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Apple tree,Its an apple.,Its a cake.,Its an egg.,Whats this?,福州市施程小学 郑新佳,Unit 3 Food Part A,rice,hamburger a hamburger,nice,Today is Mimis birthday.,Listen and watch (听并且看课文录像),1、What does Miss Pig like? Noodles. 2、What does Mr Dog like? Hamburgers and ice cream.,noodles,ice cream,I like noodles. I like cake.,I like,I like fish.,I like rice.,I like hamburgers. I like ice cream.,I like bananas.,我喜欢,Guess,我来做你来说,I do you say,I like,noodles rice bananas hamburgers ice cream fish,Read the text,Lets act. 分角色表演,你能帮助单词宝宝们回家吗?,rice,可数名词,不可数名词,hamburger,fish,ice cream,orange,banana,egg,可数名词:表示种类时,要加sI like apples. I like oranges.不可数名词:没有单数(前面不能加a/an),也没有复数(后面不能加s),Birthday Party,Make a dialogue. (4-5people as a group.) 模仿课文编对话:今天是你的生日,请一些朋友到你家里玩吧,Using this sentence:I like,Listen and learn the English sounds,i,pig,fish,swim,six,/i/,Summary,1、新单词: hamburgers, rice, like. 2、新句子: I like 3、字母i在闭音节的单词中的读音/i/pig fish swim six,1、背诵课文 2、完成手册U3 Part A 3、背诵单词 rice hamburger noodles ice cream,Homework,
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