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新 目 标:七年级英语下册教材研读,Unit 2 wheres the post office?单元解析景阳镇峡门学校 英语 教研组,七年 级 英语 下 册,Where/what questions,Simple past of regular and irregular verbs,Wh- questions What do you think of?,Imperatives Can for permission Modal have to,What, where questions Affirmative and negativestatements,There be Where questions Affirmative statements Prepositions of place,Why, what, where questions Because Adjectives of quality,Present progressive tense,Unit 5,Everyday activities Talk about what people are doing,unit 11,Unit 9,Unit 7,Unit 6,food Order food,Unit 1,Unit 2,Unit 3,Unit 4,Unit 8,Unit 10,Unit 12,talk about countries ,nation- alities ,languages Ask and tell where people live,The neighbourhood Ask for and give di- rections on the street,animals in a zoo Describe animals Express preferences,occupations Talk about jobs,The weather Describe the weather and what you are doing,physical appearance Describe peoples looks,WeekendActivities Talk about recent events,Holidays and vacation Talk about past events,Popular culture,Rules,What questions Modal verb would,本册知识点梳理,欧姆定律,Unit 1,词汇:需掌握29个 语音:元音字母和元 音字母组合的读音 语法:where /what questions,功能: talk about countries ,nation- alities ,languages Ask and tell where people live,Unit 2,话题countries , nation- alities ,languages,话题: The neighbourhood,词汇:掌握54 语音:知道元音字母的读音及字母组合拼读规律,语音清楚语调自然。 语法:There be Where questions Affirmative statements Prepositions of place,功能:Ask for and give di- rections on the street,Unit 3 话题: animals in a zoo,词汇:识记36个单词 语音:辅音及其发音 语法: Why, what, where questions Because Adjectives of quality,功能: Describe animals Express preferences,Unit 4 话题:occupations,词汇:识记49个词汇 语音:连读 语法:What, where questions Affirmative and negativestatements,功能:Talk about jobs,Unit 5 话题: Everyday activities,词汇:识记17词汇 语音:辅音及其发音(2) 语法: Present progressive tense :yes /no questions and short answers,功能:Talk about what people are doing,Unit 6 话题: The weather,词汇:识记35个词汇 语音:不完全爆破(1) 语法: Present progressive tense :Yes/no questions and short answers How questions,功能:Describe the weather and what you are doing,Unit 7 话题 physical appearance,词汇:须识记41单词 语音:不 完全爆破(2) 语法:yes/no questions and short answers Present tense to wear Adjectives of general description,功能:Describe peoples looks,Unit 8 话题:food,词汇:识记32 语音:连读 语法:What questions Modal verb would,功能:order food,Unit 9 话题: weekend activities,词汇:识记41个单词 语音:-ed 的读法 语法:Simple past of regular and irregular verbs,功能: Talk about recent events,Unit 10 话题: Holidays and vacation,词汇:须识记42个单词 语音:节奏 语法: Simple past of regular and irregular Was/were How questions,功能:Talk about past events,Unit 11 话题: popular culture,词汇:29个四会单词 语音:音的同化 语法:Wh- questions What do you think of?,功能:give opinions Talk about likes and dislikes,Unit 12 话题: rules,词汇:需识记21个词汇 语音:音的同化 语法:Imperatives Can for permission Modal have to,功能:talk about rules,语言知识,语 言 技能,功能: ask for and give directions on the street,语法:there be structurewhere questionsAffirmative statementsPrepositions of place,话题: The neighborhood(学会阐述某一场所中各个建筑物之间的位置关系,利用图表向他人介绍自己所居住的社区,培养辨别方向的能力),词汇:(1)地点名词 Post office, library bank restaurant supermarket pay phone park bridge street center street The fifth avenue airport (2)方位介词 On across from next to betweenand behind in front of on the left/right through down,听:A中1b 2b B 中2a 2b由浅入深地围绕地点进行听力,达到三级目标中所要求的:能识别不同句式的语调,能听懂有关熟悉话题的语段。,说:A1a 1c 2a 2c B中1a 1b 2c 分别在两个模块中围绕pictures and places 这一话题展开思维,符合语言技能三级目标中:能就熟悉的话题进行简单的交流,能利用所给的提示简单描述。,读:第一模块中就Paul and Nancy的问路对话阅读配对3a ,section B中地点介绍的阅读都以集中话题贯穿语法的形式让学生达到能与教师和同学就熟悉的话题交换信息,参与简单的角色扮演,这也是三级目标中对读的要求。,写:第一模块中的2b 3b第二模块中2b 4a分别从词汇的运用,语法渗透,展示话题层层递进进行语言的综合训练,使学生能参照范例或借助图片写出示意图所示。能够设计自己理想的居住环境。,语音:知道字母的读音,简单的拼读规律,语音清楚语调自然。,第二单元知识体系,Unit 2 知识梳理,Unit 2 知识梳理,语法聚焦:(学生应该掌握的语法知识),Is there a supermarket ? Yes ,there is./ No, there isnt. Wheres the post office? Its on Center street. Where s the hotel? Its across from the bank. Wheres the library? Its between the restaurant and the park.,知识点的延伸,District neighborhood hotel Train station bus stop subway Just straight Take a walk,词汇延伸,句型延伸,Could you tell me the way toHow can I get to ?Which bus shall I take?Take a subway/ taxi/car/plane It takes you .to get there.,话题延伸,本单元既可以继续第一单元的笔友话题,延伸到第三单元的去动物园,学习策略,基本学习策略,认知策略,第一模块1a 1c 2a 2c第二模块1a 2c 4b ,在词 汇与相应事物之间建立联想,对所学习的内容能 主动练习和实践,注意观察生活或教材中所使用 的简单英语,积极与他人合作完成学习任务,根据学案导读进行预习,积极思考,在学习中利用地图等非语言信息理解主题,第二模块中的2b,3a,第三模块中3都是有意识地帮助学生形成自主学习和综合运用语言的能力,为终身学习奠定基础。,文化意识,Transforming information 增加交通知识,Manner of asking for directions 对一般的请求作出适当的反应, 符合二级文化意识分级目标,Take a walk through,Turn left!,Walk down,Take a taxi,Go straight !,Go down,Thank you All the same.,Thank you,Excuse Me ,Youre welcome,Could you Tell me the way to,情感态度,情感态度,通过本单元的学习,学生不仅要了解交通信息增强交通意识,还要培养学生在实际生活中辨别方向的能力,养成热心助人的好品质。,教材处理,根据所带班级学生交际能力强,对语言的再现操作积极的学情,特将本单元分为4课时完成。 第一课时:Section A:la,1b,lc, 2a,2b, 2c 能够使用目标语言描述地点方位 第二课时:Section A:3a,3b,4能够根据描述画 出方位图,增加交通知识 第三课时:Section B:1a,1b, 2a,2b, 2c扩充一些地点名词、形容词,能够运用目标语言进行自由交际 第四课时:Section B:3a,3b, 3c,4 and Self Check,
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