.I went to Harbin on my holiday.(划线部分提问) _ _ you _ on your holiday? 3.I went there by plane . _ _ you go there?划线提问 4.I went skiing .划线提问 _ _ he _?,Did,go,Where,did,go,How,did,What,did,do,路漫漫其修道远,吾将上下而求索。屈原 读不在三更五鼓,功只怕一曝十寒。郭沫若 学习必须与实干相结合。泰戈尔 学而时习之,不亦说乎?孔子 鸟欲高飞先振翅,人求上进先读书。李苦禅 求学的三个条件是:多观察、多吃苦、多研究。加菲劳 学习从来无捷径,循序渐进登高峰。高永祚 活着就要学习,学习不是为了活着。培根 立志宜思真品格,读书须尽苦功夫。阮元 读书是易事,思索是难事,但两者缺一,便全无用处。富兰克林,精品课件!,
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