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,Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome,BoboGuoQian,Catalogue,What is AIDS,AIDS is caused by HIV. HIV causes AIDS by killing the T-cells or by interfering with their normal function and by triggering other events that weaken a persons immune function. Now the T-cells (a type of white blood cell) are important to your body because they are the killer cells that fight other cells that are trying to destroy the body. Once the T-cell count is less than200cell/mm the person is diagnosed with AIDS.,General symptoms,Fever, weakness, sweating, general lymphadenopathy, weight loss within three months up to 10% or more, up to 40% reduction in patient weight loss is particularly evident. 持续发烧、虚弱、盗汗、全身浅表淋巴结肿大,体重下降在三个月之内可达10%以上,最多可降低40%,病人消瘦特别明显。,HIV pictures,HIV pictures,Susceptible,1.Including gay men, bisexual 2. Drug addicts 3. Hemophiliacs 4. Those who received blood or blood products 5. Sexual relations with high-risk groups in 6. AIDS and other high-risk population 1.男性同性恋者包括双性恋者 2吸毒者 3.血友病患者4接受输血或血液制品者 5与高危人群有性关系者 6艾滋病的其他高发人群,These will not spread AIDS,1.kissing (no) 2.hugging(no) 3.shaking hands (no) 4.npening a door (no) 5.sharing drinking cups.(no) 6.sharing toilets (no) 7.coughing or sneezing (no) 8.getting a mosquito or insect bite(no),The spread of AIDS way,1. Mother-to-child transmission 2. Sexually transmitted 3. Transmitted through blood,1.Mother-to-child transmission,through the placenta, childbirth, lactation.,2. Sexually transmitted,3.Transmitted through blood.,the same syringe drugs, input containing the AIDS virus blood and products.,The red ribbon,The Red Ribbon is an international symbol of AIDS awareness that is worn by people all year round and particularly around world AIDS day to demonstrate care and concern about HIV and AIDS, and to remind others of the need for their support and commitment 红丝带是一种对艾滋病的认识的国际符号,这是人们所佩戴一年四季,特别是围绕“世界艾滋病日”,以证明有关艾滋病毒和艾滋病的护理和关注,并提醒他人需要他们的支持和承诺,Posters on AIDS,AIDS in China,Since the first case was reported on Chinasmainland in 1985, 34,864 Chinese have died of AIDS. Yunnan is the area hardest-hit by HIV in China. By the end of September, there were 264,302 HIV-positive cases in China.,AIDS in China,Students of Hainan Medical College light candles during an AIDS awareness campaign on the eve of the World AIDS Day in Haikou, South Chinas Hainan province, November 30, 2009.,AIDS in China,Students of Hefei University of Technology hold placards during an AIDS awareness campaign on the eve of the World AIDS Day in Hefei,East Chinas Anhui province,November 30,2009.The Chinese characters on the placard read “I am an AIDS patient, can you give me a hug?“,AIDS in China,Passers-by hug students of Hefei University of Technology during an AIDS awareness campaign on the eve of the World AIDS Day in Hefei, November 30, 2009. The Chinese characters on the placard read “I am an AIDS patient, can you give me a hug?“,AIDS in the America,AIDS was first diagnosed in the USA in late 1970s. Since then ,AIDS has killed more than 204,000 Americans-half of that number in the past few years alone.Nearly half of those diagnosed with the virus are blacks andLatinos .,According to USA TODAY , APPLE will hold a charity sale for two weeks, to the fight against AIDS.Sale revenues will be donated to a charity organization called (RED).It is worth mentioning that the founder of the organization is U2 singer Bono , is committed to help the fight against HIV/AIDS in Africa. Starting from Monday local time, a number of applications for sale in the app store special icon, for users to download.A total of 25 application development institutions to participate in this activity, application including GarageBand, Angry Birds, CSR Racing, FIFA 15, Monument Valley, etc.Activities will be until December 7.,AIDS in the America,Out of Control: AIDS in Black America,AIDS is an epidemic in the African American community and its spreading fast. Black Americans make up 13 percent of the U.S. population but account for over 50 percent of all new cases of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. That infection rate is eight times the rate of whites. Among women, the numbers are even more shocking- almost 70 percent of all newly diagnosed HIV-positive women in the United States are black women. Black women are 23 times more likely to be diagnosed with AIDS than white women, with heterosexual contact being the overwhelming method of infection in black America.,Out of Control: AIDS in Black America,In place of the alarming situation ,a numer of local organizations have emerged. They shares these lessons learned in its battle against AIDS. 1. Key factors needed include public education, affordable drugs, medical training for healthcare workers in hospitals and the public health system, monitoring and evaluation, care for orphans, measures to stop mother-to-child transmission, a comprehensive care framework and research into vaccines and a cure 2.None of these things can be achieved with the single hand of any institution not health officials, not medical workers or the government. The fight against HIV/AIDS requires the participation of as many parties as possible.,
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