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Unit 6 Im watching TV.,Period 4,Its sunny.,Hows the weather today?,一.1. libraries 2.west 3. magazines 4. activities 5. shows 6.pool 7. assistant 8. Leaves 9. mall 10. camera / children/ 二、C C C D B D B C C D 三、1.are running, running 2. are doing 3. is reading, reads, read 4. are playing, play 5. Are studying, are 6. talking 四.your, my, playing, second, swimmingfamily, are, last, sister, watching 五、C C A A B,作业答案,Dear Linda,Thanks for your letter and photos. Here are some of my photos. In the first photo, Im playing basketball at school. In the second photo, Im swimming at the pool. In the next photo, you can see my family at home. We are eating dinner. In the last photo, I am with my sister Gina. She is doing homework Im watching TV.Mike,4,2,3,Look at the pictures and retell(复述).,The best describer(最佳描述家),Report: This is a photo of Toms family. Look! Tom is doing his homework. Toms sister is ,watching TV,reading the newspaper.,talking,eating dinner,谢谢一些我的照片在第一/第二张照片里4. 在下一张照片里 5. 在最后一张照片里 6. 在游泳池里 7. 在家 8. 和某人在一起 9.一张我的家庭照 10.在商场 11.在图书馆 12.看报,thanks for some of my photos in the first/ second photo in the next photo in the last photo at the swimming pool at home be with sb. a photo of my family at the mallat the libraryread the newspaper,a thief,He is in a supermarket.in a mall,He is taking a bottle of milk.瓶,Ben and Tim are watching him.,Where is he?,What is he doing?,He is at a bus stop.,He is waiting for a bus.,He is reading a newspaper.,and,Where is he?,What is he doing?,仍然, 还,They are still watching the thief.,Who are Ben and Tim talking to ?,What are they talking about?,Ben and Tim,They are talking to a policewoman.,They are talking about the thief.,Where are they all going?,What is the thief doing ?,They are going to a police station.,He is crying. He is sad.,哭泣,The policewoman catches(抓) the thief.,People cant steal things. It is not right/ bad.,Story Telling,Write a little story about these pictures. Then give a report.,Report: Lets look at some pictures. In the first picture, People cant steal things. It is not right/ bad.,A: Look! Whats he doing now ? B: Hes swimming.,A: Where is he swimming ?,B: He is swimming in the river.,in the river,A: Where do people usually swim?,B: People usually swim at the pool.,通常,4:00 pmLinda at home,-Its 4:00 pm. What is Linda doing now? - She is reading books. - Where is she reading books? - She is reading books at home. - Where do people often read books? - People often read books at the library or bookstore.,-Look, my grandpa is there. What is he doing? - He is reading a newspaper. -Where is he reading a newspaper? -He is reading a newspaper in a park. -Where do people always read a newspaper? - People always read a newspaper at home.,in a park,总是,现在进行时 表示现在或现阶段正在进行或发生的动作或存在的状态。 谓语动词构成形式: 其标志是:,一般现在时 表示经常性习惯性的动作. 谓语动词构成形式: 其标志是:,now, look, listen, Its 2:00.,be (is, am, are) doing,do / does,often, usually, always(总是),sometimes(有时), in the morningon weekends /Mondaysevery day / every Tuesday,Name,Jim,Jodie,Kelly,Doing Now,swim in the river,read in the park,sing at home,Usually Do,read in the library,sing at the mall,play basketball in the classroom,Jim usually/always/often swims at the pool. But he is swimming in the river now.,swim at the pool,Steve,play basketball on the playground,Say something about what they do.,一.翻译 现在2点正。我正在电脑上工作.听!我妈妈在和我阿姨打电话.我经常在购物商场买水果.看!他们正在水池里游泳.魏华每天5 点钟打篮球.他父母亲早上起床很早.,Its 2 oclock. Im working on the computer.,Listen! My mother is talking with my aunt on the phone.,I often buy fruit at the mall.,Look! Theyre swimming at the pool.,Wei Hua plays basketball at 5 oclock every day.,His parents get up very early in the morning.,二.用所给词的正确形式填空 _he often_ (draw) a picture? _she _(have) dinner now? Listen! They _(read) newspaper. Its 1 oclock. Where_Li Mei _(play) soccer? We_(go) to schol at 5:00 every day. My mother wants _(buy) a new watch. That_(sound) good. He likes_(play) computer very much. He often plays soccer at school.( often 改为 now)He is playing soccer at school now.,Does draw,Is having,are reading,is playing,go,to buy,sounds,playing,二. 句型转换. Li Mei often does homework at home.Look. Tom is eating lunch.We usually watch TV on Saturday evening.Oh, two oclock. They are playing with a bird.The dolphin is swimming at the pool now. The boys are having classes at school.The cat likes fish.,一般疑问句,否回,一般疑问句,肯回,否定句,否定句,划线提问,划线提问,划线提问,Does Li Mei often do homework at home? No, he doesnt.,Look. Is Tom eating lunch? Yes, he is.,We dont usually watch TV on Saturday evening.,Oh, two oclock. They arent playing with a bird.,What is the dolphin doing at the pool now?,Where are the boys having classes ?,What does the cat like?,Thank you!Goodbye!,Unit 5 Im watching TV.,
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