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Unit 6.,Discussion in Academic Context,Contents,6.1 Techniques for academic discussion 6.2 Voicing an opinion and arguing apoint effectively 6.3 Etiquette in discussion,6.1 Techniques for academic discussion,How to use your time effectively How to speak your mind How to discuss in a seminar,How to use your time effectivelyBecause most group discussions are restricted to time, it will become tedious to both you and the other members if you have to repeat what you are saying because they do not understand you. When you make a statement, it is important to make sure you speak clearly. It is also important to be concise.,How to speak your mind properly,The first step in speaking your mind properly is to monitor your tone of voice. Even if someone is doing something that angers you, you should speak in a calm manner. The second step in effectively speaking your mind is to pay attention to the words you use.,How to discuss in a seminar Skills for discussion If you find it difficult to speak or ask questions , try the following strategies.ObserveNotice what other participants do.,How do other people enter into the discussion? How do they ask questions? How do they disagree with or support the topic? How do they make critical comments? What special phrases do they use to show politeness even when they are voicing disagreement? How do they signal to ask a question or make a point?,Learn to ListenListening is an essential skill and an important element of any discussion. Effective listeners dont just hear what is being said, they think about it and actively process it. Be an active listener and dont let your attention drift. Stay attentive and focus on what is being said.,Identify the main ideas being discussed. Evaluate what is being said. Think about how it relates to the theme of the discussion. Listen with an open mind and be receptive to new ideas and points of view. Think about how they fit in with what you have already learnt.,Participate An easy way to participate is to add to the existing discussion. Start by making small contributions:- agree with what someone has said or; - ask them to expand on their point (ask for an example or for more information),- answer positively a question raised by others in the group. - provide an example for a point under discussion . - disagree with a point.,6.2 Voicing an opinion and arguing a point effectively What is an argument?To argue in an academic context is to put forward an opinion through the process of reasoning, supported by evidence. An argument attempts to persuade through rational and critical judgment.,The aim of academic argument is to explore a question, a proposition or an area of knowledge and achieve reasoned mutual understanding. It is not important who winswhat matters most is the quality of the argument itself.,Voicing an opinion Voicing a valid opinion (a believable point of view)I believe that . *I think that . From what I understand . As I understand it .,2) Voicing a reason This is due to . Because . What I mean by saying this is that . The reason for the statement is that ,3) Voicing an evidence (relevant and up-to-date examples, statistics, explanations and/ or expert opinions). If you have actual data, examples or expert opinions on hand, refer to the source. This can be seen by . For instance . For example . An example can be seen .,(Authors name) states that . (Authors name) suggests. Statistics from (give a source) indicate .,Disagreeing effectivelyDisagreeing can be problematic as people often speak before they think things through. It is also important to disagree politely.,1) Expressions for disagreement I can see your point-however . Thats a good point, but . I see what youre getting at, but . Thats not always the case because . Thats not necessarily true because . This idea isnt supported by statistics/ evidence . I thought the author meant that .,2) Offer your opinion complete with reason and support From what Ive read . The statistics seem to indicate that . I think what (authors name) may actually be suggesting is . Other studies by (authors name) show that .,6.3 Etiquette in discussion (minding your manners) In order to successfully negotiate a discussion, courtesy is important. The following are a few ground rules for good conduct.,VS,Dos Listen well to the ideas of other speakers. Acknowledge what you find interesting. Remember that a discussion is not a fight. Respect differing views. Those who hold them are not necessarily wrong. Think about your contribution before you speak. (How best can you answer the question/ contribute to the topic? ),- Respect the contribution of other speakers. - Speak pleasantly and with courtesy to all members of the group. - Try to stick to the discussion topic. Dont introduce irrelevant information. - Be aware of your body language. Keep it open and friendly. Avoid gestures that appear aggressive.,Dont Dont take offence if another speaker disagrees with you.Putting forward different points of view is an important part of any discussion. Others may disagree with your ideas, and they are entitled to do so. Dont use those improper commentsThats stupid or Youre wrong etc.,
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