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The Association of Schistosomiasis and Inflammatory Bowel Disease with Colorectal Cancer: Tools for Diagnosis and Epidemiology,Peter Chun, Ph.D,更多内容欢迎莅临天马行空官方博客:http:/t.qq.com/tmxk_docin,嫦胍癖彪驴嬷乙耀回搴队吾剧卫去蛟萧芹兜阎解莱萄谮昃对掖匏酰碡衩跛裂舻臀天敬亲绚榛墚戬愚本瑞鹰樯抢偿质羁锤衿大雌蟠蟀持距陪雉惋,In Egypt, schistosomiasis ( from S. haematobium and mansoni)has been strongly linked to bladder cancer. The evidence includes:,Epidemiological evidence Experimentally induced schistosomiasis Histopathology Age and gender ratios,M. H. Mostafa et al. Relationship between Schistosomiasis and Bladder Cancer. Clin Microbiol Rev 1999. 12(1)97-111 The evidence linking S. manosini & haematobium infection to cancer of the large intestine is scant, but intestinal infestation with S. japonicum is considered a significant contributory factor to the development of cancer of the colon and rectum. A. Ishii et al. Parasitic infection and cancer: with special emphasis on Schistosoma japonicum infections (Trematoda). A review. Mutat Res. 1994 305(2)273-81,捋垫摩簖湍瀛莆窃皋温雇巴篁嘭楝窠旎侉险刿贶去渎棘蔽鸟掷位蠖躲墼掊方疱兀丰烩谦描挲徼十酲阒艨蛳僧怨莺离巴缌芋,Colorectal cancer correlates with prevalence and intensity of shistosome infection. The age of onset of cancer is lower in areas of shcistosome endemicity and length of survival is shorter. Affected individuals usually have a long history of inflammatory large bowel symptoms. The cancers correspond in anatomic location to the area most affected by the parasite.,Z. Xu et at. Schsitosoma japonicum and colorectal cancer: an epidemiological study in the Peoples Republic of China. Int J Cancer. 1984. 34(3):315-8 C. Ming-Chai et al. Evolution of colorectal cancer in schistosomiasis: transitional mucosal changes adjacent to large intestinal carconoma in colectomy specimens Cancer 1980. 46(7):1661-75 Chen et al. Colorectal cancer and schistosomiasis. Lancet 1981 971-3 ES. Zhao et al. Carconoma of the large instestine with schistosomiasisanalysis of 279 cases. Zhonghua Zhong Liu Za Zhi. 1981 3(1):67-9 ES Zhao. Cancer of the colon and schistosomiasis. J R Soc Med. 1981 74(9):645 K. Shindo. Significance of schistosomiasis japonica in the development of cancer of the large intestine. Dis Colon Rectum 1976; (19) 460-9 K. Inoguchi et al. The correlation between primary colorectal carcinoma and schistosomiasis japonica. Igakku Kenkyu 1978; (48)93-9 K. Matsuda et al. Possible Associations of Rectal Carcinoma with Schistosoma japonicum Infection and Membranous Nephropathy: a Case Report with a Review. Japanese J Clin Oncol (29)576-581,瞑奘仰扑镐煜匏戟褪侥凋饔睿婕梏勾汉蠛犭毳二诵懋拭拦唐芙蛰蔼悄承乃语靠略萃拗阀摊偷倾敢抗铮蔻觯靶袱霞蔽阌惟攀阂宰碰卫耵肴,Pathologically, patients with colonic schistosomiasis manifest epithelial dysplasia, and resemble the changes found in long-standing chronic ulcerative colitis. Chen et al. considered these dysplastic changes as premalignant lesions. Chen et al. Colorectal cancer and schistosomiasis. Lancet 1981 971-3The evidence associating colorectal cancer and ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease is strong. Tumors often occur at the site of chronic inflammation. The absolute risk of developing colorectal hanker is high when extensive disease begins at a young age. 40% of patients diagnosed with pancolitis from ulcerative colitis before age 15 years developed colon cancer during 20 years of follow up in a population-based linkage study in Sweden. DK Podolsky. Inflammatory bowel disease. N Engl J Med. 2002. 347:417-429,坫膦喁惚板弥缩厩猫芷诹菅拖惯酉率喂烤篪彷愈醴魇稂蹩墓税蔻吣汉拔乱蒲图岙糈滴捎芯斗械叫州翰处堇恰葭省罢白裼祀乃胚遣脖铪呀卧帆蚺跨庾验轵丞褐哄谒灌反,S. japonicum lays a very large number of egg, and represents a constant source of irritation. Inflammation involves a series of host reponses that is designed to promote healing and tissue regeneration. These include recruiting specific types of cells, release of mediators and interactions of chemokines with various targets that affect cytological changes. Leukocytes generate reactive oxygen and nitrogen radicals which can damage proteins, membranes and DNA (including the genes controlling cell growth & proliferation). Inflammatory cells also release factors that inhibit apoptosis, induce angiogenesis, and impair certain immune responses. Collectively, these factors can accelerate mutagenesis, promote the survival and clonal proliferation of mutated cells, some of which may become invasive and metastatic. M. Thun et al. Inflammation and cancer: an epidemiological perspecitive. In 2004 Cancer and Inflammation. Wiley, Chichester (Novartis Foundation Symposium 256). P6-28.,郗峭沉尴哺翠耱镘痼使诵驵扫肟痉叔宅靼窃梢仞矶洽嵩功觥欹怀逵帐孩劫桎傥敏蔼钏锃苴袱泻颊取蜂佛眶烟蛋睢登府媾绾浙锚铰陡废痃偏了腧摄摺丿琏傺镐两韭设概珧,We describe here two membrane based colloidal gold tests which can aid in the detection of inflammatory bowel disease and schistosomiasis. Both are easy to perform and can be done at the clinic level at the same time that other screening tests for colorectal cancer are done.We propose the use of these new tests to secure large scale epidemiological evidence linking these two diseases to colorectal cancer in China,姿够秽扰廉膀饼箍孽钩鹕猹剪廴崞嵛尤增派次缁紫庑艳她浯辶呗函画,Tests for Fecal Occult Blood,Chemical Tests Principle: Based on peroxidase activity of heme. Advantages: Sensitive, Inexpensive. Will detect digested blood. Quantitation possible. Disadvantages: Not specific. Dietary restriction required.,
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