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1Unit2Unit2 SchoolSchool lifelife 习题微课习题微课题一:根据句意及提示写出单词。1. Can I _ (提供) you something to drink? 2. If you would like to _ (讨论) the matter further, please call me. 3. Dick liked _(棒球) when he was a little boy. 4. I found a beautiful passage in one of his _(文章).5. He is learning two foreign _(语言). 题二:根据句意及提示写出单词。1. The Sunday papers are full of _ (广告) for cars. 2.In those days, we went to the _ (电影) every week. 3.Were planning a _ (假期) in Europe. 4. He worked in an_ (美国) company. 5. How does it feel to have _ (赢得) the gold medal? 题三:用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Water had got into the radio, and now it was completely _ (use) . 2. He was questioned by police _(two) yesterday. 3. You should cut out the _(important) details. 4. Maybe he would worry _(little) if he understood the situation. 5. Suddenly spending time _(play) a game on a computer looked like a road to riches. 题四:用所给词的适当形式填空。1. But how can we find beauty in the busy _(day) life? 2. He sounds like a _(foreign). 3. Girls who have always been at a _(mix) school know how to protect themselves. 4. Many questions are under _(discuss) . 5. We go and do the _(week) shopping every Thursday. 题五:Why not _ with us and practice _the basketball?A. to come; playing B. come; playing C. to come; to play D. come; to play2题六:I dont have a partner to practice English _Why not join an English language club to practice _?A./; speaking B. with; speaking C. with; to speak D. /; to speak题七:The students will have had exam by then, so theyll be able to enjoy _.A. oneself B. themself C. himself D. themselves 题八:After he finished middle school, he taught _ Japanese.A. oneself B. them C. himself D. themselves 题九:按要求完成句子。1. It takes me two hours to see a movie.(改为同义句) I _ two hours _ a movie.2. He lost his job and didnt know how he kept his family going. (改为同义句) He lost his job and didnt know how _ _ his family going. 题十:按要求完成句子。1. It takes me quite a long time to understand the meaning of the painting.(改为同义句) I _ quite a long time _ the meaning of the painting.2. How he can improve(提高) the quality of products was a difficult problem. (改为同义句) How _ _ the quality of products was a difficult problem. 3Unit2Unit2 SchoolSchool lifelife 习题微课习题微课题一:1. offer 2.discuss 3. baseball 4. articles 5.languages 解析:1.句意为:我给你拿点喝的好吗?提供 offer。2.句意为:如果你想进一步讨论此事,请打电话给我。讨论 discuss。3.句意为:当迪克还是个小孩时,他就喜欢棒球运动。baseball 棒球。4.句意为:我在他的一篇文章中发现了精美的一段。文章 articles。5.句意为:他在学习两种外语。语言 languages。题二:1. advertisements 2.movies 3.vacation 4. American 5.won解析:1.句意为:周日报纸上全是汽车广告。广告 advertisements。2.句意为:那时候,我们每周都去看电影。电影 movies。3.句意为:我们正计划去欧洲度假。假期 vacation。4.句意为:他在一家美国公司工作。美国 American。5.句意为:获得金牌的感觉如何?赢得 won。题三:1. useless 2. twice 3. unimportant 4.less 5.playing 解析:1.句意为:收音机进了水,现在完全不能用了。无用的 useless。2.句意为:他昨天被警察审问了两次。两次 twice。3.句意为:你应当删除掉这些不重要的细节。不重要的 unimportant。4.句意为:他要是了解情况,也许就不会那么担心了。更少地 less。5.句意为:突然之间,在电脑前玩游戏貌似成为致富之道。spend some time doing sth.花费时间做某事,所以填 playing。题四:1. daily 2. foreigner 3. mixed 4.discussion 5.weekly 解析:1.句意为:但我们要怎样在忙碌的日常生活中找到美呢?日常的 daily。2.句意为:他的发音像个外国人。外国人 foreigner。3.句意为:一直在男女混合学校上学的女孩子们知道如何自我保护。混合的 mixed。4.句意为:许多问题正在讨论。讨论 discussion。5.句意为:我们每星期四采购。每周的 weekly。题五:B解析:句意为:为什么不和我们来练习打篮球呢?Why not 后接动词原形,practice doing 练习做某事,所以选 come; playing。题六:B4解析:句意为:我没有可以练习英语的伙伴。为什么不加入英语俱乐部来练习说英语呢?to practice English with.是后置定语,修饰 a partner。同时 to practice English with 与 a partner 又构成动宾关系。即 practice English with a partner,因此 with 不能省略。practice doing 练习做某事,所以选 with; speaking。题七:D解析:句意为:到那时学生就考完试了,这样他们就能够玩得痛快。enjoy oneself 玩得愉快,主语是 they,所以选 themselves。题八:C解析:句意为:他上完中学后,就自学了日语。teach oneself 自学,主语是 he,所以选himself。题九:1. spend; seeing 2. to keep解析:1.句意为:我花了两小时看电影。句型为 It takes sb.(some time) to do sth.某人花了时间做某事。也可以换成 sb. spends some time doing sth.。所以填 spend; seeing。2.句意为:他失去了工作,不知道怎样让全家继续生活下去。How to do 表示如何去做,所以填 to keep。题十:1. spend; understanding 2. to improve解析:1.句意为:我花了很长时间来明白画的意义。句型为 It takes sb.(some time) to do sth.某人花了时间做某事。也可以换成 sb. spends some time doing sth.。所以填 spend; understanding。2.句意为:如何提高产品质量对他来说可是个难题。How to do 表示如何去做,所以填 to improve。
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