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仓库管理系统,-实现仓库系统自动化方案,www.themegallery.com,目的,仓库管理系统的自动化实现目的在于代替手工记账、人工盘点统计等,实现仓库收货、运输、入库、出库电脑办公记账,条形码准确记录物品信息、准确识别物品,从而提高办公效率。,www.themegallery.com,条形码功能与WM的结合应用,优 势,将开发界面也移植到手持设备中,扫描的同时自动在手持设备界面中录入信息,移动性、便捷性更高,在SAP中开发界面,扫描时自动在开发界面中输入信息,取代人工输入,转出单的创建和确认工作仍在SAP开发界面中完成,与条码结合使用,将仓位编码、物料凭证编码都做成条形码,在手持设备扫描的同时完成WM中转出单创建、确认工作,WM-WM是Windows Mobile的简称,是微软为手持设备推出的“移动版Windows”,www.themegallery.com,方案流程图,收货,送检,入库,库内管理,出库管理,www.themegallery.com,收货,所需工具-RF扫描终端;二维码-货品条码,利用RF扫描终端,节省了收货时间,提高收货效率和收货的准确性。,www.themegallery.com,送检,利用SAP可以共享的模块,实现了各种单据的传递,从而实现了办公的无纸化,节约了成本。,www.themegallery.com,入库,仓库管理员在SAP系统的指定模块查看已经检验合格的来货,对检验合格来货的数量进行重新核对,确认无误后,对货品条码进行扫描,则此货货物的信息更新到仓库的库存报表里,把核对无误的货物安排在仓库合适位置,并对仓库的货位进行管理,在货物放上去之后,对该货位的货位条码进行扫描,则该信息自动更新到库存报表里,所需工具-RF扫描终端;二维码-货位条码,第一步,第二步,第三步,www.themegallery.com,库内管理,库内管理,仓库的清洁、安全管理:各区域的清洁制定负责人,仓库的所有区域必须都在摄像头的监控范围内,仓库还需设有各种报警装置,如水火报警器、高温报警器以及各种防盗报警器。,仓库标识化管理:如各物料的放置区域必须有标识牌和区域负责人;各区域必须用斑马线严格区分;仓库的各种警示性标语,如禁烟等。,仓库货物储存条件管理,如:电子料放置区域必须铺有防静电胶皮并接地,IBGT模块必须放在干燥箱内进行保存等。,www.themegallery.com,出库管理,领料申请,需求部门在SAP系统中提交领料需求申请至相关负责人处审批,仓库核对发料信息,仓库在SAP系统中接收到有领料需求的任务指令时,即刻备料,备料完毕后,对每颗料的货品编码进行扫描,则次发货信息自动更新到库存报表里,没有经过仓库发料扫描的物料,在拿出仓库时,仓库的手持防盗报警器会报警,送料、签收,仓库人员将备好的物料送至需求部门,与需求交接之后,需求部门须在SAP系统作收料确认操作,则此次发料流程结束。,第二步,Text in here,第一步,www.themegallery.com,条形码功能与WM的结合应用,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,www.themegallery.com,Diagram,Add your title in here - Your text in here - Your text in here,Add your title in here - Your text in here - Your text in here,Add your title in here - Your text in here - Your text in here,Add your title in here - Your text in here - Your text in here,www.themegallery.com,Diagram,Text in here,Text in here,Text in here,Title,Title,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,www.themegallery.com,Diagram,Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text,Your Text Here,Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text,Title Add your text,www.themegallery.com,Diagram,Add your text in hereYour text in hereYour text in hereYour text in hereAdd your text in hereYour text in hereYour text in hereYour text in here,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,www.themegallery.com,Diagram,Text in here,01.Title Add your text in here Add your text in here Add your text in here,02.Title Add your text in here Add your text in here Add your text in here,03.Title Add your text in here Add your text in here Add your text in here,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,www.themegallery.com,Diagram,Text in here,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Text in here,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Text in here,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Text in here,Text in here,Text in here,www.themegallery.com,Progress Diagram,Your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in here,Text in here,Add your text in here,Add your text in here,www.themegallery.com,Block Diagram,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,www.themegallery.com,3-D Pie Chart,Add your text in here,Add your text in here,Add your text in here,Add your text in here,Add your text in here,www.themegallery.com,3-D Pie Chart,A. Products,Add your text in here,Add your text in here,B. Products,Add your text in here,Add your text in here,Add your text in here,Add your text in here,Add your text in here,www.themegallery.com,Diagram,You can briefly add outline of this slide page in this text box.,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,Click to add Title,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Add your text in here Add your text in here Add your text in here,Add your text in here Add your text in here Add your text in here,Add your text in here Add your text in here Add your text in here,Add your text in here Add your text in here Add your text in here,Add your text in here Add your text in here Add your text in here,www.themegallery.com,技术构架,
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