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颈部neck,颈部Neck,境界Boundaries 上界Superior下颌底、下颌角、乳突、上项线、枕外隆突inferior border of mandible, angle of mandible, tip of mastoid process, superior nuchal line, external occipital protuberance 下界Inferior颈静脉切迹、胸锁关节、锁骨上缘、肩峰、第七颈椎棘突jugular notch, sternoclavicular joint, superior border of clavicle, acromion, spinous processes of C7,体表标志Landmarks,舌骨Hyoid bone 甲状软骨Thyroid cartilage 环状软骨Cricoid cartilage 颈动脉结节Carotid tubercle 胸锁乳突肌Sternocleidomastoid 胸骨上窝Suprasternal fossa 锁骨上大窝Greater supraclaviclar fossa,颈部分区Division of neck,固有颈部Proper neck 颈前区Anterior region 舌骨上区Suprahyoid region: 颏下三角Submental triangle 下颌下三角Submandibular triangle 舌骨下区Infrahyoid region: 颈动脉三角Carotid triangle 肌三角Muscular triangle 胸锁乳突肌区Sternocleidomastoid region 颈外侧区Lateral region 枕三角Occipital triangle 锁骨上三角supraclavicular triangle Greater supraclavicular fossa 项部posterior portion(nape),皮肤Skin 浅筋膜Superficial fascia 深筋膜Deep fascia 肌Muscles 血管Blood vessels, 淋巴管Lymphatic ducts 神经Nerves 咽、喉、食管、气管、甲状腺、甲状旁腺Pharynx,larynx and esophagua and trachea Thyroid gland, parathyroid gland,皮肤Skin,皮肤薄、移动性大、皮纹呈横向分布。The natural line of cleavage of the skin are constant and run almost horizontally around the neck,浅筋膜Superficial fascia,Contents 颈阔肌Platysma 浅静脉Superficial veins 颈前静脉Anterior jugular v. 颈外静脉External jugular v. 皮神经Cutaneous nerves 枕小神经Lesser occipital n. 耳大神经Greet auricular n. 颈横神经Transverse nerve of neck 锁骨上神经Supraclavicular n. 面神经颈支Cervical branch of facial n.,颈筋膜Cervical fascia,浅层Superficial layer (investing fascia 封套筋膜) 气管前筋膜Pretrachial layer 椎前筋膜Prevertebral layer,prevertebral fascia,investing fascia,pretracheal fascia,颈动脉鞘Carotid sheath,Formed by components of all three layers of deep cervical fascia 内容Contains 颈总动脉common carotid arteries 颈内动脉internal carotid arteries 颈内静脉internal jugular vein 迷走神经vagus nerve Ansa cervicalis located on its anterior surface,筋膜间隙Spaces among fascia,胸骨上间隙Suprasternal space 气管前间隙Pretracheal space 咽后间隙Retropharyngeal space 椎前间隙Prevertebral space,颈前区anterior regions of the neck,下颌下三角Submandibular triangle,境界:二腹肌前、后腹和下颌骨体下缘围成。 浅面Roof: 皮肤、浅筋膜、颈阔肌、封套筋膜。 底Floor: 下颌舌骨肌、舌骨舌肌和咽中缩肌mylohyoid, hyoglossus and middle constrictor of pharynx 内容Contents 下颌下腺submandibular gland 面血管facial a.and v. 舌血管lingual a. and v. 舌神经lingual n. 舌下神经hypoglossal n. 下颌下神经节submandibular ganglion 下颌下淋巴结submandibular lymph nodes,One gland Two blood vessles Two nerves,facial a.and v.: deep to the gland lingual a. and v.: medially to the lower part of the gland hypoglossal n.:medially to the lower part of the gland lingual n.:medially to the upper part of the gland submandibular ganglion: medially to the upper part of the gland submandibular lymph nodes:around the gland,颏下三角Submental triangle 境界:两侧二腹肌前腹和舌骨围成。 顶:皮肤、浅筋膜、封套筋膜Covered by skin, superficial fascia and investing fascia 底Floor下颌锁骨肌mylohyoid muscles 内容Contents颏淋巴结submental lymph nodes,颈动脉三角Carotid triangle,境界Bounded胸锁乳突肌前缘、二腹肌后腹、肩胛舌骨肌上腹 by anterior border of sternocleidomastoid, superior belly of omohyoid and posterior belly of digastic muscles 顶Covered皮肤、浅筋膜、颈阔肌、封套筋膜 by skin, superficial fascia, platysma and investing fascia 底Floor椎前筋膜、咽侧壁prevertebral fascia and lateral wall of pharynx Contents,内容Contents颈总动脉及其分支common carotid a. and its branches颈外动脉及其分支external carotid a. and its branches颈内静脉及其属支internal jugular v. and its tributaries, 舌下神经hypoglossal n. with its descending branches,副神经accessory nerve迷走神经vagus nerve颈外侧深淋巴结part of the chain of deep cervical lymph nodes,The common carotid a., external carotid a., internal jugular v., and vagus nerve are enclosed in Carotid Sheath,二腹肌后腹Posterior belly of digastic muscle,浅面Superficial:耳大神经 great auricular n., 下颌后静脉retromandibular v.,面神经颈支 cervical branch of facial n. 深Deep:颈内动脉、颈外动脉、颈内静脉、迷走神经、副神经、舌下神经、颈交感干 internal and external carotid a., internal jugular v., vagus n. accessory n. hypoglossal n. and cervical part of sympathetic trunk 上Superior:耳后动脉 posterior auricular a., 面动脉facial a. and舌咽神经 glossopharyngeal n. 下Infeior: 枕动脉occipital a. and舌下神经 hypoglossal n.,肌三角Muscular triangle,境界:颈部前正中线、肩胛舌骨肌上腹、胸锁乳突肌前缘。. 顶:皮肤、浅筋膜、颈阔肌、颈前静脉、皮神经、封套筋膜Covered by skin, superficial fascia, platysma, anterior jugular v., coutaneous n. and investing fascia 底Floor椎前筋膜prevertebral fascia 内容Contents,内容Contents 胸骨舌骨肌Sternohyoid 肩胛舌骨肌上腹superior belly of omohyoid 胸骨甲状肌Sternothyroid 甲状舌骨肌Thyrohyoid 甲状腺thyroid gland 甲状旁腺parathyroid gland 咽Pharynx 喉Larynx 气管颈段cervical part of trachea 食管颈段cervical part of esophagus 喉的神经、血管Blood vessels and nerves to larynx,Thyroid gland 甲状腺,甲状腺Thyroid gland,形态与位置Shape and position H-shape 侧叶Left and right lobes: 位于喉的下部和气管上部两侧,上极平甲状软骨中部,下极平第六气管软骨环;高度约第5至7颈椎 峡Isthmus: 横过第2-4气管软骨环overlies 2nd to 4th tracheal cartilage ring 锥状叶Pyramidal lobe: 多与峡部相连some times arises from isthmus,Coverings 甲状腺鞘(假被囊) 由气管前筋膜形成,其后部增厚附着于甲状软骨和环状软骨弓,有固定甲状腺的作用。 the posterior part thickened (suspensory lig. of throid gland) and attached to arch of cricoid and thyroid cartilages, hence, the thyroid gland moves with larynx during swallowing and oscillates during speaking 纤维囊(真被囊) 其与甲状腺鞘之间含有甲状旁腺和血管、神经。 Space between the sheath contains parathyroid gland, blood vessels and nerve,
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