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,Unit 8 Summer Vacation 暑假,Part A Review,A:Summer vacation is coming.,3.我将会去英国. ( ),B: I will go to Beijing.,B:What will you do in summer?,2.你夏天将会做什么?( ),A:Ill go to the UK.,1.暑假就要来了。( ),B:Christmas is coming.,A:What will you do in autumn?,选择题,A,B,A,I will go to the supermarket.,我将要去超市。,肯定句式:主语+will+动词原型(+其他(时间状语),我夏天将要去北京。,Ill go to Beijing in summer.,大本钟,居住,参观,英国,将要,Big Ben,will,live,visit,the UK,单词连连看,伦敦,London,大本钟,将要,伦敦,参观,Big Ben,visit,will,London,the UK,英国,英汉互译,居住,live,Part B New Lesson,王涛,夏天你将要做什么?,你将会去看长城吗?,我将会去北京。,是的,我会去。,Will you go to see the Great Wall? 你(将)会去看长城吗?,Yes, I will.是的,我会。,Will you_in summer ? Yes, I_.,Will you_in summer ? Yes, I_.,Will+主语+动词原形+时间词+?:表示对将要做某事的提问,例句: Will you go swimming in summer?,你夏天(将)会去游泳吗?,Yes, I will.,是的,我会.,Make the sentences 连词成句,go,you,Will,you,to,go,Will,swimming,you,Will,to,in summer?,Beijing,see,the Great Wall,visit,the Big Ben,你夏天将会做什么?,我将会去拉小提琴和做作业。,你将会去打篮球吗?,是的,我会。,Shell,and,.,play the violin,do her homework,What will Julia do in summer? 朱丽叶夏天将会做什么呢?,她将会拉小提琴和做她的家庭作业。,Will you play basketball in summer ?,是的,我会。,Will you fly your kite in summer?,Yes,I will.,Game(炸弹游戏),在不断上升的气球中,当看到第8单元的单词时,要又对又快地读出单词。 (陷阱:气球中含数字,字母,是炸弹,不可以读出声),ten,wonderful,one,the UK,basketball,D,homework,the Great Wall,E,visit,F,Big Ben,live,thirty,will,谁被炸到了呢?,
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