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1UnitUnit 5 5 ArtArt worldworld(一)(一)pleasant /pleznt/ adj.令人愉快的 drama /drm/ n.戏剧;戏剧性事件 photography /ftgrfi/ n.照相术,摄影 2art form /fm/ n.艺术形式 pop /pp/ (=pop music) n.流行音乐musical /mjuzk()l/ adj.音乐的 talent /tlnt/ n.天赋,才能题一:Write down the names of the different art forms.Millie and Daniel are talking about their favorite art forms. Millie: What art form do you like? Daniel: I like music. Millie: Really? What kind of music do you like best? Daniel: I prefer pop music. Millie: Whos your favourite singer? Daniel: I like Michael Jackson. Millie: Why do you love him? Daniel: Because he was the King of Pop. His musical talent was amazing. 题二:填表格。Daniels favouriteart formkind of music singerreason 题三:Complete the sentences.1. We spent a very p_ evening. 2. I p_ beef to pork. 3. My f_ drink is orange juice. 4. Most pupils learn to play a m_ instrument. 5. What art f_ is China famous for? 6. He is t_ in painting. And his dream is to be a painter. UnitUnit 5 5 ArtArt worldworld(二)(二)Tan Dun3Award Music of Beijing 2008 Olympic GamesCrouching Tiger, Hidden Dragonboundary /bandri/ n. 边界,疆界,界限medal /medl/ n. 奖牌;奖章 present /prezent/ vt. 颁发;提交 winner /wn(r)/ n. 获胜者 composer /kmpz(r)/ n.作曲家 central /sentrl/ adj.中心的,中央的instrument /nstrmnt/ n. 乐器;工具;器械 common /kmn/ adj.普通的,一般的,常见的 object /bdkt/ n. 物品,东西 stone /stn/ n. 石头musician /mjuzn/ n. 音乐家 be known/famous for 因而著名 4control /kntrl/ vt. 控制,支配 flow /fl/ n. 流动 successfully /sksesfli/ adv. 成功地traditional /trdnl/ adj.传统的bell /bel/ n. 钟,铃though / conj.虽然,尽管Music without Boundaries Each time a medal was presented to a winner at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, the award music was played. The music was written by Tan Dun, a world- famous composer. Born in 1957 in central Hunan, China, Tan Dun grew up near the Liuyang River. When he was very young, Tan showed an interest in music. He loves the sounds of the rushing water and the blowing wind because, to him, the best music comes from nature. Since he had no musical instruments then, he made music with common objects like stones and paper. In 1978, Tan entered the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing. Eight years later, he went on to study in the USA. There he got to know great musicians from around the world. As a composer, perhaps he is best known for winning an Oscar for his music in the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. As he likes the sounds of nature, Tan uses them a lot in his music. His amazing piece of music Water does not use any musical instruments. Instead, Tan makes over 50 sounds from water by controlling the speed of water flow. “Theyre the sounds of nature, and they create different pictures in different minds,” Tan said. Tan has helped build a bridge between the East and the West. He has successfully brought Chinese and Western music together. The music for the Beijing Olympics uses traditional Chinese music and the sounds of an ancient Chinese bell, though it is in a Western style. “My music is to dream without boundaries,” Tan once said. In his work, the past and the present, common objects and musical instruments, traditional Chinese music and modern Western music all mix together to make a new type music without boundaries. 题一:Fill in the profile card according to the article.Year of birth: _ Place of birth: _ Interest(s): _ Job: _ Education: studied music at a university in _went on to study in Best known for: winning an _ for the music in a film5His music: uses _ a lot builds a bridge _6UnitUnit 5 5 ArtArt worldworld(三)(三)concert /knst/ n.音乐会 tonight /tnat/ adv. 今晚 folk /fk/ n.(=folk music) 民间音乐 country /kntri/ n.乡下,乡村country music n.乡村音乐 jazz /dz/ n. 爵士乐 rock /rk/ n.(=rock music) 摇滚乐 Sandy is inviting her friend Janice to a concert. Sandy: Would you like to go to a concert tonight, Janice? Janice: Of course. What kind of concert is it? Sandy: Its a classical music concert. Janice: Great! I love classical music. When does it start? Sandy: At 7 p.m. Janice: And where is it held? Sandy: At Sunshine Theatre. Janice: OK. Shall we meet at the gate of the theatre? Sandy: All right. Ill see you there at 6:50. Bye. Sandys story about how she became interested in painting. praise /prez/ vt. 赞扬,表扬 gift /gft/ n.天赋,才能have a gift for 对有天赋 mark /mk/ n.污点,斑点encourage /nkrd/ vt. 鼓励,劝告literature /ltrt(r)/ n. 文学All my teachers and classmates praised my designs for the art festival. They think I have a real gift for painting. However, I once did not like art 7lessons because I could not draw very well. One day, I was playing with some paint as usual in Ms Luos art lesson. I mixed the paint with water. As I took the brush away, I dropped some paint onto the paper. Looking at the
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