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小儿抗癫痫药物治疗的安全性 Adverse Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs in Children,临床流行病学,全球 9岁 4550 / 10万年发病 35 million 80%发展中国家新生儿惊厥: 足月 0.5%, 早产 22.2%,Renzo Guerrini, Lancet 2006; 367: 499524,预后- benign epilepsies 20-30% - pharmacosensitive epilepsies 30%- pharmacodependent epilepsies 20%- pharmacoresistant epilepsies 13-20% 长期缓解: 早期( 1/100), infrequent ( 1/100), or rare ( 1/1000).,皮肤与结缔组织 Integument and Connective Tissue Effects,皮疹 AED 高敏综合征 Stevens-Johnson Syndrome 中毒性表皮坏死松解 其他,皮 疹 Benign Skin Rashes,轻的麻疹样斑疹,PHT, CBZ : 7% to 12% ; LTG: 8% to 10% 常发生于开始用药的 3 8 周 加量快时易发 多发生在芳香类AEDs: PHT,CBZ,PB, LTG 少见:VPA、TPM、GBP,高敏综合征 AED Hypersensitivity Syndrome,发生率:1/3000, 10% 致死性 多在开始用药后的 2 6 周 常伴有发热和颜面肿胀 还可伴有淋巴结病、肝炎、肾炎、心脏炎、嗜伊红细胞增多,Stevens-Johnson Syndrome,SJS由用药(50%)、病毒感染、恶性肿瘤等引起的严重免疫反应,引起黏膜损害、大疱形成 缺损部位体表面积的 80%以上由药物引起,30%为致死性 常于用药后13周出现,其他皮肤及结缔组织 Other Skin and Connective Tissue Disorders,PHT:儿童青少年可引起牙龈增生,面容粗糙,多毛症 PB,PHT: Dupuytrens挛缩四肢肌腱缩短,造血系统作用 Hemopoietic System Effects,骨髓抑制 发生率 110 mg/L in women134 mg/L in men 急性脑损伤时应用i.v VPA 死亡率 i.v PHT,肝脏与消化系统 Hepatic and Digestive System Effects,CBZ: N= 786 AST升高 2 3 倍占14%,黄疸 9%, 均无临床症状 VPA:剂量相关性AST异常占20% -GT可在50%应用AEDs的患者中出现增高,但常为实验室异常,无肝毒性证据,芳香类AEDs(CBZ,PHT,PB)可引起严重肝毒性,但少见(1/3000),多在高敏综合征时 VPA或VPA与其他AEDs合并使用时,注意高氨血 CBZ,FEM,ESX,VPA恶心、呕吐、消化不良通常与剂量有关,常出现在开始用药初期,肾脏影响 Renal Effects,CBZ,OXZ:轻度无症状性低血钠在 5% to 40%的病人,与改变下丘脑渗透压感受器的敏感性有关,与剂量无关TPM:肾结石发生率1.5%(是普通人群的2-4倍),男性好发;为碳酸酐酶抑制剂,可通过减少柠檬酸排泄和改变尿PH而促进肾石形成,也可出现味觉障碍、味觉反常或感觉异常,代谢、内分泌影响 Metabolic and Endocrine Effects,PHT,PB,CBZ:酶诱导剂;TGB,TPM,LTG:轻度酶诱导作用;VPA,GBP,BZD:无肝酶诱导作用 酶诱导剂可将活性维生素D转化为非活性而影响骨代谢,但骨软化少见;在癫痫母亲的孩子,特别是早产儿中,能减少维生素K的循环水平而有出血倾向;可因诱导肝微粒体酶可减少血清叶酸水平PHT,CBZ:减少T3、T4水平 (60% - 74%) 除VGB,GBP外,所有AEDs均可加剧卟啉病 VPA:体重增加(30-50%),GBP、LTG、VGB轻微 TPM,FBM,:体重减轻或食欲减退 ,TPM(7% 13%), FEM (75%). VPA轻度 VPA:PCOS和月经失调,周围神经系统 Peripheral Nervous System Effects,PTH:长期服用可发生感觉末梢神经病,感觉神经电活动幅度减低,可无症状 TPM:肢体感觉异常(15%),症状短暂而轻微,French JA et al. Efficacy and tolerability of the new antiepileptic drugs I: treatment of new-onset epilepsy. Neurology 2004;62:125260. *Children only or predominantly children.,Comparison of the efficacy and tolerability of new antiepileptic drugs: what can we learn from long-term studies? Zaccara G, Acta Neurol Scand 2006: 114: 157168.,Studies published in English, Italian, French, or Spanish from 1966 up to May 2005. n=506 GBP LTG LEV OXC PGB TGB TPM ZNS73 148 52 48 7 47 100 31 criteria open-label studies performed in drug-resistant epileptic patients in whom a new drug was added to a previous treatment, adult patients (or at least 90% aged over 18 years) studies which included only patients affected by generalized seizures were excluded the duration of the study allowed for the evaluation of our outcome measures,Sander JW. Acta Neurol Scand 2005: 112 (Suppl. 181): 2629,Topiramate: a review of its use in childhood epilepsy Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects. Issue 3, 2006.,
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