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Writing Research Proposal,徐明達,What are your objectives Why is your study important How are you going to do it,Key Points of Your Proposal,Preliminary Results,Questions,Hypothesis,Goal & Aims,Experimental Design,Expected Results,Significance,Literature Search,準備期,計畫撰寫,Competent, novel, relevant,Specific, focus, significant,Importance, exp. based,Logic,prediction,How to start(1): Ideas first,Problems and Hypothesis: evidence-based Overall Goal and Specific Aims Rationale: why your proposal is important/interesting that deserves to be supported: Extensive literature search;Convince yourself the significance and contribution of your proposal How to solve problems posed,Make a computer file and enter thoughts come up through the preparation period; modify the thoughts,How to start?,How to start?,How to start(2): how to get ideas,Goal/Specific problems,How to solve problems,Preliminary data,Literature search,Rationale,Rationale,Hypothesis,Keys to good proposal writing,Clarity, Understandable Evidence-based Conciseness Relevancy; to the point Logic,Keys to writing a successful proposal,Interesting and/or important problem Clear Concept and Rationale; Innovation Reasonable and achievable aims Easy to understand Appropriate experimental designs with feasible and up-to-date techniques Interesting preliminary/progress results and previous publications relevant to this proposal Competence of PI and record of publication,How to start writing proposal(1),Write Only Outline at the first draft; do not start by writing full proposal Write Abstract at the end Write Title of Proposal when the proposal is finished,Ideas,Title1,Title 2,Title n,Subtitle 1,Subtitle 2,Subtitle n,Paragraph,logic,logic,Writing technique: from ideas to paragraphs to sections to full proposal,Sections,Proposal,Writing a Proposal(1),Title(8) Abstract(7) Background and Rationale(2) Overall Goal and Specific Aims(1) Significance(3) Preliminary Results (relevant ones)(4) Experimental Design(5) Expected Results(6) Budget(9) Check list (for your own use),Writing a Proposal(2),Ideas, Ideas, Ideas! Write them done any time in a file or a small notebook! Based on facts ; no speculations Checking in literatures for similar ideas (usually in Introduction and Discussions) done in other systems-Key words Evolution of ideas Hypothesis Obtain preliminary results to support your hypothesis,Initial Planning: start early!,Introduction: Background and Rationale,Important and interesting problems still outstanding Your contribution (published, preliminary data); Novel and interesting findings Hypothesis and approaches to solve the problems Significance of your study,Hypothesis,Hypothesis should be based on experimental data; Hypothesis non fingo! Use relevant literatures and preliminary data to help build the case to support the hypothesis-no reinventing the wheel Seeing is believing: Use schematic figures or diagrams to help reviewers understand your thinking State your hypothesis clearly in the abstract and specific aims; alternative hypothesis in case-,Preliminary Results/ Progress Report,Show only the relevant experiments supporting your hypothesis The results should not be ambiguous Figure and table legends should be clearly written; figure numbers should correspond to the text; be sure to label the figures Do not show published results in this section,General Goal and Specific Aims,Begin with a statement of long term overall goal: overview, significance, central hypothesis List the specific aims one by one concisely Not too many aims; 2-4 best Be specific, no general and ambiguous statements Be realistic, no unachievable aims; best if supported by preliminary results Aims should be logically linked and arranged accordingly; testing your hypothesis Link to experiments in Experimental Design,Specific Aims,Specific Aim #1. Identification of downstream genes involved in -. This purpose of this aim will test the hypothesis that- Specifically,- Yeast two-hybrid technique will be used to - Deletion analysis will be used to - This study will be able to allow us to identify -,Title,Hypothesis,Approaches,Importance,highlight,brief,Specific Aim 1. To determine the role of nucleosomes in the regulation of Igk locus rearrangement. Our preliminary results showed that the V(D)J recombinase could not recognize RSS targets if they were arranged into a nucleosome structure. We propose experiments to extend these observations by 1) determining what fraction of the Jk gene segments are in the nucleosomal structure in cells undergoing rearrangement as compared with non-lymphoid cells, 2) determining if nucleosomes are phased across the Jk locus, 3)determining whether nucleosome remodeling complex can alter the accessibility of the Jk cluster in native or reconstituted chromatin. This analysis will give us insight of the mechanism of Igk gene rearrangement.,Rationale and hypothesis,Significance,
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