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五年级上英语单词与词组五年级上英语单词与词组一、单词、词组超市房子;住宅肉写上,标上;放果汁应该;必须家庭作业兄弟半小时;一半传递付款,交款完成脏的语言;舌头要求美国英语东部困难的来自数学月饼参加春节洗,洗涤元宵节秋天端午节课程;学科明亮的画中秋节家庭;家人呆在家水果等,等待攀登;爬最喜爱的艺术;美术遛狗科学来我家绵羊打扫我的房间通常地;惯常地浇水他(宾格)听起来很不错穿衣;打扮坏的熊干旱的分钟欣赏夜晚圣诞节像,如同新年早晨,上午冬天英国滑雪时钟球队江、河城市加拿大午后、下午树叶地图网球高尔夫和棒球英国的篮球和朋友快速的熊猫高的忘记驾驶员勇敢的早堂兄妹,表兄妹早餐晚餐忙碌的橄榄球休息一下国旗冰球羽毛球乒乓球中国功夫跳水冰上运动英国中国美国加拿大俄罗斯澳大利亚欧洲亚洲北美洲非洲大洋洲南美洲南极洲东,东部南,南部西,西部北,北部鸟巢泰山颐和园莫高窟布达拉宫日月潭长城乘地铁乘火车乘轮船乘飞机骑自行车乘出租车起床吃中午饭吃早饭离开吃晚饭返回宾馆二、重点句型、句子1. - Chicken or fish , which do you like better ?- I like fish better .2. - Which class do you like best ?- I like English best . I do best in English .3. I like reading , but I like drawing better .4. - Would you like to come to my house ?- Sorry , I cant . I must stay at home .5. - Can I use your computer ?- Sorry . I need to finish my homework first .6.- The windows are dirty . Shall we clean them this afternoon ?- Yes , lets7. - When is the Mid-Autumn Festival ?- It is on the fifteenth day of the eighth month in the Chinese calendar .8. We eat Chongyang cake on the day .9. - Can you tell me more about Halloween ?- Children dress up at night and knock on doors for candies .10. - Where are you from ?- I am from New York in the U.S.A .11. - Where is the U.K ?- It is in Europe .12.- Where is Ottawa ?- It is in the east of the country .13.- What is your favourite game ?- It is rugby .14. - American football is popular .- So is baseball .15.- What are you good at ?- We are good at ice sports .16.- Are you going to Chengdu by train ?- No, we are going by plane .17.- What will you do in Sichuan ?- I will visit Du-jiang-yan.18.- What time are we going to leave ?- We are going to leave at 7:30.
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