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统一编号统一编号 (共(共4 4册)册) 江江 苏苏 工工 业业 学学 院院 教教 案案 簿簿 (第一册)(第一册) 课程名课程名 英 语 听 力 教学单位教学单位 外 语 系 主讲教师主讲教师 张 春 芳 职称职称 副 教 授 课程性质课程性质 B1 总学时总学时 32/128 总学分总学分 2/8 授课班级授课班级 英语061/062 总人数总人数 55 课程授课学期课程授课学期 2006-2007学年第1学期 起止时间起止时间 06 年年 9 月至月至 08 年年 7 月月 本册教案用于第本册教案用于第 1 学期起止时间学期起止时间 2006 年年 9 月月 25 日至日至 2007 年年 1 月月 9 9 日日 所用教材及编者所用教材及编者 英语听力教程1 张民伦 高等教育出版社 2006 主要参考书及编者主要参考书及编者 英语听力教程教师用书 张民伦 2006.5 江 苏 工 业 学 院 教 务 处 制 本本 册册 教教 案案 目目 录录 课课次次 课题课题(章(章节节) ) 页码页码 1-2 Unit 1 Can I Take a Message? (I) 3 Unit 2 Can I Take a Message? (II) 4-5 Unit 3 Clear or Cloudy? 6 Unit 4 Can Time Move Backward? 7-8 Unit 5 Flying In and Out 9 Unit 6 By bus or by Train? 10-11 Unit 7 This way or that Way? 12 Middle Term Examination 13 Unit 8 Cash or Cheque? 14 Unit 9 Toward Better Health (I) 15-16 Unit 10 Toward Better Health (II) 17 Unit 11 The Interviewers Eye 18 Unit 12 Review 19 General Review 江苏工业学院教案江苏工业学院教案 第 1-2 次课 2 学时 授课时间 Weeks 1-2 教案完成时间 Summer vacation 课题(章节) 1. Can I Take a Message? (I) 教学目的与要求: 1. To get the students know the structure of the textbook, the requirements of the course, the short-term and long-term goals of the listening course. 2. To tell them what listening skills should be mastered in the course and how to master these skills. 3. To familiarize students with various forms of telephone calls. 4. To familiarize students with various expressions frequently used in phone calls. 5. To learn to take messages while receiving phone calls. 6. To familiarize students with related information. 7. To dictate a paragraph 教学重点、难点: 1. To get the students have a clear picture of what listening course is like and some listening skills. 2. To help them develop good study habits in college. 3. Various expressions concerning telephone calls. 4. Learn to note down key words and use abbreviations instead of writing down every word heard. 教学方法及师生互动设计: 1. Ask students to explain new words and phrases. 2. Ask students to give a summary of some exercises. 3. Pair work: to practice the dialogue of Part III. 4. Group work: to practice the words and phrases of Part VI. 课堂练习、作业: To finish the exercises from Part I to Part III. Homework To finish Part IV and Part VI 本次课教学内容小结: To give a brief introduction to TEM4 and some techniques in learning this course. Problems: 1. It is difficult for some students to get the habit of learning this course. 2. Some contents of the text are difficult. Measures: 1. To get the students to develop good study habits. 2. To select some contents for them to do after class. 第 页 江苏工业学院教案江苏工业学院教案 教教 学学 内内 容容 (讲稿) 备注 (包括:教学 手段、时间分 配、临时更改 等) 1. The structure of the textbook 2. The requirements, the short-term and long-term goals of the course. Listening Comprehension skills 听力技能是语言实用能力的重要组成部分,听不仅能促进读、写、说、译等能 力的相应提高,也是获取信息的重要渠道。听力不仅指人的听觉力,还包括记忆能 力、概括能力、预测能力和语言转换能力等。听力理解部分的目的是测试学生获取 口头信息的能力。 一、题型 本考试的第一部分是听力理解,共含 15 道题,答题时间 20 分钟,分值 15 分。 它由 Section A 和 Section B 两节组成。Section A 有 10 组对话(Conversation) ,每 组对话后伴随一个问题。为了便于区分,对话一般是在一男一女之间进行的,然后 由第三个人根据上述对话提出问题,要求考生从四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案; Section B 为短文(Passage) ,一般为 2 篇,每篇后设有 23 个问题,每个问题后约 有 15 秒的停顿,读两遍。 Section A 常见的题型主要有以下几种: 1地点题 地点即对话发生的地点。常用的提问方式有: Where does the conversation most likely take place? Where are they / the two speakers / the man and the woman? Example W: May I have this prescription filled here? I have a terrible headache. M: Yes, but youll have a 15-minute wait. Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place? A. In a bank.B. In a drug store. C. In a garage. D. In a department store. 此题中关键词是“prescription”和“headache” ,由此可断定 B 是正确答案。 2身份或职业题 这类题要求听者通过说话人的用词和语气判断说话者的身份或职业。 Example W: Could you please explain the assignment for Monday, Mr. Smith? M: Certainly. Read Chapter Two in your textbook and come to class prepared to discuss what youve read. Q: Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Secretary and boss. B. Client and lawyer. C. Student and teacher. D. Patient and nurse. 2 periods; Presentation and discussion 此题的关键句子是“read the next chapter in your textbook”和“come to class” 。 由此可知 C 正确。 3时间顺序题 此类题听者须听懂对话中事情发生的先后顺序或确定某事发生或完成的具体时 间。 Example W: Have you finished your term paper? I handed in mine last Thursday. M: I finished typing mine at 11:00 last night. I have to submit by noon today. Q: When must the girl turn in her term paper? A. By 9:00 B. By 10:00C. By 11:00D. By 12:00 答案为 D。因为 noon 是 12 点的同义词。A、B 对话中未提到,C 指的是完成学 期论文的时间。 4计算题 要求听者就对话中出现的有关数字进行计算,如价格、人数、年龄、速度等。 做这种题时应根据录音提供的数据信息,通过快速心算,确定选项。 Example W: I like these shirts. How much are they? M:They are $60 each or $ 100 for two. Q: How much does one shirt cost? A. $15 B. $60 C.$100 D. $150 答案是 B。A 属于听音错误,C 是指两件衬衫的价格,D 是三件衬衫的价格。 5推测题 要求听者根据所听内容推测出隐含在对话中的信息。 Example M: Lets go to the concert after dinner. W: Well, I
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