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第四讲:组织行为,第十六章:员工激励与用人艺术,我们的管理不是管人,而是领导人,我们的目的是让每一个组织成员的长处和知识得以充分实现。德鲁克,授课提纲,一、关于人的假定 二、激励理论 (一)早期的激励理论 (二)激励理论的扩展 三、新视角一、二 四、用人艺术,解读“企”字,企业的“企”字是从“人”开始的。“人”不在就“止”了。当然,“人”不是生物学意义上的“人”。“人”有灵魂,没有灵魂就不是真正意义上的“人”了,没有灵魂,人的行为是无法整合的,精神病人的许多行为能够很好地验证我们的判断。企业即人企业靠人企业造人,企业和人一样,有自己的灵魂,否则就不是真正意义上的企业了。企业灵魂就是企业成员共享的核心价值观。 以文“化”人-企业的价值手段 以利“化”人-企业的理性手段 以情“化”人-企业的感情手段,一、关于人的基础假定,经济人假设:管理的效力取决于利益关系的确定和调整。 社会人假定:人是社会人,人是在与其他人的关系中获得了关于自己的能力和身份的认知。管理的效力取决于管理者在多大程度上利用人的社会性关系。 自我实现假定:人是能够自我激励和控制的。,什么是钓鱼?,钓鱼者是上家,下家是具有一定贪婪心的普通人。能否吸引下家进入角色,关键看“鱼饵”。对人的一生始终具有影响力的“鱼饵”是什么呢?健康和财富。,心理假定:人是复杂多变、不断成熟的有机体,要经历若干生理和心理发展阶段。与此同时,生理年龄和心理年龄是有时间差的。人有生理年龄和心理年龄之分。人到中年,心理比较稳定,也容易产生自得的心理。 复杂人假定:人有许多动机,在不同情形下有不同的反映形式,因此我们要依据具体环境来确定。,什么是激励(Motivation),the willingness to exert high levels of effort to reach organizational goals, conditioned by the efforts ability to satisfy some individual need 努力effort - a measure of intensity or drive 目标goals - effort should be directed toward, and consistent with, organizational goals 需求needs - motivation is a need-satisfying process,激励过程(The Motivation Process),需求:企业是一个“名利场”,管理既是“口号管理”,也是“名利管理”? 蒙牛集团经营非常重视激励机制建设,即他的“散财哲学”。牛根生认为,“经营中有98关乎人性”,凡事换位思考,将对方的利益想清楚了,事情就容易办了。,管理具有营销的某些功能。管理不能简单地管理“员工如何做”?还要 关心员工“有什么需求”,是安全?是利益?是自我实现? 管理不是简单的对人的管理,而是对人的需求进行管理,并通过需求管理达到最终的目的绩效。,二、激励理论,(一)早期的激励理论 本质理论(intrinsic):如果给他一份值得做的工作,并允许他继续做下去,那么他自然会做到最好。奖励来自于工作本身所带来的满足感。 满足理论(satisfaction):心满意足的的工作者会高产出。 诱因理论(incentive):如果给予表现好的行为更多的奖励,那么他的工作会更加好。,本质理论Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory,满意理论Herzbergs Motivation-Hygiene Theory,激励因素motivator factors energize employees:可以提高工作满意度increase job satisfaction 保健因素hygiene factors dont motivate employees:可以消除工作满意度eliminate job dissatisfaction,因素类型分析,reinforcers - consequences that, when given immediately following a behavior, affect the probability that the behavior will be repeated managers can influence employees behavior by reinforcing actions deemed desirable emphasis in on positive reinforcement, not punishment,强化理论Reinforcement Theory,(三)激励理论的扩展,三因素理论(权力、成就和归属) 目标设定理论 工作设计理论 公平理论 期望理论,三因素理论Three-Needs Theory - McClelland,need for achievement (nAch) - drive to excel, to achieve in relation to a set of standards, and to strive to succeed prefer jobs that offer personal responsibility want rapid and unambiguous feedback set moderately challenging goals avoid very easy or very difficult tasks,need for power (nPow) need to make others behave in a way that they would not have behaved otherwise need for affiliation (nAff) desire for friendly and close interpersonal relationships best managers tend to be high in the need for power and low in the need for affiliation,目标设定理论Goal-Setting Theory,目标设定理论Goal-Setting Theory,intention to work toward a goal is a major source of job motivation specific goals increase performance difficult goal, when accepted, results in higher performance than does an easy goal specific hard goals produce a higher level of output than does the generalized goal of “do your best”,participation in goal setting is useful reduces resistance to accepting difficult goals increases goal acceptance feedback is useful helps identify discrepancies between what has been accomplished and what needs to be done self-generated feedback is a powerful motivator,contingencies in goal-setting theory goal commitment - individual is determined to accomplish the goal most likely to occur when: goals are made public individual has an internal locus of control goals are self-set rather than assigned,self-efficacy(效力) - an individuals belief that she/he is capable of performing a task higher self-efficacy, greater motivation to attain goals national culture - theory is culture bound,Job Design - the way tasks are combined to form complete jobs historically, concentrated on making jobs more specialized,工作设计理论Designing Motivating Jobs,Job Enlargement - horizontal expansion of job job scope - the number of different tasks required in a job and the frequency with which these tasks are repeated provides few challenges, little meaning to workers activities only addresses the lack of variety in specialized jobs,Job Enrichment - vertical expansion of job job depth - degree of control employees have over their work empowers employees to do tasks typically performed by their managers,工作特征模型Job Characteristics Model (JCM) - conceptual framework for analyzing jobs,jobs described in terms of five core characteristics skill variety - degree to which job requires a variety of activities more variety, greater need to use different skills task identity - degree to which job requires completion of an identifiable piece of work,task significance - degree to which job has substantial impact on the lives of other people these three characteristics create meaningful work autonomy - degree to which job provides substantial freedom, independence, and discretion in performing the work give employee a feeling of personal responsibility,feedback - degree to which carrying out the job results in receiving clear information about the effectiveness with which it has been performed employee knows how effectively s/he is performing,
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