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1:If you want to have high level of creativity, its a must you have to be depressed.如果你想拥有高水平的创造力,就必须承受抑郁2:For me, dog bites in every country and no one is worth giving anything.天下乌鸦一般黑。没有人值得我付出一切3;Really wants to see cherry blossoms with you!真想和你一起赏樱花4:低调做人,高效做事! Be efficient while keeping a low profile! 此外,low key 也有低调的意思 We must keep the whole thing in low key no matter what happens. 无论发生什么事,我们在整个事件中必须保持低调。5:它是一个好的机会来锻炼我能力its a good chance for me to practice my ability6:Enterprises competitor are getting more and more, game rule also more and more difficult assurance.企业的竞争对手越来越多,游戏规则也越来越难把握7:不要破坏公物。Do not damage public property.请勿破坏公物: Do Not Deface Public PropertyVandalism is a major problem in city schools.故意毁坏财物的行为是市内学校的一个严重问题8: you have passed CET-6, may be you got good reason to smug may be But we should never forget english is a tool ,and speaking is the most important!也许你英语已经过了六级,有足够的理由为自己感到自豪, 可能吧但我们永远也不要忘记,英语是一门交流的工具,这才是最重要的!9:English is not only a subject,but also a tool for communication英语不仅仅是一门学科,它还是一中交际工具10:If you attack him by innuendo, youll be sued for libel.如果你对他含沙射影,你将被控告为诽谤罪She insinuate to us that her partner have embezzle fund.她旁敲侧击地指出她的合伙人盗用了资金。11:Oil and water will not intermingle .油和水不相融合12:thats the essence of philosophy 这才是哲学的精华Full-scale 大规模的13: make new friends But keep the old One is silverAnd the other is goldHave a pleasant and wonderful time in guilin 14:借花献佛: borrowing the opportunity临时抱佛脚: make hasty, last-minute efforts做一天和尚撞一天钟(不好翻,我就借用得过且过来翻啦)to live from hand to mouth15:instead of studing actively now i chose to studing passively Live from hand to mouth16:Its a delight to have friends coming from afar.有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎17;I used to have nothing at all so there is nothing to fear我本来就一无所有,所以也没有什么好在乎的!seven years has gone so fast 七年的时光如白驹过隙。Handsome cant buy you bread 长的帅又不能当饭吃Bitter medicine cures sickness; unpalatable advice Benefits conduct.良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳益于行。Study is to a man what profit is to a business and also water is to a fish人不能不学习就像企业不能不盈利鱼儿不能离开水Associated with good can only produce good ,with the wicked evil近朱者赤近墨者黑If winter comes can spring be far behindTime worn away his will 时间消磨了他的意志。Either we go now or we remain here forever they are all illusions 这一切都是幻觉spilt water cannot be gathered up again=what is lost is lost覆水难收1:I had to settle for my second choice. 满足于。 。 。 。 勉强接受我没有选择。我只能勉强接受这个6:It has great sentimental value for me.它对我有很重大的情感价值。7:Well, I have a really hectic schedule tomorrow.嗯,明天我已有很忙碌的行程了。10:正如一句中国谚语所说,生于忧患,死于安乐。Just as a chinese old saying goes, live in the jeopardy, die in the coziness11:To pursue transcendence means to accept loneliness.追逐卓越意味着要接受孤独 12 Evolution requires transcendence, transcendence of thought-form.进化需要超越,思想形态的超越13:Murder is an atrocious crime.谋杀是残暴的罪行。14:Personal power is all about your charisma, your passion to achieve something , your ability to communicate and inspire, and your leadership skills.个人权力就是你的魅力、你实现你信念的激情、你与他人沟通和给人以激励的能力,以及你的领导才能。15:Moreover, we should advocate a more frugal lifestyle so as to reduce the growing scale of waste pollution.此外,我们应该提倡一种更加节俭的生活方式,以减小垃圾污染的增长规模。
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