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Eating disorders 进食障碍-15组,学校:福建医科大学 班级:临床医学甲班 组别:15组 成员: 林振飞 . 魏小凡、吕雅子 . 林冰琳、黄英琪 . 陈少军、黄思瀚 . 法蒂玛、图潘能,No.1 overview 概述 No.2 Clinical manifestation 临床表现 No.3 cause 原因 No.4 Treatment 治疗,Eating disorders is a group of syndromes with the significant characteristics of abnormal eating behaviors, it belongs to mental disorders.,进食行为异常、属精神类障碍 厌食症(AN) 贪食症(BN,Including:,anorexia nervosa (AN),bulimia nervosa (BN),overview 概述,Eating disorders,15组,Eating disorders,15组,manifestation表现,1. 减少进食; 2. 节食行为1.难以控制的进食冲动 2. 正常人数倍,attitudes and behavior进食的态度和行为,1. To reduce consumption; 2. the hidden dieting behavior;,1.its difficult to control the impulse to eat. 2.They eat far more food than others .,AN,BN,Eating disorders,15组,manifestation表现,1.“饥饿状态” 2.抑郁情绪BN更为明显 1.高抑郁症发病率 2. 被食物征服和控制 3.自杀自伤行为,2.Emotional symptoms 情绪症状,1.being “hungry” 2.depression,more obvious than AN 1.showing a higher incidence of depression; 2.being conquered and controlled by food ; 3.Dutch act and self injurious behavior,AN,BN,Eating disorders,15组,manifestation表现,AN:社会隔离状态 BN更:多的人格问题,3.Personality disorder 人格障碍,patients often show a kind of social isolation, believing in themselves in a state of harmony, and refusing others help,Patients often have personality problems, including stealing, lying, impulsive behavior .,AN,BN,Eating disorders,15组,manifestation表现,AN:消瘦、皮肤干燥、脱发、代谢减慢 、躯体损害 BN:腮腺肿大、龋齿(由呕吐所致)、慢性咽喉炎,4. Physical problems 躯体问题,AN patients are thin with dry skin and hair loss.They are prone to have slow metabolism and a variety of body damage.,BN patients often complaint of parotid gland enlargement, dental caries (caused by vomiting) and chronic sore throat.,AN,BN,Eating disorders,15组,cause 原因,1.个体因素 2.家庭因素 3.社会文化因素,1. Individual factors Including biological factors personality factors,2. Family factors Including emotional entanglement excessive protection parents quarrels treat the grown up children in the way of treating babies,3. Social and cultural factors modern social cultural concept,Eating disorders,15组,Treatment 治疗,三个步骤: 体重、食物、态度,AN,three steps: Getting back to a healthy weight 2.Starting to eat more food 3.Changing how you think about yourself and food,Eating disorders,15组,Treatment 治疗,三个步骤: 停止循环、想法、情感,BN,three steps: 1.Stoping the cycle of bingeing and purging 2.Identifying and Changing dysfunctional beliefs 3.Solving emotional problems,Eating disorders,15组,感谢 观赏,组别:15组 成员: 林振飞 . 魏小凡、吕雅子 . 林冰琳、黄英琪 . 陈少军、黄思瀚 . 法蒂玛、图潘能,
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