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Unit5 Asking the way (1)Lesson10,en.12999.com,library,bank,en.12999.com,Where is the library/bank?,Its on the .,How can I get to the library/bank?,Its on the .,Go straight.,How can I get to the library/bank?,Its on the .,Go straight.,Turn right.,Turn left.,en.12999.com,bank,park,zoo,supermarket,school,library,看地图完成对话,en.12999.com,W: Woman M: Man,W: Excuse me, . How can I to the ? M: Go . Then . Its on the .,图书馆,M: Youll see it. W: Thank you. M: Youre welcome.,Sir,get,library,straight,turn,left,right,W: Woman M: Man,M: Excuse me, . How can I to the ? W : Go . Its on the .,M: Youll see it. W: Thank you. M: Youre welcome.,银行,Madam,get,bank,straight,right,get to the library/bank 到达图书馆 /银行,How can I get to _?_ How can I _ How_,the library/bank,get to the library/bank?,can I get to the library/bank?,en.12999.com,Homework 1. 熟读课文2 .活动手册第10课3 .画地图并写对话,en.12999.com,See you next time!Thank you!Goodbye,en.12999.com,
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