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自然的自然的纯朴的纯朴的Natural/Simple地球自诞生以来,就努力不断地自我创造着,无论是剧烈的火山喷发,还是无声的漫长风 化,它所孕育的每一捧泥土,每一块矿石,都充满着不为人知的记忆,随着人类活动的深 入,那种自然而纯朴的力量便喷薄而出,源源不绝,且如雕塑般长久凝固。采撷这些原生 态的天然矿物进行粉碎、熔炼,汇入人类最优秀的艺术思想,重新塑造出新的艺术形态, 这是对矿石的挖掘与尊重,也是人类文明发展的延伸。离开土壤后,矿石与生俱来的原始 魅力不仅没有消退,反而在手工陶艺大师的作品上魅力重演,焕发出它夺目的光彩。 Since its birth, the Earth has been trying to self-create continuously. Whether it is a violent volcanic eruption, or the silent long weathering, each handful of dirt and each piece of ore nurtured by it are full of the memory unknown by people. With the development of human activities, the natural and simple power spurts out endlessly, and solidifies for a long time like a sculpture. Picking these original and natural mineral to crush and smelt to incorporate into the best human thinking, and to recreate a new art form, which is the mining and respect towards ores, and is also an extension of human civilization development. Having left the soil, the original and inherent charm of ores does not fade away, but is represented in the works of handmade pottery masters, shinning its dazzling brilliance.回归传统工艺的真谛回归传统工艺的真谛Returning to the true essence of traditional crafts历史长河的激流,带走久已逝去的梦,承载着历史、情感的传统民间工艺,经过岁月的荡 涤,无声地唤醒我们早已尘封的回忆和感动,那是因为古代工匠的每一敲、每一凿、每一 款、每一式都经过时间的千锤百炼,方能达到至臻完美;也是因为岁月本身形成了许多自 然风化的肌理效果与生活痕迹,剥落出无数个天堂和人间的故事碎片。在现代化环境的衬 托下,传统民间工艺所产生的那种时光交错之美,仿佛使人置身于历史与现代的情感对话 之中,轮回的脚步,又一次站在过去和未来的交界线上 The torrent of long history has taken away the long-gone dream. Traditional arts and crafts carrying history and emotions have gone through years of test, silently awakening our long- buried memories and gratefulness. It is because after each strike, each chiseling and each style made by ancient craftsmen had been well-seasoned by time, they could achieve the perfection; it is also because time itself has formed a lot of naturally-weathered texture effects with life traces, it can peel off countless story fragments of heaven and mans world. With the background of modern environment, the beauty of intersected time created by traditional folk arts and crafts seems to put people into an emotional dialogue between history and modern time. The cycled footsteps of reincarnation stand once again at the dividing line between the past and the future.失传的乐趣失传的乐趣The lost fun当智能化机械设备和完善的工业体系,可以生产出我们生活所需的一切物质时,手工,开 始成为现代都市文明中一种濒临失传的乐趣。欣赏绘画大师花 6 个月时间精心描绘出来的 个人肖像,享受 5 个工匠花两个月时间制作出来的顶级马鞍,收藏手工切削、刨整、磨光 的北美古董松木五斗柜那些生活中的艺术大师,用精湛的手工艺在每件作品中留下不 可复制的痕迹,充满故事的神秘岁月,更将其淬炼成绝无仅有的个性珍品。这种濒临失传 的艺术乐趣与生活荣耀,唯有那些坚持完全自我品位的生活贵族,才值得拥有。 When intelligent mechanical equipments and impeccable industrial system can produce all material things we need in our life, handicraft starts to become a loosing fun in modern urban civilization. Appreciating a portrait carefully painted by a master artist with six months spent, enjoying a top saddle made by five craftsmen with two months spent, and collecting hand-cut, hand-planed and hand-polished North American antique pine chest of drawers. those masters of art in life left their unduplicated traces in each piece of work with their superb handicraft, and the mysterious years full of stories further had it quenched into a unique personalized treasure. Only those noble people who adhere to their complete self-taste in their life deserve to own such a loosing artistic fun and glory of life.72 刷之后,工作才刚刚开始刷之后,工作才刚刚开始Only after 72 brushstrokes does the work just begin每一件卡农手工艺术瓷砖的诞生,都源于资深匠师对尊崇生活的深刻洞悉。限量版的艺术 收藏,随心所欲的创作思想,彰显与众不同的极致工艺要求,关注每一个细微的环节,从 陶土的精心选择,到精细研磨与科学开浆,每一个步都严格遵循卡农百年传承的工艺程序。 用纯手工精心制作出近乎完美的陶瓷胚胎,只是迈出卡农尊贵品质的第一步,而接下来的 手工上釉与釉底着色更是必须严谨到一丝不苟,一遍又一遍的纯手工仔细涂刷,直至达到 完美无瑕,72 刷之后,真正的工作才刚刚开始。 The birth of each piece of Karon handmade artistic tile is originated from the profound insight into the honorable life by experienced craftsmen. The limited edition of art collection and the freewheeling creation ideas are highlighting distinctive perfect technical requirements. They pay close attention to every delicate step from careful selection of clay to fine grinding and to scientific design of glaze slip. In each procedure they strictly follow Karons technical flow passed on over a century. The almost perfect ceramic embryos purely and elaborately hand-made is just the first step towards the noble quality of Karon, and the following hand-glazing and bottom- glaze coloring must be rigorous to every detail. Carefully hand-brush it over and over again until it reaches a flawless condition. Only after 72 brushstrokes does the work just begin
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