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乙肝肝硬化并发症的处理,邱德凯上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院 上海市消化疾病研究所,慢性乙型肝炎肝脏损伤的机制,晚期 肝纤维化-肝硬化,健康的肝脏,慢性肝损伤,HBV 感染导致肝损伤,慢性炎症,星状细胞活化,纤维化,肝硬化,肝细胞增殖 功能障碍,肝脏干细胞 增加,非侵入性检查,传统血清学指标HA、LN、PIIINP、IV-C、MMP Fibro test (FT)2-M、Hp、ApoA1、GGT、TB APRI AST(/ULN)/PLT(109/L) 100 瞬时弹性成像检测(Fibroscan, FS),瞬时弹性成像检测(Fibroscan, FS),测定肝脏瞬时弹性图谱反映肝实质硬度,通过测量肝脏硬度来判断肝脏纤维化的程度,并对肝纤维化进行准确分级,肝组织弹性与肝纤维化分级,肝组织弹性分界范围与肝纤维化分级相关性,Fung JY, et al. Hong Kong Medical Diary, 2009,14(11):22-25.,Castera L, et al. Gastroenterology,2005,128:343-350.,FS、FT、APRI及其联合应用的AUROC表*,*依据Metavir系统评估; AUROC=the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve。,侵入性检查,肝组织活检(金标准) 假小叶形成,可确诊肝硬化,肝纤维化 Metavir 评分,肝纤维化组织学分期系统,分期 Knodell Ishak Scheuer METAVIR0 无纤维化 无纤维化 无纤维化 无纤维化1 汇管区扩大 有些PF短纤维隔 汇管区扩大 PF无纤维隔2 多数PF短纤维隔 PF,纤维隔形成 PF,少量间隔3 桥接纤维化 多数PF,偶有P-P 纤维隔伴小叶 间隔纤维化 P-P/P-C 结构紊乱4 肝硬化 PF伴明显P-P和P-C 可能或肯定肝硬化 肝硬化5 明显P-P/P-C偶有结节6 可能或肯定肝硬化注:PF为汇管区纤维化;P-P汇管桥接纤维化;P-C为汇管-中央桥接纤维化,中国与国际标准,Child-Turcotte-Pugh (CTP) 评分,PT=凝血酶原时间; INR=国际标准化比率 * CTP A级=5-6 分;CTP B级=7-9分;CTP C级=10-15分,Garcia-Tsao G, Lim J. Am J Gastroenterol 2009, 104: 1802.,Calculating MELD Scores,The hard way6.4 + 9.8 x log (INR) + 11.2 x log (Cr) + 3.8 x log (Bilirubin)The easy waywww.unos.org/resources/,CALCULATING MELD SCORE,CTP, ChildTurcottePugh; iMELD, integrated model for end-stage liver disease; MELD, model for end-stage liver disease; MESO, MELD to sodium ratio.,Comparison of the CTP, MELD and MELD-derived prognostic models,CTP MELD MELD-Na iMELD MESO Component Bilirubin, INR, Bilirubin, MELD, Na MELD, age, Na MELD/Na albumin,ascites, creatinine, encephalopathy INRType of score Discrete Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Selection of Empirical Statistical Statistical Statistical Empirical Variables iling effect Yes No No No No Prospectively No Yes Yes Yes No Designed Variables weighted No Yes Yes Yes Nofor their influence Needs logarithmic No Yes Yes Yes Yes Transformation Subjective variables Yes No No No No Long-term prediction ability FairGood Unknown Unknown Unknown,Kiran M.Banbha,Curr opi org transp 2008,13:227-233,肝硬化并发症发生率,食管胃底静脉曲张出血,大约50%肝硬化患者出现食管胃底静脉曲张其中每年发生破裂出血率约12-15%,死亡率约15-20%建议发现肝硬化时进行胃镜检查,早期预防,1. Garcia-Tsao G. Gastroenterology. 2001; 120: 726-48. 2. Bosch J, Garcia-Pagan JC. Lancet 2003; 361: 952-4.,内镜下食道扩张血管的樱桃红色斑点,急性食管静脉曲张出血的治疗,Morgan T. Update in the Diagnosis and Management of Decompensated Cirrhosis. Hepatitis Annual Update 2009.,食管胃静脉曲张 再出血的治疗,未治患者中,出血后1-2年内的再出血率达60%,死亡率达33% EVL+药物(NSBB)治疗 随机试验显示:EVL+NSBB组再出血率14-23%EVL组再出血率38-43% 若药物治疗使HVPG降至20%,则再出血率仅10%左右 因此,应根据HVPG调整治疗方案,Garcia-Tsao G, Lim J. Am J Gastroenterol 2009, 104: 1802.,简便有效, 但并发症多,病人难以耐受,双囊三腔管压迫:,EGVB的救治方法,内镜治疗:,EGVB的救治方法,TIPS:,TIPS,EGVB的救治方法,经颈静脉肝内门-体静脉支架分流术(TIPS),即刻止血成功率90-99 中远期(1年)疗效不满意,影响疗效的主要因素是术后分流道狭窄或闭塞,主要发生在术后6-12个月。,Garcia-Tsao G. Gastroenterology. 2001; 120: 726-48.,Polytetrafluoroethylene-covered TIPS stents,POLYTETRAFLUOROETHYLENE (e-PTFE)-COVERED TIPS,静脉曲张出血的二级预防,Morgan T. Update in the Diagnosis and Management of Decompensated Cirrhosis. Hepatitis Annual Update 2009.,Baares R et al., Hepatology 2002; 35:609,Combination Drug / Endoscopic Therapy is More Effective Than Endoscopic Therapy Alone in Achieving Five-Day Hemostasis,Sclero + Octreotide Besson, 1995 Ligation + Octreotide Sung, 1995 Sclero + Octreotide / ST Signorelli, 1996 Sclero + Octreotide Ceriani, 1997 Sclero + Octreotide Signorelli, 1997 Sclero + ST Avgerinos, 1997 Sclero + Octreotide Zuberi, 2000 Sclero / ligation + Vapreotide Cales, 2001 TOTAL,Favors endoscopic therapy alone,1,1.6,1.8,2,1.2,1.4,0.8,Favors endoscopic plus drug therapy,Relative Risk,腹 水,1年和5年的生存率分别为85%和55%(未行肝移植者)初步检查: 腹水细胞计数和分类 血清腹水白蛋白梯度(SAAG) 血清CA125检测无助于腹水的鉴别诊断,不推荐检测一线治疗(推荐级别-A): 限制钠的摄入 (2g/d) 利尿 (口服螺内酯和/或呋塞米),
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