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BECBEC 商务英语考试话题总结:坦白交待商务英语考试话题总结:坦白交待BEC 商务英语核心句型:Youd better come clean.你最好坦白交待。come clean 直译过来就是:“变干净” ,所以这个短语的正确意思是:“全盘招供,坦白交待,和盘托出” 。因此,当美国人说“Youd better come clean.“时,他/她要表达的意思就是:“Youd better tell the truth.“、“Youd better not tell lies.“、“Youd better be frank.“。情景对白:Colleague: The personnel manager doubts about my forged degree. What should I do?同事:人事经理怀疑我的假学历,怎么办?Benjamin: Youd better come clean. Maybe he will keep you in view of your good performance.本杰明:你最好坦白交待,或许他考虑到你的表现很好而留下你。搭配句积累:Ive involuntarily accepted a large amount of rebate from a company.我身不由己,从一家公司收受了一大笔回扣。I have lost an important document. What shall I do?我弄丢了一份重要的文件,怎么办啊?I broke our managers favorite potting. Should I tell him?我打碎了经理钟爱的盆栽。我应该告诉他吗?Im afraid that the boss might have known my mistake.恐怕老板已经知道我的过失了。BEC 单词:involuntarily adv. 身不由己地Another surge of pain in my ankle caused me to give an involuntary shudder.脚踝突然又一阵疼痛,痛得我直打哆嗦。I shivered involuntarily with an inexplicable dread.我怀着莫名其妙的恐惧,身不由己地不寒而栗。Love is not to say that and should not, sometimes involuntarily pay nothing.爱,也不是说该与不该,有时是身不由己的付出罢了。
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