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Chapter 8 the hot topics in genomics and Post-Genome Era,Molecular Biology Course,Topic 1 Genome and genomics Topic 2 Proteomics Topic 3 Metabolomics Topic 4 Human Microbiome Project (HMP),Outline,Key points 重点掌握:,The progress and importance of the HGP( HGP 计划的进展及重要意义); Shotgun sequencing technology(鸟枪法序列分析技术);The content of HapMap plan (HapMap计划内容) ;人类元基因组计划 the concept and progress of transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics( 转录组学、蛋白组学及代谢组学概念及进展)。,The studies on gene are the main line of life sciences in the 20th century 基因研究是20世纪生命科学的主线, in the first half of the 20th century , as represented by genetics, the main outcomes of the life sciences include law of segregation , law of independent assortment , law of linkage and crossing over , chemical properties of gene, DNA double helix structure, etc. 20世纪的上半叶,以遗传学为代表,生命科学通过对基因分离、独立分配、连锁及化学属性等的研究,最后以作为遗传信息载体的DNA双螺旋结构的提出而告捷。, In the second half of the 20th century, as represented by molecular biology, the life sciences reveal the mechanisms of DNA replication, transcription, translation and analysis the genetic codes and put forward “the central dogma”. 20世纪下半叶,以分子生物学为代表,生命科学通过对基因复制、转录、翻译及遗传密码的分析与破译,最终以统一生命世界各层次,生命科学各分支的“中心法则”的问世而集成。, In the 1990s, with the global genome project, particularly the Human Genome Project (HGP) , gene research has been near “the peak”, human knowledge on the life world reached an unprecedented depth and breadth. 20世纪90年代,随着全球基因组计划,尤其是人类基因组计划(HGP)规模空前、速度惊人的推进,基因研究已接近“登峰造极”,人类对生命世界的理性认识达到了前所未有的深度与广度。,The three major scientific discoveries in the 20th century (the theory of relativity, quantum theory, DNA double helix structure) have led to three major science and technology projects of human : 20世纪三大科学发现(相对论,量子论,DNA双螺旋结构)导致了人类三大科技工程: Manhattan Project (nuclear weapons, nuclear power and nuclear technologies) 曼哈顿工程(核武器,以及接着而来的核动力和核技术的广泛应用); Project Apollo (lunar landing, space research and development);阿波罗工程(登月,航天与空间研究开发); Human Genome Project (HGP) 人类基因组工程。,In the 20th century, three science and technology projects of human 20世纪的人类三大科技工程,Topic 1 Genome and Genomics (基因组和基因组学),1.1 Genome:,the word genome is from gene and chromosome , refers to a full set of chromosomes or genes in an organism. 基因组一词是从 genes 和 chromosomes 合成而来,用来描述生物的全部基因和染色体组成的概念。,In 1986, American scientist Thomas Roderick first proposed the concept of genomics. Genomics is the study of an organisms entire genome, including genome mapping (including the genetic map, physical map and transcription map), nucleotide sequence analysis, gene mapping and gene functional analysis. 1986年, 美国科学家 Thomas Roderick 首先提出了基因组学 (genomics) 的概念。指对所有基因进行基因组作图(包括遗传图谱,物理图谱和转录图谱),核苷酸序列分析,基因定位和基因功能分析。, Genomics should be divided into two categories: structural genomics, whose goal is the whole genome sequencing, and functional genomics, whose target is to identify the function of gene. The latter also known as the post-genome research. 基因组学应该包括两方面内容:以全基因组测序为目标的结构基因组学 (structural genomics) 和以基因功能鉴定为目标的功能基因组学 (functional genomics) ,后者又称后基因组研究 (post-genome).,March 7, 1986, the U.S. scientist first put forward an important scientific concept concerning the analysis of the human genome sequence . 1986年月日,美国科学家、诺贝尔奖获得者、肿瘤病毒专家雷托杜伯克在美国科学杂志上发表了一篇题为癌症研究的转折点人类基因组的全序列分析的短文,提出有关分析人类基因组全序列的重要科学构想。,This article will become the important driving force of the international human genome project. 杜伯克在这篇文章后来被称为“人类基因组计划课题标书” ,成为日后国际人类基因组计划启动和实施的重要推动力。 In 1990 the U.S. Congress formally approved the Human Genome Project. 经过反复讨论,数易其稿,1990年美国国会正式批准了人类基因组计划。,1.2 human genomic project, HGP (人类基因组计划), In October 1990, the international Human Genome Project started, the United States, Britain, Japan, France, Germany, and China have joined the project. 1990年十月,国际人类基因组计划启动,美、英、日、法、德、中六国相继加入其中。计划用15年时间、30亿美元的经费,测定大约30亿碱基对的DNA序列和识别其中所有的基因。中国完成1的任务。, The essence of HGP is the human genome mapping and sequencing, aiming at deciphering the genetic information of human. HGP的本质是对人类基因组进行作图和序列测定,旨在破译人类所有的遗传信息。,In 1998, Craig Venter challenges the international Human Genome Project 挑战国际人类基因组计划,Francis Collins & J. Craig Venter,Venter (left) and Collins bury their differences for the joint announcement of the draft map.,Craig Venter has never been one to mince words or shy away from a challenge: after beating government scientists to the punch by mapping the human genome first in 2000 using his innovative shotgun sequencing technique, he embarked on a new mission to travel around the world and discover thousands of new bacteria and proteins aboard his research vessel, Sorcerer II. He hopes to parlay his findings from that trip into his grand new project: synthesizing a new breed of microbes from scratch that could produce biofuels or reduce greenhouse gas emissions.,GREAT EXPECTATIONS 26th JUNE 2000,The fully sequenced human genome: “Without a doubt this is the most important and most wondrous map ever produced by mankind. This will symbolise the start of a new era of medical treatment and diagnosis which will have a profound effect on humankind for centuries to come“.,
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