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1数学史融入数学教学以数学归纳法为例中山女高 苏俊鸿 一、前言 在高中数学的课程中, 除了综合证法外, 希望学生能学习的证明技巧有二种, 一是反证法; 另一为数学归纳法, 这两种证明的概念与形式均与综合证法有着颇 大的差异。无独有偶地,这两种证明技巧均出现在高一上的课程中,学生刚脱离 国中阶段(尤其这几年教改的大力简化),马上面临严苛的证明训练,心中的不解 与苦恼,可想见一般。以数学归纳法为例,曾有国内研究指出:现职高中数学教 师估计所教过的学生中,平均只有 38的学生了解数学归纳法的本质,43的 学生能正确解释数学归纳法的原理, 31的学生能掌握数学归纳法, 并提出一个 具备结构的证明,54的学生只对数学归纳法呈现片断性的了解。(朱绮鸿 for it is apparent that is to as 1 is to 1. 引理 1 在第二底上此命题显然不证自明,因为比等于 1 比 1。 Lemma 2: that if this proportion is found in any base, it will necessarily be found in the following base. 引理 2 如从某一底上有此比例,则在下一底上一定也有此比例。修改版9From which it will be seen that this proportion is necessarily in all the bases: for it is in the second base by the first lemma; hence by the second, it is in the third base, hence in the fourth, and so on to infinity. 从以上引理可见此比例在所有的底上都成立:由引理 1 得知在第二底成立;因 此由引理 2,在第三底上也成立,在第四底上也成立,如此以至无穷。 It is then necessary only to prove the second lemma in this way. If this proportionis met within any base, as in the fourth D, that is, if D is to B as 1 is to 3, and B is to as 2 is to 2, and is to as 3 is to 1, etc., I say that the same proportion will be found in the following base H, and that, for example, E is to C as 2 is to 3. 因此仅须证明引理 2 成立,如在任意底上有此比例,不妨说在第四底 D上,D 比 B 等于 1 比 3,B 比等于 2 比 2,比等于 3 比 1 等等。我说在下一底 H上 也有此比例,例如,E 比 C 等于 2 比 3。 For D is to B as 1 is to 3, by the hypothesis. 由假设,D 比 B 等于 1 比 3 Hence因此 D + B is to B as 1 + 3 is to 3.D+B 比 B 等于 1+3 比 3Eis to B as4is to 3.E比 B 等于4 比 3In the same way B is to as 2 is to 2, by the hypothesis. 同理,假设 B 比等于 2 比 2 Hence因此 B + is to B as 2 + 2 is to 2.B+ 比 B 等于 2+2 比 2Cis to B as4is to 2.C比 B 等于4比 2 But但是B is to E as3is to 4.B 比 E 等于 3 比 4 Hence by the mixed proportion, C is to E as 3 is to 2: Which was to be proved. The same may be demonstrated in all the rest, since this proof is based only on the assumption that the proportion occurs in the preceding base, and that each cell is equal to its preceding plus the one above it, which is true in all cases. 因此 C 比 E 等于 3 比 2,所求得证。同理可证剩下的所有情形,因这一证明仅建 立在此比例于前一底成立,且每一格等于它的前面一格加上它的上面一格.问题与讨论:1、请比较并说明 Wallis 与 Pascal 两人在上述所使用的证明方法的差异?2、由上述推论 12 的证明,有人赞美帕斯卡尔是“清楚的使用现代数学归纳法形式而且认识其价值的第一人”。你觉得数学归纳法是什么?你觉得这样的10赞誉是否得宜?为什么?Workcard 3皮亚诺公设皮亚诺公设在十九世纪中所兴起的分析算术化运动中,它的终点就是所谓的“皮亚诺公设”(Peanoaxioms),它是由意大利数学家 Peano 在 1891 年所提出的。Peano 从不加定义的“集合”、“自然数”、“后继元素”和“属于”等概念出发,给出了关于自然数的五条公设: (1) 0 是一个自然数。(2) 0 不是任何其它自然数的后继元素。 (3) 每一个自然数 a 都有一个后继元素。 (4) 如果 a 与 b 的后继元素相等,则 a=b。 (5) 若一个由自然数所组成的集合 S 包含 0,并且当 S 包含某一自然数 a 时, 它一定也含有 a 的后继元素, 则 S 就包含有全体自然数。