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病理学实验教学组织切片示教图选,汕头大学医学院病理教研室,组织损伤与修复 Tissue and Cellular Injury,左正常气管上皮,右鳞状上皮化生(Left: Normal columnar ciliated epithelium Right: Squamous metaplasia in bronchitis) (Prof. Orr提供),变性-结缔组织玻璃样变(Hyaline degeneration of connective tissue),变性- 结缔组织玻璃样变(Hyaline degeneration of connective tissue),变性-1.17 血管壁玻璃样变(Hyaline degeneration of vesscular wall),局损示教2-脾中央动脉玻变400倍(Arteriolar hyaline in the spleen),变性-1.18 血管壁玻璃样变(Hyaline degeneration of vesscular wall),变性-1.21 粘液样变性(Mucoid degeneration),粘液样变性(Mucoid degeneration),肝内含铁血黄素, Prussian blue 反应阳性,证明含铁离子. (Hemosiderin granules in liver .Left HE stain, Right Prussian blue) (引自ROBBINS BASIC PATHOLOGY,2003),肝内的胆色素 沉积(accumulation of bilirubin pigment in the liver) (Prof. Orr 提供),左正常皮肤内的黑色素沉积,右恶性黑色素瘤(Left Melanin Pigment in Normal Skin, Right Melanin Pigment in Malignant Melanoma),局损钙化(dystrophic calcification in necrotic tissue)40倍,肝的脂肪变性,左为大体标本,中为HE染色,右为油红染色。 (Fatty liver),肾近曲小管颗粒样变性(100倍)(Cellular swelling of kidney),肾近曲小管颗粒样变性(400倍) (Cellular swelling of kidney),肝脂肪变性(100倍)(Fatty change of liver),肝脂肪变性(400倍)(Fatty change of liver),
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