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? B-Z ? ? B-Z? ? ?-? ? ? ? 230026 PB12206004? ? 7?B-Z?.?B-Z?,? Belousov-Zhabotinsky(BZ)?, ?7? CH2(COOH)2-KBrO3-Ce3+-H2SO4?B-Z? ? ? ? ? ? ? Research of the Belousov-Zhabotinskii Chemical Vibration? Oscillating Chemical Reaction of CH2(COOH)2-KBrO3 System ZhiWei Fang Abstract: Belousov-Zhabotinskii Chemical Vibration is a non-linear chemical reaction system. There exist many factors that could affect Belousov-Zhabotinskii Chemical Vibration. This experiment explores the chemical vibration in the system of KBrO3 reacting with CH2(COOH)2. We changed some of the reagent, the temperature of the reaction, the concentration of the solution and the order of adding the reagents then compared the vibration cycle and the inducement time in different conditions, that we can analyze the reacting mechanism of the chemical vibration. Keyword: Non-linear Chemistry, Chemistry Oscillation, Abduction Time, Conditions for Vibration, Self-catalysis, Vibration Period Department of Chemistry, Schools of chemistry and Materials Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China E-mail: kd366mail.ustc.edu.cn ? ?9?1?7?.?0?1?8?!1? B-Z ? ?Belousov?Zhabotinskii?BZ?(B-Z Oscillating Reaction)? ?3?(1)?.?(2)?1?(3)?1?0?3? 1959?Belousov?Ce3+?Ce4+?025?0?0?30s?1?“?”?“?”?50min?0?9?i? ?B-Z?0?Ce4+?Ce3+?(?10.1)?9?(tu)?(tZ)?(Arrhenius)? In(1/tZ) - 1/T ?i?(EU?EZ)? ?E?R.?8.314 Jmol-1K-1?T.?A.? ? 1?BZ?.FKN?Field?Krs?Noyes? ?*? FKN?0?93? 1?Br-?BrO3-.?Br2? !2? B-Z ? ?(1).?Br2? ?4? 2?Br-? ?i?Br-?9? ?8? ?9? ?(1)-(9)?6?3?9?(A)?.?9? ?BZ?0?3?1?2?Br-?Br-?Br-?1?Br-Br-?2? ? 1? HkK2A ?(?1?)? 95-I ?(?1?)? N-2000 ?n?(?)? ? 2?i? ? 0.45M?Ce(NH4)2(SO4)3 410-3M? 0.2M? 3M? !3? B-Z ? ? ?030C?i?30C?35C?40C?45C?50?i?040C?i?8.?7?8?7?1?040C?i?3M)?3M?1? ?1?1?10min?30?n?1 ? ?2?10.00mL?9?5min?10.00mL?0? ?3?Windows? !4? B-Z ? ?2? ?0?(?5min)?(?)?60s(?)i?10 mL?(?)?“?”?i?1?i?txt? ? 1?30?i? ?2 30?i?U-?t? ?SCE? ?6.00min ?1.26?1.27?1.53?1.50?1.62min ?1.44min !5? B-Z ? ?2?30?i? ?3 30?i? ?6.02min ?1.01?1.61?1.45?1.51?1.07min ?1.33min 3?30?i? ?4 30?i? !6? B-Z ? ?5.92min ?1.30?1.26?1.34?1.47?1.13?1.78min ?1.38min ?i? ?5 30?i? ?1 30?i? ? ?5?1?08?.?1? ?1?.?i?
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