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Unit 10 Profit or principle by:Group eight,Background,PART I,Background,Nikos Takakis is the CEO of Livewire,an Australian manufacturer of electrical appliances.During the last three years,his General Mananger Carl Thomson,has turned Livewire round from being a loss-making company into a profitable organisation with an exciting range of new products.Both men want the company to grow as fast as possible.Range: 射程,排列,平行,漫游。,PART 2Problems,Problems,Velerie Harper is Personal Assistant to Carl Thomson.Valerie joined Livewire just over a year ago. In the beginning she was considered to be an outstanding employee. However,more recently she has been having difficulties working with Carl. They have been shouting at each other,and often Valerie appears upset when leaving his office. Nikos has received the following memo.总经理:Carl thomson助理:Valerie Harper(一年前)邮件CEO:Nikos Takakis,memo,MEMORANDUM PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL To: Nikos Takakis From: Valerie Harper Date: 2 July Subject: Complaint about Carl ThompsonI would like to make a formal complaint about Carl Thompsons unprofessional behaviour.,1.Mr Thompson is a racist and discriminates against coloured people.He has hatred towards black staff such as me .When I did something that he thought unsatisfactory,he would insult me.He gave me too much work,set impossible deadlines,and criticised me in front of the other staff. Racist:种族主义者 Discriminate:辨别 Hartred:仇恨 Insult:侮辱,2.Mr thompson gives orders to me rather than polite instructions.He never encourages or praises me.I think he would like to hire a new Personal Assistant. 3.He sets the rule that whenever he is in the office,the personal assistant should be waiting for his prders.He usually works late at night and expects me to work overtime(unpaid)in the evening.Polite instructions:礼貌的指令I feel that the unless situation improves,I shall be unable to continue working for the company.,After receiving the memo,Nilos Takakis decided to consult Carl Thompsons personal file. Crals last two secretaries resigned because they felt too much pressur working with him.One of them complained verbal abuse by Carl when she accidentally broke his coffee cup. The same day, Nikos Takakis had lunch in the staff canteen. First he spoke to a senior manager,Bob Dexter.Listen to their conversation and note down what they say.,That evening,NIkos Takakis found out that Carl had advised a friend to buy shares in Livewire just before it announced excellent annual results.The share price rose sharply and the friend made a quick profit. The next day Joan Knight,Livewires Marketing Director, sent Nikos a message about anelectrically operated can opener,code-named DC01,which Livewire is about to launch. Shares:股票 Launch:发射,推出,Subject:DC01From:Joan KnightTo:Nikos TakakisI read a report in Business Weekly about new products.Rochester Electronics have put a new can opener on the market.Its electronically operated and looks just like our DC01.Yesterday,I took a look at it in our local stories.Its very similar to ours,with just a few modifications to make it look different.This will cost us money.Do you think some is leaking information to our rival? Or have we just been unlucky? What action do you think we should take?Rival:竞争对手,PART 3Task,Task,You aremembers of Livewires board of directors.Hold ameeting to discussthess questions. 1.What is the best way to deal with the bad relations between Valerie Harper and Carl Thompson? 2.What action should you take concerning Carls behaviour? 3.What action should you take concerning the possible leak of information?Board:董事会,1.We think the bad relations between Valerie Harper and Carl Thomson is not Valeries problem. There are two secretaries resigned because of Carls bad temper.We think Carl should be nice and polite to employees whether they were blacks. Carl should be control his fiery temper, Dont treat other by verbal abuse at random.,2-3:At first, we would clear up whether he has leak of information to our rival. We would talk with him .If that is not true, we would remind his behaviours and let he signed “Confidentiality agreement” which covers treatment measures if violation of agreement . And we would consider to pay for conditional allowance to him.If it does his problem, we would fire him immediately. According to , we could restrain employees behaviours.,video: Ethics The Fabric of Business Ethics The Fabric of Business.flv,THANKS,
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