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Unit 5 How much is it?,临高县加来中心学校 钟尊诚,PEP小学英语四年级下册,PartA Read and write,Lets chant,Lets do,Long , long , long , make your arms long. Short ,short , short , make your arms short.,Big , big , big , make your eyes big. Small , small , small , make your eyes small.,Tall , tall , tall , make yourself tall. Short , short , short , make yourself short.,1.Who can buy the clothes at last? ( ) 2.How many shirts are there in the dialogue?A.Five B.Six,Zoom,Monkey: This shirt is colourful,but its too . Elephant: This shirt is good, but its too . Rabbit: This shirt is pretty, but its too . Giraffe: This shirt is OK, but its too .Zoom: This shirt is . It fits me well . : . Assistant: Zoom: Ill take it.,big,small,long,short,nice,How much is it?,Its ten yuan.,Monkey: This shirt is colourful,but its too . Elephant: This shirt is good, but its too . Rabbit: This shirt is pretty, but its too . Giraffe: This shirt is OK, but its too .Zoom: This shirt is . It fits me well . . Assistant: Zoom: Ill take it.,.,Look and say.,Its too _.,Its too _.,Its too _.,Its too _.,This skirt _ me well.,short,long,big,small,fits,shop,shop,教师寄语:同学们,生活中我们经常跟随家长去商场购物,你会看到许许多多漂亮的衣服,这些衣服都是根据不同的标准来设计的,我们应根据自己的身高、体型来选择适合我们穿的衣服,但要注意节约用钱!,1. Copy the words and sentences , each for three times.2. Modeled on the text, creating dialogue.,Homework,Thank you for listening!,
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