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Unit 4 Earthquakes,A Night the Earth didnt Sleep,A Night the Earth didnt Sleep,一、说教材,二、说学情,三、说方法,四、说过程,一、说教材,教材地位和教学内容分析,教学目标,1.语言知识,2.语言技能,3.情感态度和文化知识,1.语言知识目标:学习掌握与地震有关的词汇、短语及欣赏课中出现的优美句子。,2.语言技能目标: 阅读技能的训练:学会克服生词障碍,学会略读、细读和查读的阅读技能。,让学生复述课文,分析感悟作者的写作意图。,3.情感态度和文化意识目标 了解地震的有关知识,学习在地震或突遇灾难中如何自救和救人。,懂得地震无情人有情,培养学生一方有难、八方支援的互助友爱精神。,了解自然灾害会给人类带来严重的破坏性后果,让学生感悟并领会到人类应与自然界和谐相处。,2.难点:如何使学生养成科学学习习惯,学会提取、筛选、重组信息,并学会运用。,(三)教学重点和难点:,1.重点: 训练学生阅读技巧,提高阅读能力。 掌握本课中重点词汇、短语及句子。 了解唐山大地震,了解地震的成因、预兆、造成的损失,震时的救生及震后救援。,1.阅读速度慢、阅读理解能力差。,二、说学情,2.课堂互动缺少积极性,学习不够主动自主。,因此,在组织教学活动中,应注重学习策略的指导,灌输自主、合作、探究学习的思想,同时注意调整活动任务设置的梯度,使每个学生通过学习活动,都能学有所成,体验到成功。,三、说方法,教学方法:,任务型语言教学法、合作学习教学法、整体语言教学法、直观教学法、交际教学法、以及情感激励教学法等教学方法。,学法指导,1.认知策略,2.调控策略,3.交际策略,4.资源策略,四、说教学过程,lead-in,Tangshan, Hebei July 28th, 1976,.Pre-reading 1.What kind of words do you think will be used in the passage?,2.What do you think will happen before an earthquake?,.Pre-reading,.While-reading,1.Skimming(略读): Find the main idea of each paragraph.,2.Scanning(查读):,Read paragragh1 and fill in the blanks.,Read para2-3 to find the information about the numbers.,Read the last paragraph and answer:,What did people do after the earthqake?,.Post-reading,Discussion:,What shall we do or not do if an earthquake happens?,Dos: 1.Stay in a small room,such as kitchen or bathroom 2.Hide under the table or bed , if you havent time to escape , you may stand close to the inside wall with some things covering on the head. 3.If you stay in the open air ,keep off the tall building, and go to the fields without trees .,Donts:1. Be close to the outside wall 2.Stay on the balcony 3. Jump out of the tall building 4. Use the lift,Homework,Preview the passage and recite the last part. Finish learning about language,THANKS!,
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