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Lameness in Dairy Cattle 奶牛的瘸症,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Lameness in a “Nutshell” 瘸症在“坚果的外壳”,较大的牛群,产奶性能较好,圈养 地面较坚硬 使奶牛感到不舒适 促使蹄尖过度生长 容易出现蹄低溃疡及白线病 经常接触牛粪和潮湿地面 容易患趾间皮炎,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Lameness: An ImportantAnimal Welfare Issue 瘸症:重要的动物福利事项,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Locomotion Scoring 行动评分,Adapted from Robinson after Sprecher et.al. (Theriogenology 47:1179-1187;1997),Locomotion Scoring 行动评分,Courtesy of ZINPRO Corp.,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Effect of Locomotion Score on DM Intake and Milk Yield 行动评分对奶牛干物质采食量及产奶量的影响,Adapted from Robinson, CA Dairy/February 2001,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,INCIDENCE OF CLINICAL LAMENESS (UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA DAIRY) 临床性瘸症的发病率,I. ANNUAL HERD INCIDENCE (1994-1995)年度牛群发病率(1994-1995)A. 178/346 (51%) cases of lameness 178/346 (51%)发生蹄病B. 120/346 (35%) of cows affected120/346 (35%) 的奶牛受到了影响1. 27/120 (22.5%) cows with more than one lameness event 27/120 (22.5%) 的奶牛超过一次发病,Seasonal Incidence of Claw Disease in University of Florida Dairy (94-95) 季节性发病率(94-95),Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,HEAT STRESS: ACID-BASE BALANCE 热应激:日粮平衡,Heat Stress leads to 热应激将导致:瘤胃酸中毒 “Rumen Acidosis”尽管饲喂及饲养管理得当,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,LAMENESS IN DAIRY CATTLE 奶牛的瘸症,90% of lameness is in the foot90%的瘸症是由于牛蹄引起的90% of that in the foot involves rear feet,90%是由于后蹄一起的of that, 70-90% involves the outside claw其中70-90%是由于外侧蹄瓣引起的,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,T. Raven, Cattle Footcare and Claw Trimming, 1989.,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,T. Raven, Cattle Footcare and Claw Trimming, 1989.,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,T. Raven, Cattle Footcare and Claw Trimming, 1989.,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,T. Raven, Cattle Footcare and Claw Trimming, 1989.,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,WEIGHT-BEARING IN CATTLE 奶牛的负重,在草场或干燥的地方 (不考虑表面情况) 减轻负重造成的影响 负重被泥土表面吸收 对牛蹄的影响就小 (真皮corium),Courtesy J. K. Shearer,WEIGHT-BEARING IN CATTLE 奶牛的负重,水泥地面 (unforgiving surface) 加重地面负重的影响 承重直接返回到蹄部(真皮)造成对真皮的刺激,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,IRRITATION OF THE CORIUM 真皮的刺激,leads to.导致:accelerated hoof formation蹄的加速生成increased overloading加重了负重的影响.especially on the outside claw尤其是外瓣,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,T. Raven, Cattle Footcare and Claw Trimming, 1989.,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,“Bovines are suspended in their feet” “牛是悬在牛蹄上的动物”,In other words 换句话说 “Cows stand in their feet not on them” 奶牛站在蹄内,而不是蹄上。 P3 is tightly adhered to the hoof wall through the laminar corium P3骨通过真皮粘在蹄壁上,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,冠状带,敏感蹄叶,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Acute Laminitis 急性蹄叶炎,“Camped Under” Posture Arched back 弓背 Tender-footed 蹄软化 Extreme reluctance to walk 极不情愿走路,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Roberto Acua DVM.Uruguay,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,EFFECTS OF LAMINITIS ON THE BOVINE DIGIT 蹄叶炎对牛趾的影响,损害了附着系统 将导致. “P3骨的下沉或旋转 P3” (蹄)角质层的加速生长 将导致 蹄瓣的过度生长和畸变 蹄瓣间及蹄瓣内负重的不均匀,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Suspensory Apparatus of the Bovine Claw 牛蹄瓣的悬着器官,P3 is fixed in position by a series of collagen fiber bundles that run from the zone of insertion on the surface of the bone to the basement membrane P3 骨是有一系列的胶原纤维束所固定起来的。_ Ch. J. Lischer and P. Ossent, International Lameness Symposium, Orlando, FL, 2002.,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Suspensory Apparatus of the Bovine Claw 牛蹄瓣的悬着器官,Loosening or elongation of the collagen fiber bundles leads to sinking of P3 胶原纤维的松弛或拉长将导致P3 骨骼的下沉。 _ Ch. J. Lischer and P. Ossent, International Lameness Symposium, Orlando, FL, 2002.,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Pathogenesis of Laminitis 蹄叶炎的发病机理,在发生蹄叶炎时由于以下原因造成蹄血管的损伤: 静脉血管收缩 血管内出现凝块 血管活动被认为是由下列因素进行调节: 内毒素 组织胺 泌乳,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Theories on Factors that might Weaken the Suspensory Apparatus 有关可能减弱悬着器官的因素的一些理论,酶分解或减弱真皮网上组织的胶原纤维可能是由“蹄酶”刺激造成的。 “减弱”也许是由于在产犊期间的激素(催产素)变化造成的 引起P3骨骼上面的胶原纤维束附着区的结构改变的因素,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,LAMINITIS AND CLAW DISEASE 蹄叶炎和蹄病,悬着器官的分解和皮肤-表皮层连接处的弱化 导致: “P3骨骼的下沉或旋转”使得奶牛容易患:趾、蹄底和蹄踵溃疡及白线病,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Toe Ulcers趾溃疡,A consequence of the rotation of P3 and compression of the corium at the toe 这是P3骨旋转和趾部真皮压缩的结果,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,R.W. Blowey, et. al. The Vet Record, July 2000.,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Heel Ulcers 蹄踵溃疡,R.W. Blowey, et.al. The Vet Record, July 2000.,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Digital Cushion in Heifers 青年母牛的趾间蹄叉,青年母牛 松散的连接组织和不规则的地面物质 与成母牛比较,趾间蹄叉脂肪较少 脂肪主要由饱和脂肪酸组成(缓冲能力弱) *意义:青年母牛对复杂的路面适应能力差(易得蹄病)。,Ch. J. Lischer and P. Ossent, 12th International Lameness Symposium, Orlando, FL, 2002.,Courtesy J. K. Shearer,Digital Cushion in Mature Cows 成母牛的趾间蹄叉,成母牛 松散的连接组织和地面物质 与青年母牛进行比较蹄叉含有较多的脂肪 脂肪比较柔软 单一的不饱和脂肪酸 MUFA (mono-unsaturated fat) _ Ch. J. Lischer and P. Ossent, 12th International Lameness Symposium, Orlando, FL, 2002.,
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