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1UnitUnit 3 3 LivingLiving PlanetPlanet warmingupwarmingup章节: Book5 unit3 Living Planet 课时:1 课时 课题名称unit3 Living Planet三维目标Instructional objectives (language knowledge and language skills)1. To learn some basic information about the earth2. To talk about how to protect the earth with your partners重点目标. To learn some basic information about the earth2. To talk about how to protect the earth with your partners 难点目标. To learn some basic information about the earth2. To talk about how to protect the earth with your partners 导入示标Present the aims what we will learn in this lesson目标三导StepStep 1.1. 学做思一:学做思一:导学:导学:StepStep 1 1 LeLead-inad-in WatchWatch a a vediovedio andand answeranswer thethe followingfollowing questions.questions. WhereWhere isis Earth?Earth? WhatWhat dodo youyou knowknow aboaboutut thethe otherother planetsplanets inin ourour solarsolar system?system? NowNow letslets comecome toto thethe earth.earth. WhatWhat dodo youyou knowknow aboutabout thethe earth?earth?eg.eg. HowHow doesdoes thethe earthearth comecome intointo being?being?TheThe structurestructure ofof thethe earthearthWhatWhat dodo youyou knowknow abouabout t thethe sun,sun, thethe moon,moon, andand thethe earth?earth? 导做:2.2. LookLook atat thethe picturepicture ofof EarthEarth andand workwork inin pairspairs toto completecomplete thethe shortshort paragraphparagraph withwith proproperper words.words.WhatWhat doesdoes EarthEarth looklook like?like? ThisThis photophoto showsshows whatwhat EarthEarth lookslooks likelike fromfrom a a spaceship.spaceship. IfIf youyou werewere onon thethe spaceship,spaceship, youdyoud seesee a a hugehuge _ andand _ ball.ball. TheThe blueblue partsparts areare thethe _ thatthat areare onon EarthEarth andand thethe whitewhite partsparts areare 2_._. TheThe cloudsclouds areare partpart ofof _ atmosphere.atmosphere. EarthEarth isis notnot perfectlyperfectly _._. TheThe partsparts wewe callcall “top”“top” andand “bottom”“bottom” areare a a littlelittle _._. WeWe callcall thethe toptop partpart thethe _ PolePole andand thethe bottombottom partpart thethe _ Pole.Pole. EarthEarth isis justjust thethe rightright distancedistance fromfrom thethe sun.sun. ItItss notnot tootoo _ oror tootoo _._. ThatsThats whywhy peoplepeople andand otherother thingsthings cancan livelive onon _._. EarthEarth isis thethe onlyonly planetplanet wewe knowknow ofof thatthat hashas _._.导思:导思:1.1. EarthEarth usedused toto bebe a a beautifulbeautiful planet,planet, butbut nownow2.2. WhatWhat cancan wewe dodo toto helphelp ourour planet?planet?AndAnd takingtaking traintrain cancan alsoalso helphelp a a reductionreduction ofof greenhousegreenhouse gas.gas. 1.havinghaving thethe recycledrecycled productsproducts2.usingusing low-flowlow-flow showershower headsheads3.InIn somesome cases,cases, itit onlyonly takestakes a a littlelittle changechange inin lifestylelifestyle andand behaviorbehavior toto makemake a a greatgreat difference.difference. ForFor otherother typestypes ofof actions,actions, thethe changeschanges areare moremore significant.significant. WhenWhen thatthat actionaction isis multipliedmultiplied byby thethe 1.31.3 billionbillion peoplepeople inin ChinaChina oror thethe 6 6 billionbillion peoplepeople woworldwide,rldwide, thethe savingssavings areare significant.significant.达标检测反思总结 1.知识建构2.能力提高3.课堂体验课后作业HomeworkHomeworkSearchSearch forfor moremore informationinformation aboutabout thethe earthearth onon thethe Internet.Internet.3
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