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1UnitUnit 3 3 PowerfulPowerful MusicMusic PeriodPeriod 4 4、5 5 GrammarGrammar章节: Book 2 Unit 3 课时:2 课时 课题名称Unit 3 Period 4/5 Grammar三维目标1.1. InstructionalInstructional ObjectivesObjectivesLet the students know more about how to use the relative pronouns and some special rules for the relative pronouns.2.2. EducationalEducational ObjectivesObjectives1) Continue to develop the students habit of self-learning and team spirit.2) Cultivate their learning strategiesstrategies ofof reasoning,reasoning, analyzinganalyzing andand summarizing.summarizing.3.3. PersonalPersonal ObjectivesObjectives重点目标The usage of relative pronouns 难点目标1)The usage of whose2) Preposition + which whom3) the difference between a what clause and a relative clause导入示标学做思一:学做思一:Step 1. GreetingsT: Good afternoon, class. How are you?Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Fei. Fine, thank you.(Some students answered.) Tired!(Some students looked sleepy.) (So I asked them to stand up and follow me to do some relaxing actions. Then in half a minute, they were not so sleepy and they seemed happy )Aim:to relax students so that they can be full of energy for the class学做思二:学做思二:StepStep 2 2 RoutineRoutine tasktaskTheThe translationtranslation ofof PhrasesPhrases andand ExpressionsExpressions ofof UnitUnit ThreeThree fromfrom ChineseChinese intointo 8English.English.(The students wrote down the Chinese in their exercise books for dictation when they were remembering them. )Aim:Aim: toto checkcheck thatthat theythey reciterecite wordswords oror prasesprases everyevery daydayStepStep 2 2 ReviseRevise thethe usageusage ofof thethe attributiveattributive byby askingasking thethe studentsstudents toto finishfinish thethe blanks.blanks.Who is the handsome boy? I like her bow.Every day, there are eight period in the daytime. Please wait for me at the school gate.Do you know the girl sleeping in class? The student blamed by the teacher cried.思考:1. 画线部分在句中作_,中文中,主要翻译成_的形式.2. 定语可以由_充当.3. 定语的位置 A._:_B:_: _Aim:Aim: toto letlet thethe studentsstudents havehave a a wholewhole ideaidea aboutabout thethe functionfunction andand positionposition ofof thethe attributivesattributives inin sentences.sentences.StepStep 3 3 reviserevise thethe fivefive sentencesentence patternspatterns andand elementselements ofof sentencessentencesAim:Aim: toto consolidateconsolidate thethe structuresstructures andand elementselements ofof sentences.sentences.StepStep 4 4 StructureStructure presentationpresentationAims:Aims: ToTo traintrain thethe studentsstudents learninglearning strategiesstrategies ofof reasoning,reasoning, analyzinganalyzing andand summarizingsummarizingToTo knowknow moremore informationinformation ofof thethe relativerelative pronounspronouns 1.A.那个男孩站在门边,他是我的一个同学.B. 那个站在门边的男孩是我的同学.A.The boy who is standing by the door is one of my classmates.B.The boy is standing by the door. He is one of my classmates.2. A. 我们昨天看了这部电影,很有意思。B. 我们昨天看的电影很有意思。A.We saw the film yesterday. It was interesting.11B.The film which we saw yesterday was very interesting.3. A. 你认识那个她妈妈是我们英语老师的女孩吗?B. 你认识那个女孩吗?她的妈妈是我们的英语老师。ADo you know the girl? Her mother is our English teacher.B. Do you know the girl whoes mother is our English teacher?4. A.他们正在谈论的那个男孩是我的哥哥。B.他们正在谈论那个男孩。他是我的哥哥。A. Theyre talking about that boy. He is my brother.B. The boy who theyre talking about is my brother.5. A. 我知道一个你可以买到这种运动鞋的地方。B. 我知道一个地方,在那里,你可以买到这种运动鞋。A.I know a place where you can buy this kind of sports shoes.B.I know a place. In the place, you can buy this kind of sports shoes.归纳:1.注意中英文划线部分,从中我们可以知道,在英语中,修饰_或_的_叫_。 2. 被修饰的_或_, 称为_. 3. 引导_的词,称为_, 放在_和 _之间。4.关系词分为_和_.StepStep 5 5 PresentationPresentation ofof relativerelative clausesclauses1.1.普通代词和关系代词的区别普通代词和关系代词的区别I have a sister. She works in Shanghai. Lucy studies in the school. Her school achievements are good.普通代词只起_的作用。I have a sister who works in Shanghai.Lucy whose school achievements are good studies in the schoo.关系代词的作用:A._B._C._2.2.关系代词关系代词 who,who, that,that, whomwhom2The man whothat was just standing there just now is our teacher.The boy (whothatwhom) you saved yesterday is my nighbor.The employer (whothatwhom) we work for is very mean.The employer for whom we work is very mean.I dont know the man (whothatwhom) you are talking about.I dont know the man about whom you are talking.归纳:A. whothat 的先行词是_,在定语从句中作_或_,作主语时,不可以_;作宾语
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