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,一般过去时 The Simple Past Tense,A: What day_ it today ?,B: It _Wednesday.,A: What day _ it the day before yesterday ?,B: It _Monday.,A: What day _it yesterday ?,B: It _ Tuesday.,is,was,was,is,was,was,Calendar(日历),this week,last week,Last weekend,He is at school this week.,He was at home last week.,is-was,Calendar(日历),Past过去,Present现在,go to the movies do my homework play tennis play soccer clean the room go to the beach,went to the movies,did my homework,played tennis,played soccer,cleaned the room,went to the beach,play the guitar,played the guitar,play computer,played computer,What do you do every day?,What did you do last weekend?,play basketball,played basketball,表示过去某时间发生的事, 存在的状态或过去反复发生的动作。,用法,常用的时间状语,yesterday, just now,a minute ago, in 1990,during the night,in those days, yesterday morning,last year, last, .ago等等。,动词形式,1.be动词(was were)2.实义动词(动词的过去分词),过去分词的构成规则,规则变化如下: 1.一般情况下在动词原形后面加ed. playplayed looklooked workworked waitwaited 2.以不发音的字母e结尾的词加d. likeliked dancedanced loveloved savesaved smilesmiled decidedecided 3.以辅音字母+y结尾的词将y变为i,再加ed. trytried studystudied carrycarried hurryhurried 4.以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母时, 先重写该辅音字母,再加ed. stopstopped robrobbed patpatted,清念 /t/ ,元浊/d/ ; /t/ /d/ 之后念/id/,规则动词词-ed的读音,说明: 1、清念 /t/ ,即 ed 在清辅音后面念 /t/ ,例:finished helpedpassed cooked 2、元浊 /d/ ,即 ed 在元音,浊辅音后面念 /d/ ,例:borrowed enjoyedcalled moved 3、/t/ /d/ 之后念 /id/ , 即 ed 在 /t/ /d/ 音后面念 /id/例:wanted shoutedneeded counted,1.A-A型: putput shutshut cutcut letlet beatbeat readread,2.A-B型: comecame runran havehad becomebecame buildbuilt findfound buybought catchcaught winwon getgot keepkept leaveleft leadled feelfelt spellspelt spendspent sleepslept sitsat standstood meetmet loselost saysaid makemade teachtaught,thinkthaught telltold understandunderstood dodid beginbegan drawdrew drinkdrank drivedrove eatate shootshot gowent flyflew forgetforgot givegave knowknew taketook seesaw mistakemistook swimswam writewrote speakspoke wearwore wakewoke,写出下列动词的过去式:,help-,call-,prepare-,love-,worry-,study-,stop-,skip-,is-,are-,do-,go-,say-,see-,get-,feel-,have-,helped,called,prepared,loved,worried,studied,stopped,skipped,was,were,did,went,said,saw,got,felt,had,1.get- 2.say- 3.have- 4.be- 5.tell- 6.think-7.write- 8.drive- 9.run-10.read- 11.see- 12.stand- 13.put- 14.eat- 15.buy- 16.drink- 17.sleep- 18.come-19.play- 20.study- 21.listen-,给下面的单词写出过去式,got,said,had,was, were,told,thought,wrote,drove,ran,read,saw,stood,put,ate,bought,drank,slept,came,played,studied,listened,What did you / he / she / they / Mr. Green do last weekend?,watched TV,had a party,played tennis,went to the beach,What did they do yesterday?,Play soccer,They played soccer Yesterday!,Played soccer,What did he do yesterday?,Watch TV,Watched TV,He watched TV Yesterday!,What did she do yesterday?,Play volleyball,Played volleyball,She played volleyball Yesterday!,What did he do yesterday?,Play the piano,piano,Played the piano,He played the piano Yesterday!,What did they do yesterday?,swim,swam,They swam yesterday!,What did he do yesterday?,Go to the beach,Beach,Went to the beach,He went to the beach yesterday!,What did she do yesterday?,see a movie,saw a movie,She saw a movie Yesterday!,Go to the park,park,What did he do yesterday?,Went to the park,He went to the park yesterday!,Cleaned her room,What did she do yesterday?,She cleaned her room yesterday!,Did his homework,What did he do yesterday?,He did his homework yesterday!,Visited his friends,What did he do yesterday?,He visited his friend yesterday!,did my homework,played soccer,cleaned my room,went to the beach,played tennis,went to the movies,What did you do ?,Pairwork,B: On Saturday morning, I did my homework.On Saturday afternoon, I played soccer.,A: What did you do last Saturday, Lucy?,1c,变换句式,变否定句: 1.直接在 were或 was后面加not,缩写为werent ,wasnt. She was 12 years old last year. She was not 12 years old last year.,2.直接在动词的过去分词前面加didnt,动词变为原型. She got up at 5 oclock yesterday morning. She didnt get up at 5 oclock yesterday morning. Lily did her homework last night . Lily didnt do her homework last night . They had a little dog last month. They didnt have a little dog last month.,It was sunny. I my homework yesterday. She played soccer last Sunday. He cleaned his room last week. They had a summer camp last weekend. My father went to the beach three years ago. Tom and Jack studied for the test three days ago.,
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