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Using Language,Unit 1,Words,delayregulargraspboredchangeable admirablecommitment,vt. 承担义务,There were two reasons: he felt his men were too weak to last very long without rescue; no ships passed that way. So Shackleton knew he would have to go for help himself.,1 Listen to the tape for the first time.,2. Do you think there was any alternative?,Why did Shackleton have to attempt the journey to South Georgia?,Listening and speaking,2 Listen to the tape again. Write down the problems that Shackleton faces on the rescue attempt and how hr overcame them.,1 To make sure that the group left behind had the best chance of survival,The choice of his party: He took the best navigator and the most difficult crew members so that he left the optimistic and most co-operative people behind.,2 How to arrive safely on South Georgia,The quality of the navigation: Despite terrible seas the navigator checked the ships position only three times but managed to arrive safely.,3 He arrived on the wrong side of South Georgia,The perseverance of the party: They crossed the mountains sometimes sliding on their bottoms and arrived safely.,THE RESCUE As soon as they arrived on Elephant Island, Shackleton decided to go to the island of South Georgia for help. He realized that his men were too ill to last very long without rescue. But this was not an easy task.,Listening text,The seas were very rough and the boat he planned to use was very small. Shackleton, however, felt he could not wait. No ships passed Elephant Island, so he knew that if he wanted to rescue his men he would have to do it himself.,Of course everybody wanted to go with Shackleton but he chose his companions with care. First, and most importantly, he needed a navigator to sail through the dangerous sea to South Georgia. Second, he needed to leave a group behind him that would be cheerful enough to survive till he returned.,So he took the two most difficult and unfriendly members with him.The journey in the boat was a nightmare. The movement of the boat was so strong that it was almost impossible to check their position. The navigator was only able to use his instruments three times during the trip to South Georgia.,Despite the sea being so rough, he was so good that they reached land safely. If they had missed South Georgia Island, they would have sailed on into the open sea and there would have been no rescue.Unfortunately Shackleton landed on the wrong side of South Georgia and had to climb over the mountains to get help.,That was a terrible journey too. At one point they had to slide down a mountain on their bottoms(屁股)! When they arrived at the whaling station, Shackleton immediately arranged for a boat to return to Elephant Island.,But the seas were even fiercer so they could not get near it. It took another three months of trying before they reached the twenty-two men left behind, Shackleton grew very anxious and looked extremely old and worried during this time.,He was only happy when he arrived back on Elephant Island and found everyone still alive. As for the men, they began crying with relief when they saw him walking through the water to rescue them.,Imagine that you have been asked by Shackleton to choose two sailors for his rescue team from the list below. Discuss who you think are the most suitable.,Who should join the rescue team?,Speaking,Then your group must argue your case to the class. These expressions may help you.,Im not sure that He is unable to Its clear that I think , is better because ,Theres no doubt that I hate to have to say this but Its hard to say. I dont mind if Which qualities do you think .? What do you mean ?,“Optimism helped us persevere.”,Reading,1 Answer these questions after reading the passage.,) What kind of problems did the men have to face on Elephant Island?,They had to face two kinds of problems: one was psychological and the other physical. The psychological one was to stay cheerful and not give way to despair. The physical problem was to stay fit despite a diet consisting only of meat. This meant that there were not enough vitamins or minerals and the food was the same day after day.,2 What do you think was their greatest worry? How do you think they overcame this difficulty?,I think their greatest worry was not being rescued. They dealt with this by remaining cheerful, having musical evenings singing to the banjo and holding celebrations.,Why did Shackleton encourage them to have celebrations? How do you think the celebrations helped?,Celebrations give people something to look forward to, create good relationships between the people who are celebrating and make everyone feel more cheerful. That is why Shackleton encouraged them.,* give a summary of the story; * state what you liked / disliked about it and why;,Write a review of Perce Blackborows story for a newspaper. In a review you should:,Homework,* consider whether the language helpedthe story or not * explain whether how it inspired you * state whether you would encourage anybody else to read it and why,
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