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15A Module 2 Unit1 GrandparentsClass _ Name _No._ Mark _ Part 1 Listening(听力部分)(听力部分)30%. Listen and choose(听一听,选出听到的内容)(听一听,选出听到的内容)5%( ) A. /tes/B. /ti:z /C. /tu:z/( ) A. / p:k /B. / p:k /C. / pi:k / ( ) A. /:p /B. / p/C. /i:p/( ) A. seaB. seeC. say ( ) A. horseB. hay C. house. Listen and choose(听听问问句句,选选答答句句;听听答答句句,选选问问句句)8%( ) 1.A. Yes, I dontB. No, I dont.C. Yes, I do. ( ) 2.A. Its at Park Street.B. Its not far from my home.C. I cant see it.( ) 3.A. Never.B. Twice a week.C. Once a week. ( ) 4.A. What is your grandpadoing?B. What does your grandpa do? C. What does your grandpa have?. .Listen and choose(听小对话和问题,选择最佳答案)(听小对话和问题,选择最佳答案)4%( ) 1.A. On foot.B. Take the bus.C. By underground. ( ) 2.A. Playing chess.B. Go on an outing.C. Go to the flower show. ( ) 3.A. A red stick.B. A red hat.C. A red coat. ( ) 4.A. Once a week.B. Once in a month. C. One time. Listen and write(听一听,填入所缺单词完成短文)(听一听,填入所缺单词完成短文)5%There is an old _ in England. She doesnt like children at all. But she loves _. She has many cats in her house. So the children like to come to her house. They come to play with the cats. Soon there are too many cats and the old woman cant feed _ at all. Then she has an idea. “The children love my cats,” she . So she _ each child a cat. Now everyone is happy. Listen and judge(听短文,判断正误,用(听短文,判断正误,用 T 或或 F 表示)表示)8%( ) 1. The name of my friend is Tommy. ( ) 2. He has a younger sister. ( ) 3. Rover is the name of a dog. ( ) 4. The Blacks are my good neighbors.2Part 2 Reading and writing(笔试部分)(笔试部分)50%. Copy the sentences(正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号):(正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号):3%what do you often do with your grandparents i often play with them_. Look and write(根据图意完成句子)(根据图意完成句子)6%(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) 1. My grandparents and I like _to the park together. Its so much fun! 2. _ chess is not only my hobby but also your hobby. 3. Wang Wei writes a poem(诗)for the _ _Festival. 4. The Little Red Riding Hood is a famous _ tale. 5. My grandpa has a lovely cat. It likes _beside the sofa. 6. - What does the girl do every Sunday afternoon? - She _an e-mail to her pen-friend. . Write the words according to the phonics. (根据音标写单词根据音标写单词) 4%1. I often write i:mels to my friends at weekends. 2. I do not live with my grndpernts. But I like ple tes with my grandpa. 3. Kitty always z p with her mother on Saturday. Choose the best answer(用人称代词填空,不重复使用)(用人称代词填空,不重复使用)6%1. - Is this hat your fathers? - Yes, its _ hat. 2. Shes not _ grandma. Shes her grandma. 3. - I cant find my pencil. Can you see _ pencil? - Sorry. 4. Kittys grandpa is not old. _ is only sixty years old. 5. Many students visit old people. _ are good children. 6. - Whose glasses are these? Are they Miss Fangs? - No, they are not _ glasses.3. Read and fill in the blanks(用所给单词的适当形式填空)(用所给单词的适当形式填空)8%1. Dont_ (leave) the rubbish on the ground. _ (put) them into the bin. 2. - What_ your mother_ (do)? - Shes a doctor. 3. She likes_ (make) kites. Now she _ (make) a big kite. 4. We can make a card with some_ (brush). 5. - _ (have) your sister got any red paper? - Yes. Here_ (be) some for you. Read and choose (选择最佳答案)(选择最佳答案)10% ( ) 1. His brother likes _ _ his sister doesnt. A. cake, and B. making cake, and C. making cakes, but ( ) 2. Let _ do her homework. A. us B. her C. she ( ) 3. Billy _ to the park at 8:30 every Sunday morning. A. go B. goes C. going ( ) 4. - What _ their friend_? - He needs some ice. A. doneed B. doneeds C. does need ( ) 5. - _ does Ben get up? - At six five. A. What time B. When C. What ( ) 6. My mother is _ the cake, she can _ it very well.A. bakesbakes B. bakingbakes C. bakingbake ( ) 7. Jim is _ dishes at five. But he often_ football at this time.A. wash, play B. washing, plays C. washes, plays ( ) 8. - What_ those girls _ now? - Sorry, I dont know.A. aredoing B. dodo C. doesdo ( ) 9. - What time _ John _ lunch? - At eleven oclock.A. ishaving B. doeshave C. doeshas ( ) 10. Im thirsty. Can I have _ juice?A. any B. some C. a. Read and write(读一读,填入适当的单词完成句子,首字母已给)(读一读,填入适当的单词完成句子,首字母已给)6%1. - Are you all r _, Little Red Riding Hood? - Yes, Im OK. Thank you. 2. - Whos t_? - Its me. Your grandchild.
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