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,Starter Unit 2,Whats this in English?,I,J,K,L,M,N,3a-4d,a key,a pen,a ruler,a cup,a map,a jacket,a quilt,an orange,1. Say the words.,Revision,2. Revise the English letters.,I i J j K k L l M m N n,O o P p Q q R r,guessing game,guessing game,guessing game,guessing game,guessing game,guessing game,考考你的短时记忆,Listening,Listen and number the pictures 1-8.,3a,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,a _ _ y,a _en,a _u_e_,a _u_,a _ a_,a _ _ck_t,a _u_ _t,an _r_ _ g _,Listen and complete the words under the pictures in 3a.,3b,r l r,m p,j a e,k e,q i l,o a n e,p,c p,Listening,Listening,Listen to the conversation.,3c,Pairwork,Practice the conversation with your partner.,Whats this in English?,Its a map.,Spell it, please.,M-A-P,1 key _ pen _ cup _ ruler,2,3,4,Listen to the conversations and number the words you hear1-4.,3d,Listening,Talk about the things in the picture.,Pairwork,3e,Whats that in English?,Its an orange.,Spell it, please.,O-R-A-N-G-E.,Talk about the things in the picture.,Whats ?,Its .,Spell it, please.,Writing,Fill in the missing letters.,4a,J,A,D,k,F,G,N,P,Q,c,e,g,m,n,q,r,Reading,4b,Number the words in alphabetical order1-15.,( ) jacket ( 1 ) Alice ( ) map ( ) key ( ) orange ( ) Dale ( ) Helen ( ) Grace ( ) Cindy ( ) Bob ( ) pen ( ) Frank ( ) quilt ( ) Eric ( ) ruler,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,Listening,4c,Listen and repeat.,I,O,A,E,Read the letters and words in column 1. Then try to read the new words in column 2.,Reading,4d,一、Spell it, please. 请拼写一下吧。 1. 这是一个用来考查别人拼写(读)能力的句式。用于别人提到的单词,自己不知如何拼写。让对方指出这个单词由哪几个字母组成。例如: Its a jacket. 它是一个夹克衫。 Spell it, please. 请拼写它。 J-A-C-K-E-T.,Explanation,2. please 意为“请”,常用于一些客套的场合,可放在句首,也可以放在句末。放在句末时,常用逗号与前面部分隔开。例如:Please stand up. = Stand up, please. 请起立。,二、字母Ii Rr的书写及发音。 1. 在书写英语字母时,每个字母都应向,右倾斜,约为5。且大写字母都占上中格,可顶第一线。具体书写及笔顺如下:,2. 字母Ii Rr的读音依次为:, 其中Ii 和Oo是元音字母,其余均为辅音字母。 (1) 元音字母Ii, 在“I + 辅音字母(r除外) + 不发音的e”这一重读开音节中,读字母本身的读音 ,如:bike, nice等。,元音字母Ii, 在“i + 一个或几个辅音字母(r除外)”这一闭音节中,通常读短音 ,例如:this, six等。 (2) 元音字母Oo 在重读开音节中读字母本身的读音 , 如:no, hello等。 元音字母Oo在闭音节中读短音 , 例如:not, box等。,Homework,1. 按字母表顺序默写字母I到R的大写与小写。 2. 与你的同伴用英语进行询问一些单词的拼写。 3.完成课时练3a-4d。,一.火眼金睛改错.,good morning. How are you. Hello, alice. Thanks you. I fine. Whats this english? Its a ruler. It is a orange. Its jacket. What this?,Good morning.,How are you ?,Hello, Alice.,Thank you .,Im fine.,Whats this in English?,Its a ruler.,It is an orange.,Its a jacket.,Whats this?,二.搬家并写出中文.,ih 2. odog 3. gmniron 4. iefn 5. gnienev 6. ohlel 7. onfotarne 7. snkhat 9.grneao 10.hist 11.nlgeihs 12.ktacej 13.atwh 14.iqlut 15.urrel 16.speela 17.eplls 18.mnea,(嗨),good,(好的),morning,(上午),hi,fine,(好的),evening,hello,(喂),afternoon,(下午),(晚上),thanks,(谢谢),orange,(桔子),this,(这个),English,what,ruler,spell,jacket,quilt,please,name,(英语),(什么),(尺子),(拼写),(夹克),(被子),(请),(姓名),三.找出不同类单词.,A. quilt B. jacket C. orange D. T-shirtA. Alice B. Cindy C. Eric D.EnglishA. key B. evening C.afternoon D.morningA. map B. apple C.orange D. eggA. hello B. pen C. ruler D. pencilA. what B. how C. who D. spellA. bag B. pen C. bed D. orange,C,D,A,A,A,D,D,1. _ it , please.,2. _ _ this _ English? 3._(它是) _ apple. 4. It _ _English book. 5. I _ fine 6.You _ a girl. 7.This _ a map.,四.Exercises:填空,Spell,What,is,in,Its,an,is,an,am,are,is,1. Whats this , Kay? 2. Good morning. 3. Spell it , please. 4. Hello, Frank. 5. Hi, Helen! 6. How are you?,Hello, Bob! Im OK. B-O-B. Morning. Its a pen. Hi ! John.,找朋友,五.连词成句.,1.Read, morning, Ms good2.Am, I, fine _ 3.you, Dale, thank _ 4.is, my, Diana,name _ 5.you, are, how _,Good morning, Ms Read!,Im fine.,Thank you, Dale.,My name is Diana.,How are you?,Thank you!,
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