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XXXX 儿童节演讲稿:我的座右铭儿童节演讲稿:我的座右铭 justjust dodo youryour bestbest 为大家收集整理了XX 儿童节演讲稿范文:我的座右 铭 just do your best供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助! ! I have a super motto. It works like magic. Its “just do your best.“ I say it all the time. It guides me every day. Its helpful in many ways. It helps me face challenges. It takes away my worries. It makes me feel stronger, too. One day I was sick. I had an important test. I was very nervous and afraid. I told myself, “Just do your best. Give your best effort. Give one hundred percent.“ Then I had courage. I became confident. As a result, I did a wonderful job. Please follow this motto. Say it every day. You can benefit, too. Dont worry about the outcome. Dont compare yourself with others. Just do your best. I believe anything is possible. Where theres a will, theres a way. So please do your best every day.
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