很明显的,公设很明显的,公设(5)就是所谓的数学归纳法原理。就是所谓的数学归纳法原理。Poincare 在科学与假说中写着:对我们来说, 为什么此项判断(数学归纳法原理)必须作为无法争辩的自明之理,而强制我们服从呢?那只是对一个作用只要一次承认其可能,据此便可以使该作用作无穷次反复思考,对此理智能力的肯定罢了。它不外乎是对理智本身一种性质的肯定。你觉得呢?问题与讨论:1.请利用书籍或网络,查阅与数学归纳法原理等价的叙述。2.最小自然数原理:任意自然数集合必包含最小的自然数。请说明,数学归纳法原理与最小自然数原理是等价的。3.请利用数学归纳法证明算几不等式:12 12nnnaaaa aan01, 2,iain 并指出等号成立于123naaaa时。(以下两题务必作答以下两题务必作答)(写于背面写于背面)4 经过上述的介绍,同学们对于数学归纳法是否有另一种的体会呢?请写下你11的心得。5.这种上课的方式你喜欢吗?将数学史融入数学课程中是否能帮助你对于数学归纳法的概念更加掌握?不管答案肯定与否,请说明你的理由。12Pascal论算术三角推论论算术三角推论 12 证明的中译证明的中译Although this proposition has an infinite number of cases, I will give a rather short demonstration, assuming two lemmas. 虽然这一命题有无限多种情况,我将给出一个很短的证明,首先假定两个引理。Lemma 1: which is self-evident, that this proportion is met with in the secondbase; for it is apparent that is to as 1 is to 1. 引理 1 在第二底上此命题显然不证自明,因为比等于 1 比 1。Lemma 2: that if this proportion is found in any base, it will necessarily be found in the following base. 引理 2 如从某一底上有此比例,则在下一底上一定也有此比例。From which it will be seen that this proportion is necessarily in all the bases: for it is in the second base by the first lemma; hence by the second, it is in the third base, hence in the fourth, and so on to infinity. 从以上引理可见此比例在所有的底上都成立:由引理 1 得知在第二底成立;因 此由引理 2,在第三底上也成立,在第四底上也成立,如此以至无穷。It is then necessary only to prove the second lemma in this way. If this proportionis met within any base, as in the fourth D, that is, if D is to B as 1 is to 3, and B is to as 2 is to 2, and is to as 3 is to 1, etc., I say that the same proportion will be found in the following base H, and that, for example, E is to C as 2 is to 3. 因此仅须证明引理 2 成立,如在任意底上有此比例,不妨说在第四底 D上,D 比 B 等于 1 比 3,B 比等于 2 比 2,比等于 3 比 1 等等。我说在下一底 H上 也有此比例,例如,E 比 C 等于 2 比 3。For D is to B as 1 is to 3, by the hypothesis. 由假设,D 比 B 等于 1 比 3Hence 因此 D + B is to B as 1 + 3 is to 3.D+B 比 B 等于 1+3 比 3Eis to B as4is to 3.E比 B 等于4 比 313In the same way B is to as 2 is to 2, by the hypothesis. 同理,假设 B 比等于 2 比 2 Hence 因此 B + is to B as 2 + 2 is to 2.B+ 比 B 等于 2+2 比 2Cis to B as4is to 2.C比 B 等于4比 2 But 但是 B is to E as3is to 4.B 比 E 等于 3 比 4Hence by the mixed proportion, C is to E as 3 is to 2: Which was to be proved. The same may be demonstrated in all the rest, since this proof is based only on the assumption that the proportion occurs in the preceding base, and that each cell is equal to its preceding plus the one above it, which is true in all cases. 因此 C 比 E 等于 3 比 2,所求得证。同理可证剩下的所有情形,因这一证明仅建 立在此比例于前一底成立,且每一格等于它的前面一格加上它的上面一格(这在
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