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,Unit4.Transportation 交通方式PartA,执教者:紫泥中心 周凤娇,sing a song唱一唱,Listen and guess 听声音,猜交通工具,bicycle,bus,car,Guess? 猜一猜,How do I come to work?,work: 工作上班,By bike?,By car?,你猜对了吗?,By car.,by+交通工具: 表示乘坐某种交通工具,by car (乘坐小汽车) by bus(坐公共汽车) by school bus (坐校车) by bike(骑自行车),Tips,Fellow me fellow meBy bike by bikeFellow me fellow meBy car by carFellow me fellow meBy bus by busFellow me fellow meOnfoot fellow me fellow me on foot,Lets chant,Group works小组合作,Rules(游戏规则):每组派一个组长当小记者,参照以下对话模式随机采访小组成员。 小记者:“How do you go to school?” 成员A: “By” 小记者:“How do you go to school?” 成员B: “By” ,How does kate go to school?,Listen and answere : (听课文录音回答问题),kate goes to school on foot.,Sing a Song,How do you go to school? How do you go to school? By bike By bike How does he go to school? How does he go to school? By car By car How do you go to school? How do you go to school? By bus By busHow does she go to school? How does she go to school? On foot on foot,Homework,1、听录音,熟读课文 2、回家采访亲人交通方式,同学之间用 英语互相交流 3、完成本课英语活动手册,Thank you !,
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