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让孩子赢在起跑线上 Let the children win on the starting line. 1 Yasi English Family Education Center 我能我能说说一口流利的英一口流利的英语语 I Can Speak Good English 英语是一门国际的语言! English is an international language! 英语是优美的! English is beautiful! 英语是有用的! English is useful! 英语是强大的! English is powerful! 我想与世界交谈! I want to talk with the world! 我想环游世界! I want to travel around the world ! 我想认识世界各地来的人们! I want to meet people from all over the world! 我希望我家里的每个人都能说一口流利的英语! I want to everyone in my family to speak good English! 我希望我家乡的每个人都说一口流利的英语! I want everyone in my hometown to speak good English! 我希望全中国的人都说一口流利的英语! I want everyone in China to speak good English! 让孩子赢在起跑线上 Let the children win on the starting line. 2 Yasi English Family Education Center 现在让我们来说英语吧! Lets speak English now! 第一节: 打招呼 A: Good morning. How are you? 早上好,你好吗? B: Im OK. How about you?我很好。你怎么样? A: Im great . Today is my birthday.我很好。今天是我的生日。 B: Wow! Happy Birthday! 哇!生日快乐! A: Hi, how are you? 嗨,你好吗? B: Great. 棒极了。 A:How are you , Teacher Chen? 陈老师,您好吗? B: Im fine. Thanks for asking. 我很好。谢谢你的关心。 How are you today? 你今天怎么样? A: Im great. Teacher Chen. 我很好,陈老师。 B: Im glad to hear that. 听你这么说我很高兴。 A: Hi, Dad. How are you ? 嗨, 爸爸,你好吗? B: Im a little tired. How are you , son? 我有点累。你怎么样,儿子? A: So-so. 一般般。 A: Hi, Grandpa. How are you? 嗨, 爷爷,你好吗? B: Pretty good. How about you ? 不错。你呢? A: Im really happy today. 我今天非常高兴。 B: Why? 为什么呢? A: I dont have any homework. 我没有家庭作业。 A: Hi, Uncle Li, how are you ? 嗨,李叔叔,你好吗? B: Supper. I got a raise and bought a new car today. 让孩子赢在起跑线上 Let the children win on the starting line. 3 Yasi English Family Education Center 好极了。我涨了工资, 今天刚买了一辆新车。 A: Hi! Whats up? 嗨,最近好吗? B: Not much. How about you? 一般般。你怎么样? A: Same. Nothing new. 跟你一样。没什么新鲜的。 A: Whats up, Dad? 爸爸,你怎么样? B: Nothing. Whats up with you, kid? 没什么。你呢?孩子? A: It was a bad day. I lost my bike. 今天真不走运,我丢了自行车。 B: But I just bought it for you last week! 但我上个星期才给你买的! A: Whats up , John? 约翰,有什么事? B: Im on my way to a party. Want to go? 我要去参加一个舞会。要一起去吗? A: Whats up , Kim? 金姆,最近好吗? B: Same old thing. 老样子。 A: How is your teacher? 你的老师好吗? B: She is fine. 她很好。 A: How is your mom?你妈妈好吗? B: My mom is OK. 我妈妈不错。 A: How is your grandpa? 你爷爷好吗? B: He is great. He will be sixty soon. 他很好。他快 60 岁了。 I love him. 我喜欢他。 A: Howre your parents? 你父母好吗? B: They are fine. Thank you. 他们挺好的,谢谢。 A: Howre the kids? 孩子们好吗? B: Theyre great. 很好。 A: How is school? 你的学校怎样? 让孩子赢在起跑线上 Let the children win on the starting line. 4 Yasi English Family Education Center B: Boring.没意思。 A: How is Guangzhou? 广州市怎么样? B: Its really hot. 很热。 A:Hows it going? 过得怎么样? B: Pretty good. How about you ? 不错。你呢? A: Super. Where are you going? 很好。你到哪里去? B: Im going home. I have a lot of homework to do. 我回家。我有很多作业要做。 A:Thats too bad. 真不幸。 Im going to my friends house for a party. Can you come? 我要去一个朋友家参加聚会,一起去吗? B: Maybe next time. 下次吧。 A: Hows it going , Dad? 爸爸,一切还好吗? B: Its going great. 一切都好。 A: Hows it going, Miss Lee? 李小姐,一切都好吗? B: Very well. Thanks. 非常好。谢谢。 A: Hows it going , Jimmy? 吉米,一切还好吗? B: Not too good! Im big trouble. 不太好!我遇到麻烦了。 A: Whats wrong? 怎么回事? B: I flunked.我考试不及格。 A: Hi, Mom. Im home.妈妈,我到家了。 B: Hi, dear, how was your day? 宝贝,你今天过得怎么样? A: Not bad. How was your day, Mom? 不错。你过得怎么样,妈妈? B: Busy as usual. 跟往常一样忙。 A: Where is Dad? 爸爸在哪里? 让孩子赢在起跑线上 Let the children win on the starting line. 5 Yasi English Family Education Center B: He is still at work. 他还在工作。 A: When is dinner? 什么时候吃饭? B: About an hour. Go practice your English! 大约一小时后,去练你的英语! A: Hi, Dad, Im back. B: Hi, son. How was school? A: Pretty good. How was your day? B: Pretty busy. 01我丢了自行车。 I lost my bike. 02我要去参加一个舞会。 Im on my way to a party. 03你的老师好吗? How is your teacher? 04她很好。 She is fine. 05. 爸爸在哪里? Where is Dad? 06你过得怎么样? How was your day? 07我非常为你骄傲! Im very pround of you! 08你非常有天分!Youve very talented! 你有很多天分!You have a lot of talent! 09你真是聪明!Youre so smart! 10你真是很特别。Youre very special. 11你很勇敢。Youve very brave. 12那才是我的好孩子。 Thats my boy/girl. 13继续好好干。 Keep up the good work. 14. 他得了重感冒。 He has a bad cold. 15我喜欢他。 I love him. 16你到哪里去? Where are you going ? 让孩子赢在起跑线上 Let the children win on the starting line. 6 Yasi English Family Education Center 17我要去一个朋友参加聚会。 Im going to my friends house for a party. 18一切还好吗?Hows it going? 19一切都还好。Its going great. 20我到家了。 Im home. 21我回来了。 Im back. 22什么时候吃饭?When is dinner? 23. 你做得对!That was the right to do. 24你是个好孩子。Youre a good boy/girl. 25别害羞!尽管去尝试! Dont be shy! Just try! 26尝试,尝试,永远不要气馁! Try, try,k never say die! 27让我们坐飞机到中国去。 Lets fly to China. 28我爱吃炸薯条。 I like to eat French fries. 29你会骑自行车吗? Can you ride a bike? 30你为什么笑? Why are you smiling? 31我不介意。I dont mind. 32. 别哭!擦干眼泪,笑起来!Dont cry! Dry your eyes and smile ! 33. 我喜欢中国的生活方式。I like the Chinese lifestyle. 34多让我惊喜啊!What a nice surprise! 35我们能否试着节省时间? Can we try to save the time? 36你们愿意今晚和我一起去溜冰吗? Would you like to go ice skating with me tonight? 37我很好。Im cool. 38真酷!Thats cool. 39你今天看上去真酷!You loo
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