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全球化人力资源管理面临的挑战: 亚洲公司在美国的经验教训 CHALLENGES TO GLOBAL HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: LESSONS OF ASIAN COMPANIES IN THE U.S.,二十一世纪的战略挑战 (I) STRATEGIC CHALLENGES IN THE 21ST CENTURY,全球一体化 Globalization 全球战略联盟( 包括跨国合资企业, 特许经营企业,合作生产,合作营销,合作研发企业) Global strategic alliances (includes international joint ventures, licensing, co-production, co-marketing, joint research and development) 员工多元化的趋势 Growing diversity in the workplace “劳动力2000报告” “Workforce 2000” (Hudson institute) “全球劳动力2000报告” “Global Workforce 2000” 西方工业化国家人口总体老龄化 Overall aging of the population in industrialized west 移民障碍(包括移居入境和移居国外)的减少 Reduction in immigration and emigration barrier 发展中国家劳动力的教育水平和劳动技能提高 Increased education and skill levels in less developed countries,二十一世纪的战略挑战 (II) STRATEGIC CHALLENGES IN THE 21ST CENTURY,区域经济整合 Regional economic integration 全球经济整合与本土经济的适应性调整 Global integration versus local responsiveness 培养全球化思维方式 Development of a global mindset “都市人” 的特点可以用3 Cs来表示 Characteristics of cosmopolitan 观念 (concepts) 能力(competencies) 关系网(connections),国际化经营和与外企合作人力资源管理挑战(I) HUMAN RESOURCE CHALLENGES IN GOING INTERNATIONAL/PARTNERING WITH FOREIGN ENTITIES,政治环境的差异 (Difference in political environment) 经济环境的差异 (Difference in economic environment) 文化环境的差异 (Difference in cultural environment) 社会机构环境的差异 (Difference in socio-institutional environments ) 法律方面 Legal * 普通法和成文法的矛盾 Common law versus codified law * 对待法律和诉讼的态度 Attitude toward law and litigation * 影响员工工作环境的立法 Legislation affecting the workplace 1964年民权法第VII款禁止在雇用及解雇时,对员工有基于种族、性别、宗教、国籍、年龄和性偏好的歧视 Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits against job discrimination (including hiring and firing) on the basis of race, sex, religion, national origin, age and sexual preference,国际化经营和与外企合作人力资源管理挑战(II) HUMAN RESOURCE CHALLENGES IN GOING INTERNATIONAL/PARTNERING WITH FOREIGN ENTITIES,1982: 住友(Sumitomo)美国子 公司一案判决以后,美国最高法院规定外国在美国的子公司受美国雇用法的约束 1982: in response to suit vs. Sumitomo Corporation of America, U.S. Supreme Court ruled that U.S. subsidiaries of foreign-based MNCs are subject to U.S. employment laws 1990 (EEOC 诉 Aramco一案): 美国最高法院决定第七款无治外法权,即它不适用于“在国外雇用美国人时的人事实践” 1990 (EEOC versus Aramco): U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Title VII does not extend “extraterritorially to regulate the employment practices of U.S. firms that employ American citizens abroad 1991 民权法推翻了1990年最高法院的决定,令第七款具有治外法权,即其适用范围扩展到在境外工作的美国人;而当民权条例与工作地点国家法令抵触时,东道国的法令优先于美国民权法。 1991 Civil Rights Act reversed 1990 Supreme Court ruling by extending Title VII to persons working abroad except “where compliance with the civil rights bill would cause (U.S. corporations abroad) to violate the law of the country in which the work is located”. That is, host country laws take precedence over extraterritoriality”,驻美国的日本公司败诉的典型案例 SOME HIGH-PROFILE CASES FILED AGAINST ASIAN COMPANIES OPERATING IN THE U.S.,性别歧视 (Sex Discrimination): 驻美国的日本住友公司案例 Sumitomo Corporation of America 驻奥尔良Eugene的韩国现代综合商事株式会社案例 Hyundai Electronics in Eugene, Oregon 种族歧视 (Race Discrimination) : 日本跨国企业在美国子公司的选址 (加利福尼亚州:此地亚洲人比例较高适合劳动密集企业;一些企业因为在黑人聚集的地区经营而受到指控) Location of U.S. subsidiaries of Japanese multinationals (California which is heavily populated by Asians; because of labor-shed ratio requirements, alleged to avoid areas heavily populated by African-Americans) 韩国人和美国黑人的种族关系紧张 (例如Rodney King事件发生以后洛杉矶的种族骚乱) Racial tensions between Koreans and African-Americans (e.g. race riots in Los Angeles following Rodney Kings incident) 性骚扰(Sexual Harassment) : 伊利诺伊州三菱摩托公司案例 Mitsubishi Motors in Illinois,性骚扰与种族歧视造成的骚扰 HARASSMENT (RACIAL & SEXUAL),以下几个事例说明小事情会演变成骚扰事件(案例远不仅限于此): Examples of when a single incident may become harassment over time include but are not limited to: - 以粗鲁的态度来规范员工的行为 Disciplining an employee in an abusive manner 关于种族的笑话讲一次可以被忽略,多次重复就会被当作一种骚扰 Telling racial jokes that may be ignored once, but not repeatedly 没有正当理由就以解雇对员工进行威胁 Threatening a persons job without any substantiated reasons 以下是几个程度较轻的个人骚扰案例(案例远不仅限于此): Examples of subtle/personal harassment include but are not limited to: - 评价员工时,蔑视员工的种族、年龄、残疾、宗教、民族和性偏好 Making disparaging comments because of an employees race, age, gender, physical disabilities, religion, ethnicity, sexual preference, etc. 做决策所用标准违反了人权条例;决定制定与被拒绝的性要求有关 Decision making on the basis of prohibited grounds under the Human Rights code, or because of shunned sexual advances,性骚扰与种族歧视骚扰 HARASSMENT (RACIAL AND SEXUAL),以下事例说明即便没有具体的被指控对象,工作环境本身可构成骚扰: A workplace can itself be a harassing environment without there being a respondent to a complaint. Examples of a harassing work environment include but are not limited to: 无根据流言的散布 Spreading unfounded rumors 有种族或性别歧视性质的涂鸦 Racist/sexist graffiti 侮辱性的招贴海报 Offensive posters 电脑上的淫秽材料 Computer pornography 对骚扰的申诉人进行报复或者威胁进行报复的行为本身构成了骚扰 Reprisal or threat of reprisal against any participants in a complaint of harassment may itself be considered harassment,性骚扰与种族歧视骚扰 HARASSMENT (RACIAL AND SEXUAL),骚扰可能发生在具有相同或者不同地位的人之间;男性对女性,女性对男性,同性别之间都可能发生骚扰。 Harassment may occur between people of the same or different status, and both men and women may be the subject of harassment by members of either sex 1995年Ontario 人权调查理事会发现一名雇主应对一起性骚扰事件负责,尽管骚扰发生在原告辞职的当天 1995 Ontario Human Rights Board of Inquiry found an employer liable for sexual harassment even though it was informed of the harassment only on the day the complainant quit her job,
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