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导读话题美文,预学语言知识,感悟教材原文,Period 单元预习课Special Olympics 特殊奥林匹克运动会,简称特奥会,是专门为智能低下,言语不清的神经和精神障碍患者甚至是生活不能自理的儿童举办的国际性运动竞赛活动。,Special Olympics are the worlds largest sports organization for children and adults with intellectual disabilities,providing yearround training and competitions to more than 4.2 million athletes in 170 countries.Special Olympics competitions are held every day,all around the worldincluding local,national and regional competitions,adding up to more than 70,000 events a year.,These competitions include the Special Olympics World Games,which alternate between summer and winter games.Special Olympics World Games are held every two years.The Special Olympics World Games are often the largest sporting event to take place in the world during that year.The most recent World Summer Games were the Special Olympics World Summer Games,held in Athens,Greece,the birthplace of the modern Olympic Games,from June 25,,2011 to July 4,2011.The most recent Special Olympics World Winter Games were held in Pyeongchang,South Korea from January 29 to February 5,2013.At the same time,the first Special Olympics Global Development Summit was held,gathering government officials,activists and business leaders all over the world.Shanghai,China has host the Special Olympics World Summer Games in 2007. The next World Games will be the 2015 Special Olympics World Summer Games in Los Angeles,,California in the US from July 25 to August 2,2015.Graz and Schladming,Austria will host the next Special Olympics World Winter Games from March 14 to 24,2017. Special Olympics programs are available for athletes free of charge.People with intellectual disabilities are encouraged to join Special Olympics for the physical activity,,which helps lower the rate of cardiovascular disease and obesity,among other health benefits.Also,they gain many emotional and psychological benefits,including selfconfidence,social competence,building greater athletic skills and higher selfesteem.There are common themes among those athletes and their families that encourage them to take part in the Special Olympics and grow upthrough it.,1intellectual disabilities 智力残疾 2alternate v. 交替 3cardiovascular disease 心血管病 4obesity n. 肥胖,1How often are the Special Olympics World Games held? _ _ 2Where were the most recent Special Olympics World Winter Games held? _ _,3When will the next Special Olympics World Winter Games be held? _ _ 4Were the Special Olympics once held in China? _ _,【答案】 1.The Special Olympics World Games are held every two years. 2The most recent Special Olympics World Winter Games were held in Pyeongchang,South Korea. 3The next Special Olympics World Winter Games will be held from March 14 to 24,2017. 4Yes,they were.,第1步识记核心单词 .根据所给词性和汉语提示写出下列单词 1_adj.古代的;古老的 2_vi.比赛;竞争 3_n竞争者 4_n奖章;勋章;纪念章 5_n希腊 6_adj.巫术的;魔术的;有魔力的,7_n志愿者;志愿兵 adj.志愿的;义务的 vt.& vi.自愿 8_adj.规则的;定期的;常规的 9_n基础;根据 10_n运动员;运动选手 11_vt.& vi.容许;承认;接纳 12_adv.现今;现在 13_n(pl)体操;体能训练,14_n(露天大型)体育场 15_n主人 vt.做东;主办;招待 16_n责任;职责 17_vt.取代;替换;代替 18_n座右铭;格言;警句 19_adj.快的;迅速的,【答案】 1.ancient 2.compete 3.competitor 4.medal 5Greece 6.magical 7.volunteer 8.regular 9.basis 10.athlete 11.admit 12.nowadays 13.gymnastics 14.stadium 15.host 16.responsibility 17.replace 18.motto 19.swift,.将单词与所给英语释义连线 1compete Ato provide the place and everything that is needed for an organized event 2host Bto take the place of 3admit Cto try to gain something and stop someone else from having it 4replace Dto agree unwillingly that something is true or someone is right,5swift Ehappening or doing something often or at the fixed time 6regular Fdone quickly;moving quickly 【答案】 16 CADBFE,第2步掌握高频短语 .用所给汉语提示写出下列短语 1_ 参加;参与 2_ 代表;象征;表示 3_ 每四年 4_ 也;又;还 5_ 事实上;实际上 6_ 被作为接受,7_ 在中起重要作用 8_ 和;连同 9_ 为竞争/比赛 10_ 与竞争/比赛 11_ 主管;看管;负责 12_ 捡起;拾起 13_ 就某事与某人达成一致协议,【答案】 1.take part in 2.stand for 3.every four years 4.as well 5.as a matter of fact 6.be admitted as 7.play a very important part/role in 8.together with 9.compete for 10.compete against 11.in charge 12.pick up 13.make a bargain with sb.,.用以上短语的适当形式填空 1I am going to London and my sister is going _ 2The letters PRC _ the Peoples Republic of China. 3Using English frequently _ English study. 4Its difficult for a small supermarket to _ the big ones.,
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