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1当代国际中的一支奇葩当代国际中的一支奇葩“非政府组织非政府组织”20 世纪 90 年代人们开始关注全球性问题、重视国际问题,同时,国际组织中的一支奇葩“非政府组织”悄然在中国乃至全球蓬勃壮大。非政府组织,又称 NGO 组织,即各国的民间团体、联盟或个人致力于解决各种社会问题而成立的一种非官方的、非营利性质的社会组织。NGO 有时也被称作非营利性机构,它的经费主要靠大型集团公司、财团、基金会或个人的一些捐助,也接受一些政府与政府间国际组织的资助。一、非政府组织的类别。NGO 起始于 19 世纪初,早期的活动主要是人道主义和宗教事务这两个方面,现今已以扩展到社会和各个领域。1、 从规模来分,有地方性的、全国性的、也有从事跨国活动的国际性的;有松散的小组织,也有组织发达覆盖面广的全球网络。2、 从性质来分,有致力于单一问题的专门性非政府组织,如环境问题,人权问题,妇女问题等,也有全面从事社会经济发展活动的综合性非政府组织,如国际计划。3、 从分布地区来分,有发达国家的非政府组织,也有发展中国家的非政府组织。由于 NGO 的种类繁多,又分布于世界各地,目前非政府组织的数量、发展规模、资金状况等统计还不准确。2二、非政府组织的发展。20 世纪 70 年代,NGO 组织作为一种独立的社会组织体系开始在全球事务中崭露头角。80 年代以后,NGO 组织在世界范围发展很快,并已形成遍布全球的非政府组织体系,各 NGO 组织是独立的,它们之间的联系是自愿、平等的,即通过相互间进行信息交流、举办研讨会,技术和经验交流等方式保持联系,非政府组织的全球体系是通过联盟、网络、论坛以及各种国际会议等方式结成。当代世界发生的巨大变革,为 NGO 组织提供了良好的机遇。第一,西方社会中国家权利的相对减弱和对公民社会思想的鼓励与宽容使 NGO 组织得以迅速发展。第二,和平与发展成为时代的主题,世界的经济政治格局发生着重大变化,随着环境、人口、食品、贫困、性别等全球性问题的突出,且政府特别是第三世界的国家暂时不能解决这些问题,NGO 组织就预以干预,所以给它的发展提供了极好的机遇和存在空间。第三,90 年代后,电子信息技术的飞跃发展,使国际信息传递便利,NGO 组织的非正式方式,分散化、网络式的组织体系,更适于信息时间,电子信息技术,对全球 NGO 组织体系的发展起到了推动性和决定性作用。三、非政府组织的作用。NGO 组织致力于解决大多数、普遍性、有的甚至是国际性乃至全球性的问题,从 20 世纪 70、80 年代开始,NGO 组织在国际事务的各个领域里已发挥着重要作用,参与并解决全球范围的各种问题。据估计,大约有 3 万个非政府组织在全世界范围内开展活动。3有的 NGO 是一方面影响政府行为,另一方面越过政府直接参与国际事务,有的则是作为政府行为的补充,如英国儿童救助会,国际小母牛组织,我国的希望工程等。NGO 组织的存在,在世界范围内发挥着重要作用,它与联系国体系建立起制度化联系,通过各种方式影响联合国国体的重大决策。总之,非政府组织作为一支独立的、强大的力量,推动全球事务的一体化发展,为国际间的和平与发展有着不可低估的贡献。王芳妮2008.10.15The 20th century, 90 people concerned about global issues, international issues of great importance, at the same time, international organizations in a wonderful “non-governmental organizations“ quietly flourishing in China and global expansion. Non-governmental organizations, also known as the NGO organizations, countries that civic groups, or individuals Union is committed to solving social problems, set up an unofficial, non-profit nature of social organization. NGO is sometimes referred to as a non-profit organization, which are mainly funded by a large group of companies, financial groups, foundations and individuals some of the 4donors, but also to accept a number of government and inter-governmental international organization funding.First, the type of non-governmental organizations. NGO began in the early 19th century, the early activity is a major humanitarian and religious affairs of the two, has now been extended to the community and to all fields. 1, from the sub-scale, local, national, but also engage in cross-border activities of the international; there is a loose organization of small, well-developed organized coverage of the global network. 2, from the nature of the points, have committed to the single issue of the specialized non-governmental organizations, such as the environment, human rights, womens issues, and so on, are also engaged in a comprehensive socio-economic development activities in a comprehensive non-governmental organizations, such as the international plan. 3, from distribution to the region, have developed non-governmental organizations as well as non-governmental organizations in developing countries. 5Due to the wide range of NGO, also located in various parts of the world, the current number of non-governmental organizations, development of the size of the funds is not accurate statistics, and so on.First, the type of non-governmental organizations. NGO began in the early 19th century, the early activity is a major humanitarian and religious affairs of the two, now in the second, non-governmental organizations. In the 1970s, NGO organizations as a separate system of social organization began to emerge in global affairs. 80 after, NGO organizations around the world have developed rapidly and has become a worldwide system of non-governmental organizations, NGO organizations are independent, they are the link between the voluntary and equal basis, that is, through the mutual exchange of information, Seminars, technology and experience exchange, etc. to keep in touch, non-governmental organizations through the global system of alliances, networks, as well as a variety of forums such as the International Conference on form. In the contemporary world the great changes in the organization for 6the NGO provides a good opportunity. First, the Western world for the rights of countries and the relative weakening of civil society to encourage thinking and tolerance to enable the rapid development of the NGO organizations. Second, peace and development has become the themes of the times, the worlds economic and political structure of major changes with the environment, population, food, poverty, gender and other global issues outstanding, and in particular the Government of the Third World countries for the time being can not be To solve these problems, NGO organizations in order to pre-intervention, so its an excellent development opportunities and the existence of space. Third, the age of 90 after the electronics and information technology leap in the development of international information to facilitate the transfer, NGO organizations, informal manner, decentra
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