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Unit 3 Under the sea,“The noise made by boats of whale watching tourists may be causing communication problems for the animals,” British researchers said last week.,话题导入,Whale watching is a popular tourist activity in places where groups of killer whales live.Every day,dozens of boats filled with tourists go to watch the beautiful animals.Unfortunately,the engines of the boats make a lot of noise,and that may be causing problems for the whales,according to a report in the US science magazine Nature. The whales travel in groups,and communicate with each other through sonic(声波的) calls that some scientists refer to as singing.The sounds of the boat engines may be creating too much background noise for the whales to be able to hear each other.,The researchers listened to recordings of whale calls made between 15 and 25 years ago,before whale watching became popular.These were compared to more recent recordings. They found that the animals have started to sing for longer than they used to,like a person shouting to a friend across a noisy room. It is believed that the whales are trying to communicate hunting or breeding information.Scientists said that,if this is prevented,the future of the worlds whale population could be in danger.,“Animals become slow in mind and repeat themselves in noisy areas,” said Volker Deecke,a Canadian biologist.“They have to say things twice or three times in order to be understood.” The killer whales studied were living off the coast of northwestern America.The number of killer whales in this area has been falling for several years,but scientists are not sure why.,根据上文完成下列各题 1.The underlined word “breeding” in Paragraph 6 means “ ”. 2.The passage mainly tells us . 3.Why do whales sing?.,答案,producing young,communication problems of the killer whales caused by whale watching,To communicate with each other./To communicate hunting or breeding information,要点探究 探究重点 互动撞击思维,课文预读 回归教材 萃取文本主旨,基础自测 自主学习 落实基础知识,Period One Warming Up,Pre-reading & Reading,基础自测 自主学习 落实基础知识,1. adj. 每年的;按年度计算的;n. 年刊;年鉴adv. 每年;按年度计算 2. vt. 当场见到;目击;n. 目击者;证人;证据 3. n. 住所;住宿v. 容纳;向提供住处 4. n. 岸;海滨,重点单词,答案,annual,annually,witness,accommodation,accommodate,shore,5. vi.&n. 暂停;中止 6. vi.&n. 跳水(的动作);潜水(的动作);俯冲n. 跳水员;潜水员 7. vi. 逃避;逃跑;vt. 逃离 8. vt. 拖;拉;扯 9. n. 深(度);深处 adj. 深的;adv. 深地adv. 深深地,,答案,pause,dive,diver,flee,drag,depth,deep,deeply,10. vt. 催促;极力主张;驱策n. 紧急;迫切;强求;催促adj. 紧急的;迫切的;强求的;催促的 11. vt. 放弃;遗弃;抛弃adj. 被抛弃的 12. n. 关系;血缘关系;交往n. 关系;亲戚n. 亲戚;adj. 相对的 13. n. 保存;保护,答案,urge,urgency,urgent,abandon,abandoned,relationship,relation,relative,conservation,1. 整理;分类 2. 及时 3. 瞄准;针对 4. 在此期间;与此同时 5. 举起;支撑;耽搁 6. 帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难,sort out,in time,aim at,in the meantime,hold up,答案,重点短语,help (.) out,1.This was the call that announced there was about to be a whale hunt. 这是宣告捕鲸行动马上就要开始的声音。 2.As we drew closer,I could see a whale being attacked by a pack of about six other killers. 当我们靠的近些时,我能看到一条鲸鱼正在被其他大约六条虎鲸袭击。,好句积累,返回,3.“.And those others are stopping it diving or fleeing out to sea,” George told me,pointing towards the hunt. “而其他那些虎鲸则阻止它潜水或逃跑,”乔治一边指着捕猎的情景,一边告诉我。 4.Being badly wounded,the whale soon died. 因为严重受伤,鲸鱼很快就死了。 5.The sea was rough that day and it was difficult to handle the boat. 那天海洋上风浪大,控制船很困难。,课文预读 回归教材 萃取文本主旨,1,2,4,3,5,答案,1.According to the text,which of the following is TRUE? A.They ran down to the shore and found an enormous fish throwing itself out of the water. B.Tom couldnt tell whalers when he found a whale. C.George was a patient person. D.George could beat the water with his oar to call Old Tom.,课文阅读理解,答案 D,6,答案,2.According to the text,which of the following is NOT true? A.The killers like Old Tom are fierce yet always ready to help the whalers. B.The writer didnt believe the killers could help the whalers catch whales before working at the whaling station. C.The whalers left the body of the whale eaten up by the killers. D.It was hard to handle the boat in the rough sea.,答案 C,1,2,4,3,5,6,答案,3.Why did George beat the water with his oar? A.To frighten the whales away. B.To call back Old Tom to lead the way. C.To attract the attention of huge whales. D.To send signals to other whales.,答案 B,1,2,4,3,5,6,答案,4.Why did the men start turning the boat around to go home after the whale died? A.Because they didnt need a dead whale. B.Because they couldnt find the whales body. C.Because they knew that the dead whale wouldnt float up to the surface for around 24 hours. D.They had to do this because it was too late.,答案 C,1,2,4,3,5,6,答案,5.What does the word “it” in the sentence “He let it go and the harpoon hit the spot.” refer to? A.The whale. B.The boat. C.The harpoon. D.The killer.,答案 C,1,2,4,
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